To: multiple recipients
I am a lecturer and do research in a field that is closely connected to
biomechanics: engineering anthropometry. I am involved in creating data-
bases useful for industrial design engineers and human factor specialists.
If anyone does something equal or knows a list where anthropometric problems
can be discussed, I am very grateful to hear.
One problem I like to mention here as an example:
How large should be the diameter of the tube of a CT-scanner:
1. as the maximum value of the elbow-to-elbow width from a representative
sample measured in supine position?
2. as the 95th percentile of the elbow-to-elbow width from the literature
mostly measured in standing position?
3. including 1. or 2. and a arbitrary chosen additional value for a
comfortable posture?
Johan F.M. Molenbroek
Dept Industrial Design Engineering
Delft University of Technology NL
Jaffalaan 9, NL-2628 BX Delft, The Netherlands
tel 31-15-783086
fax 31-15-787316
I am a lecturer and do research in a field that is closely connected to
biomechanics: engineering anthropometry. I am involved in creating data-
bases useful for industrial design engineers and human factor specialists.
If anyone does something equal or knows a list where anthropometric problems
can be discussed, I am very grateful to hear.
One problem I like to mention here as an example:
How large should be the diameter of the tube of a CT-scanner:
1. as the maximum value of the elbow-to-elbow width from a representative
sample measured in supine position?
2. as the 95th percentile of the elbow-to-elbow width from the literature
mostly measured in standing position?
3. including 1. or 2. and a arbitrary chosen additional value for a
comfortable posture?
Johan F.M. Molenbroek
Dept Industrial Design Engineering
Delft University of Technology NL
Jaffalaan 9, NL-2628 BX Delft, The Netherlands
tel 31-15-783086
fax 31-15-787316