If someone has the values of elasticity of the normal human
skin (Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus), would you, please, email me.
I need them for the research - elasticity of the human skin (using
Finite Element model and other methods) to tell the difference in
elasticity between the normal skin and scar tissue.
Also - if someone has published results in this field, please let me know
where I can find them.
I really appreciate all possible suggestions.
Thank you very much
Lenny Tsap, PhD candidate
University of South Florida
email: tsap@csee.usf.edu
skin (Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus), would you, please, email me.
I need them for the research - elasticity of the human skin (using
Finite Element model and other methods) to tell the difference in
elasticity between the normal skin and scar tissue.
Also - if someone has published results in this field, please let me know
where I can find them.
I really appreciate all possible suggestions.
Thank you very much
Lenny Tsap, PhD candidate
University of South Florida
email: tsap@csee.usf.edu