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Summary:Muscle forces during femoral flexion

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  • Summary:Muscle forces during femoral flexion

    Thankyou to everyone who replied. I'm certainly not short of papers to
    refer to now! Here's a summary of the replies I received.


    Dear list,

    I am trying to construct a rig that simulates the forces acting on the
    femur when it is flexed during gait.

    Although muscle forces acting on the femur (those of the abductors
    and tensor fascia latae) during single legged stance are
    well documented, I am having difficulty finding any such information
    regarding muscle forces during femoral flexion.

    If anyone has any ideas or information regarding which muscles are active
    (I believe the abductors, tensor fascia latae and perhaps the vasti
    muscles) at this stage and with what magnitude/direction they act on the
    femur, I would greatly appreciate the help.

    I will post a summary of results if I receive a good response.

    Thanks in advance,

    Rebecca Eveleigh

    Postgraduate research student
    School of Mechanical Engineering
    University of Bath

    E-mail: enprje@bath
    Tel: (01225) 826465
    Fax: (01225) 826928

    SUMMARY OF REPLIES Tue Jul 2 16:07:08 1996
    Date: Thu, 27 Jun 96 13:07:53 BST
    From: Andrew Hart
    Subject: Re: muscle forces during femoral flexion

    The best person that I know of in this area is Dr. Julian Minns at Dryburn =
    Hosiptal, Durham. If he does not know the answer he may be able to tell you=
    wher to find it. He can be contacted on 0191 333 2220. He may be out so le=
    ave a message on his=20
    answer phone.

    Good Luck,

    Andrew Hart.
    University of Teesside.
    U.K. Tue Jul 2 16:07:15 1996
    Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 13:31:55 +0100 (BST)
    From: Danielle Toutoungi
    To: R J Eveleigh
    Subject: Re: muscle forces during femoral flexion

    What you need is a=20
    lower-limb model. And we've got one.
    They (there's either a 2D or a 3D=20
    version) can tell you the directions of the muscle forces during any=20
    activity. Then the analysis we do on the gait-lab data gives us estimates
    of muscle force. We have done quite a lot of work on gait (well, not me
    personally!), so we should be able to help. The problem is that the=20
    forces and directions change a lot during the walking cycle snd I suspect=
    it would be difficult to simulate. But you could maybe work out some kind
    of average.
    Anyway, the person who really knows about this is Tung-Wu Lu.He may reply
    to you himself, but
    if not his email is He's in a meeting at the mo, but=20
    when he's free I'll have a word with him and see what he says.=20
    Just to get it clear: you want to know the magnitudes and lines of action=
    of the muscles acting on the femur during the swing phase of gait, right?


    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    (but you can still use the one below, which is best)

    Danielle Toutoungi, D.Phil. Research Student,
    Oxford Orthopaedic Engineering Centre, University of Oxford.
    tel: ++ (0)1865 227684 =20
    fax: ++ (0)1865 742348=09 email:

    "Time flies like an arrow, Fruit flies like a banana" - Anon.
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Tue Jul 2 16:07:48 1996
    Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 13:51:27 GMT0BST
    Subject: Re: muscle forces during femoral flexion

    Dear Rebbeca,

    I believe that Dr Clive Lee in Mech Eng. at Exeter Univ has a rig=20
    that may help you. I don't have his E-mail however try giving him a=20

    John Middleton
    John Middleton Dept of Civil Eng/Biomedical Eng
    Engineering Building, University of Wales Swansea
    Swansea, UK. Tel. 01792(295514) Fax.(295676) Tue Jul 2 16:07:22 1996
    Date: Thu, 27 Jun 96 6:37:24 MDT
    From: Murray Ernest Maitland
    Subject: Re: femoral flexion

    Dear Rebecca:
    When I think of walking, I tend to think of joint flexion
    extension rather than bone flexion. It sounds to me that your
    question could be paraphrased "forces acting on the femur during
    hip flexion when the subject is walking": unless you mean bending
    moments or something similar. If you are really looking a forces
    acting on the femur you may need to include all muscles attached
    to the femur but this depends on your question.=20

    Murray Tue Jul 2 16:07:33 1996
    Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 14:58:37 +0200
    From: Georg Duda
    To: R J Eveleigh
    Subject: Re: muscle forces during femoral flexion

    Dear Rebecca,

    I recently finished my thesis "Influence of Muscle Forces
    on the Internal Loads in the Femur during Gait" which may be=20
    of interest to you.
    It includes an overview of the most common solution sets
    of muscle force calculations for gait, although the main topic is
    the load state of the femur.

