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Vaughan Chairs Dept of Biomedical Engineering

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  • Vaughan Chairs Dept of Biomedical Engineering

    The University of Cape Town is pleased to announce the
    appointment of Christopher L Vaughan as the Hyman Goldberg
    Professor and Chairman of Biomedical Engineering. Kit, as
    he is known, has studied at universities in South Africa
    (BSc Honours in applied mathematics and physics from
    Rhodes), the United States (PhD in musculoskeletal
    biomechanics from Iowa) and Great Britain (Post-Doctoral
    Fellowship in orthopaedic engineering at Oxford).

    For the past six years, Dr Vaughan has been with the
    University of Virginia in Charlottesville, USA where he was
    a tenured Professor of Orthopaedics and Biomedical
    Engineering. His scholarly activities have concentrated on
    the mechanics of human locomotion, encompassing both
    mathematical modelling and the treatment of children with
    cerebral palsy. He currently serves as the Secretary-
    General for the International Society of Biomechanics. Kit
    is delighted to be back at the University of Cape Town
    after a break of ten years and he looks forward to the
    challenge of building the Department into an outstanding
    centre of excellence for biomedical engineering.

    ================================================== ==================
    Elizabeth van Rijssen (Miss) e-Mail address (Internet):
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