Dear Biomch-L readers (USA in particular?),

The following notice was received today from RESEARCH@TEMPLEVM.

With kind regards -- Herman J. Woltring

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Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 09:31:03 EST
Originally_from: V2153A@TEMPLEVM.BITNET
Subject: Sponsored Projects
Sender: Research News

The following agencies have upcoming deadlines:

Hewlett Packard Company - University Equipment Grants, Due: 7/1/91
HP awards gifts of equipment (computers, analytical, and medical). The
majority of gifts are made to departments of computer science & electrical
engineering. Some gifts made to chemistry and medical schools.

NSF - Alan Waterman Award, Deadline: 12/31/91: $500,000 is presented annually
to an outstanding young scientist, mathematician or engineer. Nominations are
accepted from a wide variety of sources. Candidates must be US citizens,
under 36 years of age and no more than 5 years beyond receipts of the

Japan-U.S. Friendship commission, Deadline: 8/1/91: Commission provides funds
for Japanese studies, the arts, policy oriented research and public affairs/

U.S. Dept. of Education - Rehabilitation Research Training, Deadline:
9/30/91: new grants to provide advanced rehabilitation research training to
Ph.D.'s in related fields. $450,000 available for this program.

Foundation for Microbiology: no deadline: Grants in Microbiology, Immunology,
Virology. Grants up to $40,000 are made for lectureships, meetings, symposia,
przes, unusual publication costs, courses and other projects in the respec-
tive areas. Project duration is generally less than 3 years.

Gustavus and Louise Pfeiffer Research Foundation: Grants in aid: no deadline:
Grants $40,000 max. are made in the fields of basic biomedical and pharmaceu-
tical research. Pilot projects involving small amounts of money are prefer-
red. Apllicants should send an initial letter of intent.

Crohn's and colitis Foundation of America: 8/1/91 deadline: Research and
training awards. Research grants $80,000 max support basic biomedical and
clinical sciences that increase understanding of etiology, pathogenesis,
therapy, and prevention of inflammatory bowel diseases. Training programs:
career development awards: $40,000/year for 2 years; research fellowships
$30,000/year 1-3 years.

Healthy Start Initiative: due 7/15/91; Approx $25 million is availabe for
demonstrations of new and innovative ways of delivering needed care to
pregnant women and infants. Funding available to urban and rural communities
which have an exceptionally high infant moratility rate (15.7 deaths per
1,000 live births) and new and creative strategies. Goal is to reduce infant
mortality by 50% over 5 years in these communities.

For additional information on any of these topics, please contact me at my
bitnet address or by telephone at 787-8691.