    You can check out the thesis abstract at under=20
    publications as well as other transaction abstracts to the same

    If the work is within your scope you may order a copy from
    the publisher (Shaker Verlag Aachen, ISBN 3-8265-1474-2) or, if
    there are still enough copies, directly from me.

    I hope, that helps with your question,

    __________________________________________________ ______________________

    Dr. Ing. Georg Duda
    Abteilung Unfallchirurgische Forschung & Biomechanik
    Universitaet Ulm - Klinikum
    Helmholtzstrasse 14
    89 081 ULM

    tel: +49.731.502.3494
    fax: +49.731.502.3498
    __________________________________________________ ______________________ Tue Jul 2 16:07:41 1996
    Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 14:18:41 +0100 (BST)
    From: Danielle Toutoungi
    To: R J Eveleigh
    Subject: Re: muscle forces during femoral flexion

    I've been talking to Tung-Wu, and in fact we may not be able to help as
    much as I thought. We've got the data from the 2D model, but that only
    includes rectus femoris, hamstrings, gluteus maximus and illiopsoas at
    the hip. The 3D model includes lots more muscles, but we get hundreds of
    possible solution combinations (the way we try to get round the=20
    indeterminacy is to select all the possible determinate combinations of=20
    muscles in turn, solve the equations, find which ones give sensible=20
    answers and then compare them with emg data - it works well in 2D, but
    at the moment, in 3D, during the swing phase there are often over a=20
    hundred solutions per frame, so it's rather difficult to choose which
    is the most likely!) so it's not really at a stage where we can give you
    any useful answers.=20
    But Tung-Wu made the following points:
    * if you really want a realistic load environment, you do need to take=20
    into account all the muscles, including the biarticular muscles which span
    the femur. Apparently this makes a big difference to the loads in the=20
    * but, that's probably more important during stance, when all the forces
    are much bigger. During swing phase the muscle and contact forces will
    be much lower, obviously.=20

    Some references that may be useful are:
    * White, S.C., Yack, H.J. and Winter, D.A. (1989) A 3D musculo-skeletal=20
    model for gait-analysis. Anatomical variability estimates. J Biomech. 22,=
    (I think this gives muscle insertion and origin coordinates; you may have
    to scale the values to suit your particular "subject")

    *Cristofolini, L. et al. (1995) Influence of the thigh muscles on the=20
    axial strains in a proximal femur during early stance in gait. J Biomech.=
    28(5), 617-624.
    (You probably already have this one, and it's only for stance phase, but
    you never know...)

    *Cheal, E.J. et al. (1992) Role of loads and prostheses material=20
    properties on the mechanics of the proximal femur..., J Orth Res, 10,=20
    (Apparently this may have swing phase data)

    *Brand, R.A. et al (1994) Comparison of hip force calculations and=20
    measurements in the same patient. J Arthroplasty 9, 45-51.

    *Crowninshield, R.D. et al (1978) A biomechanical investigation of the=20
    human hip. J Biomech. 11, 75-85.

    Sorry I can't be as much use as I thought. If you want the 2D model
    estimates, try contacting Richie ( because he's
    looked at swing phase. Tung-Wu's more into stance phase, but he says
    do email him if you want any more info.=20


    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    (but you can still use the one below, which is best)

    Danielle Toutoungi, D.Phil. Research Student,
    Oxford Orthopaedic Engineering Centre, University of Oxford.
    tel: ++ (0)1865 227684 =20
    fax: ++ (0)1865 742348=09 email:

    "Time flies like an arrow, Fruit flies like a banana" - Anon.
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Tue Jul 2 16:07:55 1996
    Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 10:04:27 -0400
    Subject: Re: muscle forces during femoral flexion

    Hello Rebecca

    There's a dissertation that has looked at quantifying the muscle forces=20
    during gait. I've used the data published there in my work. The citation is=

    A.G. Patriarco, "Prediction of Individual Muscle Forces During Human Moveme=
    PhD Dissertation, MIT, 1992.

    Also, check out the paper by E.J. Cheal, M. Spector, and W.C. Hayes, "Role =
    Loads and Prosthesis Material Properties on the Mechanics of the Proximal F=
    After Total Hip Arthroplasty," J. of Orthopaedic Research, 10, 405-422, 199=

    Sundar Srinivasan. Tue Jul 2 16:08:06 1996
    Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 18:37:39 +0100
    From: Luca Cristofolini
    To: R J Eveleigh
    Subject: Re: muscle forces during femoral flexion

