Hello Biomch-l Readers,

After the mail of J. Dapena, here some complementary information about
'fast' tracks.

An international meeting, 'The Memorial Van Damme' (not related with
the karate guy!!), took place a few weeks ago here in Brussels.
The track was in Mondo (like in Atlanta) but the engineers of the Brussels
track made two 'slight' adaptations for the long distance runners.

1) The Mondo layer was 7mm (5 mm in Atlanta).
2) The underlying layer was asphalte (it seems it was concrete in Atlanta!!,
if this is true, I understand why long distance athletes complained!!).

The meeting was of high level (about 90 olympic medals were present).
Numerous best times of the year were realized (in short distance and in long
distance as well).
And at last two world records: 1.000m female and 10.000m male.

According to specialists, the Brussels meeting was one of the best meeting
ever (from a performance point of view).
This was due to the tracks and probably also the public (imagine 45.000 people
standing up and shouting to encourage Hisou during his last 4 kms when he
broke the 10kms world record, it was just amazing!).
--> I was there!

Serge Van Sint Jan
Dept. of Human Anatomy (CP 619)
University of Brussels
808 Lennik Street
1070 Brussels
E-mail: sintjans@ulb.ac.be
WWW: http://homepages.ulb.ac.be/~sintjans
Fax: + 32 2 555 63 78