    >Dear list,
    >I am trying to construct a rig that simulates the forces acting on the
    >femur when it is flexed during gait.
    >Although muscle forces acting on the femur (those of the abductors
    >and tensor fascia latae) during single legged stance are
    >well documented, I am having difficulty finding any such information
    >regarding muscle forces during femoral flexion.
    >If anyone has any ideas or information regarding which muscles are active
    >(I believe the abductors, tensor fascia latae and perhaps the vasti
    >muscles) at this stage and with what magnitude/direction they act on the
    >femur, I would greatly appreciate the help.
    >I will post a summary of results if I receive a good response.
    >Thanks in advance,
    >Rebecca Eveleigh
    >Postgraduate research student
    >School of Mechanical Engineering
    >University of Bath
    >E-mail: enprje@bath
    >Tel: (01225) 826465
    >Fax: (01225) 826928

    Dear Rebecca,

    you might like to have a look at the following papers:
    Cristofolini L., Viceconti M., Toni A., Giunti A.,1995,Influence of thigh
    muscles on the axial strains in a proximal femur during early stance in
    gait.,J. Biomechanics 28(5): 617-624
    Davy D.T., Kotzar G.M., Brown R.H., Heiple K.G., Goldberg V.M., Heiple
    K.G. JR., Berilla J., Burstein A.,1988, Telemetric force measurements
    across the hip after total arthroplasty,J. Bone Jt. Surg. 70-A: 45-50
    Paul J.P., MC Grouther D.A.,1975,Forces trasmitted at the hip and knee
    joint of normal and disabled persons during a range of activities,Acta
    Orthop. Belg. 41:78- 88
    Finlay J.B., Rorabeck C.H., Bourne R.B., Tew W.M.,1989,In Vitro analysis
    of proximal femoral strains using PCA femoral implants and a hip-abductor
    muscle simulator,J. Arthroplasty 4: 335-349
    Crowninshield R.D., Johnston R.C., Andrews J.G., Brand R.A.,1978,A
    biomechanical investigation of the human hip,J. Biomechanics 11: 75-85
    Hoy M.G., Zajac F.E., Gordon M.E.,1990,A muscoloskeletal model of the human
    lower extremity: the effect of muscle, tendon, and moment arm on the
    moment-angle relationship of muscolotendon actuators at the hip, knee and
    ankle,J. Biomechanics 23: 157-169
    Johnston R.C., Brand R.A., Crowninshield R.D.,1979,Reconstruction of the
    hip,J. Bone Jt. Surg. 61-A: 639-652
    Kotzar G.M., Davy D.T., Goldberg V.M., Heiple K.G., Berilla J., Heiple K.G.
    JR., Brown R.H., Burstein A.H.,1991,Telemeterized in vivo hip joint force
    data: a report on two patients after total hip surgery,J. Orthop. Res. 9:
    Van Krieken F.M., Den Heeten G.J., Pedersen D.R., Brand R.A., Crowninshield
    R.D.,1985,Prediction of muscle and joint loads after segmental femur
    replacement for osteosarcoma,Clin. Orthop. Rel. Res. 198: 273-283
    Davy T.D., Audu M.L.,1987,A dynamic optimization technique for predicting
    muscle forces in the swing phase of gait,J. Biomechanics 20 (2): 187-201
    Patriarco A.G., Mann R.W., Simon S.R., Mansour J.M.,1981,An evaluation of
    the approaches of optimization models in the prediction of muscle forces
    during human gait,J. Biomechanics 14 (8): 513-525
    Dostal W.F., Andrews J.G.,1981,A three-dimensional model of hip
    musculature,J. Biomechanics 14: 803-812
    Cheal E.J., Spector M., Hayes W.C.,1992,Role of loads and prostheses
    material properties on the mechanics of the proximal femur after total hip
    arthroplasty,J. Orthop. Res. 10: 405-422
    Rohrle H., Scholten R., Sigolotto C., Sollbach W., Kellner H.,1984,Joint
    forces in the human pelvis-leg skeleton during walking,J. Biomechanics 17:
    Glitsch U.,1993,Comparison of different optimization approaches for the
    evaluation of internal loads of the lower limb,XIV I.S.B. Congress Book of
    Abstracts- Paris: 492-493
    Lengsfeld A., Stammberger U., Reeh S., Franke R.P.,1993,In vitro
    measurement of lower extremity muscle coordinates,XIV I.S.B. Congress Book
    of Abstracts- Paris: 780-781
    Lamontagne M., N=E9meth G., Wretenberg P.,1993,A new approach to validate a
    musculo-skeletal human knee joint model,XIV I.S.B. Congress Book of
    Abstracts- Paris:752-753
    Froeling M., Krieg M., Pussel V., Ruder H.,1993,Optimization of the
    locomotor system- A universal biomechanical approach,XIV I.S.B. Congress
    Book of Abstracts- Paris: 428-429
    Jacob H.A.C., Huggler A.H., Ruttimann B.,1982,In-vivo investigation on the
    mechanical function of the tractus iliotibialis=0BChapter in: Biomechanics =
    Principles and applications,Huiskes R., van Campen D.H., de Wijn J.R. eds.,
    Martinus Nijhoff Publishers:161-167
    Bergmann G., Graichen F., Rohlmann A.,1993,Hip joint loading during walking
    and running, measured in two patients,J. Biomechanics 26: 969-990
    Apkarian J;, Naumann S., Cairns B.,1989,A three-dimensional kinematic and
    dinamic model of the lower limb,J. Biomechanics 22: 143-155
    Gdoutos E.E., Raftopoulos D.D., Baril J.D.,1982,A critical review of the
    biomechanical stress analysis of the human femur,Biomaterials 3:2-8
    Duda G.N., Brand D., Schneider E.,1994,Influence of muscle forces on
    femoral loadi,Abstracts 2nd World Congress of Biomechanics- Amsterdam
    Blankervoort L., Koolos J.G.M. eds. vol. 2: 337
    Colgan D., Trench P., Slemon D., McTague D., Finlay J.B., O'Donnel P.,
    Little E.G.,1994,A review of joint and muscle load simulation relevant to
    in-vitro stress analysis of the hip,Strain 30(2): 47-61
    Vasavada A.N., Delp S.L., Maloney W.J., Schurman D.J., Zajac
    F.E.,1994,Compensating for changes in muscle length in total hip
    arthroplasty,Clin. Orthop. Rel. Res. 302: 121-133
    Delp S.L., Maloney W.,1993,Effects of hip center location on the
    moment-generating capacity of the muscles,J. Biomechanics 26: 485-499
    Collins J.J.,1994,The redundant nature of locomotor optimization laws,J.
    Biomechanics 28: 251-267
    Munting E., Verhelpen M.,1993,Mechanical simulator for the upper femur,Acta
    Orthop. Belg. 59: 123-129
    Bergmann G., Kniggendorf H., Graichen F., Rohlmann A.,1995,Influence of
    shoes and heel strike on the loading of the hip joint,J. Biomechanics 28:
    Robinson R.P., Bohne W.H., Burstein A.H.,1982,Hip joint forces in sitting
    positions,28th Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society Book of
    Abstracts- New Orleans, Louisiana: 274
    Fitzsimmons A.M., Nicol A.C., Lane J., Kelly I.G.,1995,Hip joint loading
    during activities of daily living,XV ISB Congress Book of Abstracts -
    Jyv=E4skyl=E4, Finland: 278-279
    Bergmann G., Siraky J., Rohlmann A., Koelbel R.,1984,A comparison of hip
    joint forces in sheep, dog and man,J. Biomechanics 17: 907-921
    Taylor M.E., Tanner K.E., Freeman M.A.R., Yettram A.L.,1996,Stress and
    strain distribution within the intact femur: compression or bending?,Med.
    Eng. Phys. 18: 122-131
    Tummer S.T., Wang Xishi, Akkas N.,1995,A planar dynamic anatomical model of
    the human lower limb,Biomed. Eng. Appl. Basis Comm. 7(4): 365-378
    Shelley F.J., Anderson D.D., Kolar M.J., Miller M.C., Rubash
    H.E.,1996,Physical modelling of hip joint forces in stair climbing,Proc.
    Instn. Mech Engrs. Part H: J. Engineering in Medicine 210: 65-68

    Most of works actually focus on gait, but you will also find some info
    about stair climbing and similar activities. Hope this helps. Best wishes.

    Luca Cristofolini

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Luca Cristofolini
    Laboratorio di Tecnologia dei Materiali tel. 39-(0)51-6366864
    Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli fax. 39-(0)51-6366863
    Via di Barbiano 1/10
    40136 Bologna, Italy
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Experience is the name we give to our errors.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - Tue Jul 2 16:09:02 1996
    Date: Sun, 30 Jun 1996 10:55:28 -0400
    From: Sharon Gabison
    Subject: Hip flexor moments

    Hi Rebecca,

    I am a graduate student at the University of Toronto looking at the strengt=
    of the hip abductors in patients with OA of the hip.=20

    In response to your request, I feel that both the rectus femoris, and
    iliopsoas muscles are involved in the generation of hip flexor moments. I
    believe they act in the pure sagittal plane.=20

    I have one small request from you. You mentioned that the hip abductor
    muscle forces are well documented in single leg stance during gait. I have
    looked at Winter's data, is this what you are referring to? I would be eage=
    to be directed to other literature which I may have missed.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.


    Sharon Gabison
    M.Sc. Candidate, B.Sc.P.T., B.Sc.
    University of Toronto
    Graduate Department of Rehabilitation Science=20