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Summary: Human vibration stnds posting...

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  • Summary: Human vibration stnds posting...

    Hello All -

    Last week, I posted a message requesting information on any
    established standards or TLV's (threshold limit values) for
    vibration in human subjects for safety purposes.

    Below is a summary of the responses.

    Thanks very much for all your input,

    .. John and Phil


    ************************************************** *********************

    >From Tue Sep 24 09:35:40 1996
    Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 22:12:49 -0500
    From: Ned Frederick
    To: John Grabowski
    Subject: Re: Human vibration standards...

    I have seen a listing of such standards, but I can't remember where at the
    moment. Perhaps it was in Humanscale from Dreyfus Associates (MIT press).


    >From Tue Sep 24 09:36:04 1996
    Date: 20 Sep 1996 08:22:55 -0500
    From: "McDonald, Vernon"
    To: John Grabowski
    Subject: RE: Human vibration standards...

    I would recommend Chapter 10 of the "Handbook of Human Vibration" [Griffin,
    1990, Academic Press] as a good place to start. This book runs to almost
    1000 pages and provides a comprehensive account of Human vibration. In Ch.
    10 Griffin refers to numerous standards from ISO, the British Standards
    Institution, and the American National Standards.

    However, I should also add that Griffin's summary of Chapter 10 begins "Human
    vibration standards are ephemeral."

    Let me know if I can be of more help.

    Vernon McDonald
    KRUG Life Sciences
    1290 Hercules Drive, Suite 120
    Houston TX 77058


    >From Tue Sep 24 09:36:14 1996
    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 09:46:07 EDT
    To: "Grabowski, John J."
    Subject: RE: Human vibration standards...

    The most widely accepted standards (guidelines) for human exposure to
    vibration are put out by the International Standard Organization.
    ISO 2631 covers whole-body vibration and ISO 5349 covers hand vibration.
    ANSI also puts out the identical standards: ANSI S3.18 is the whole-body
    satndard. These standards use frequency-weighted filters to determine
    the exposure level. Most experts argue that the whole frequency spectrum
    must be examined. A good book to look at is "The Handbook of Human
    Vibration" by MJ Griffin.

    Bryan Buchholz, PhD
    Associate Professor
    Work Environment
    U-Mass Lowell


    >From Tue Sep 24 09:36:22 1996
    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 10:36:52 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Gideon Ariel
    To: John Grabowski
    Subject: Re: Human vibration standards...

    Check our Web Site:
    Ariel Dynaamics Inc. |
    Web Site: |
    () |
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    >From Tue Sep 24 09:36:32 1996
    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 16:34:16 -0400
    To: "Grabowski, John J."
    Subject: Re: Human vibration standards...

    As a starting place, I suggest you see Chapter 12 of Chaffin and
    Andersson's book, Occupational Biomechanics. This chapter gives a brief
    review of the ISO guidelines on whole body and segmental vibration

    If you want more detailed expert information, I would suggest you
    contact Malcolm Pope (for whole body vibration) or Rob Radwin (for hand/arm

    Richard Hughes


    >From Tue Sep 24 09:36:41 1996
    Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 12:36:25 GMT0BST
    From: "P.S. HELLIWELL"
    To: "Grabowski, John J."
    Subject: human vibration

    A very comprehensive text is

    'Handbook of Human Vibration' , by Mike Griffin, University of
    Southampton, UK
    Philip Helliwell
    RRRU, 36, Clarendon Road, LEEDS, LS2 9NZ, UK
    Tel: +44 113 2334935 Fax: +44 113 2445533


    >From "Alexander S. Aruin"

    You can find information regarding standards for vibration in human
    subjects in the 454-page book "Occupational Biomechanics" by Chaffin D.B.
    and Andersson G. (J. Wiley & Sons), 1984.

    Some information you may obtain in "Human body vibration exposure and its
    measurement" by Rasmussen G. (Technical Review, Bruel & Kjaer, 1982 #1)


    Alexander S. Aruin Ph.D.
    Senior Scientist
    Department of Kinesiology
    200 Biomechanics Laboratory
    Penn State University
    University Park, PA 16802-3408
    Tel: (814) 863-5374
    Fax: (814) 865-2440


    >From Tim Meserth-ETM015 wrote:

    On of my professors, Rick Gill, has done a lot of Expert witness consulting.
    One of the cases he described in our Human Factors in Engineering Design
    class involved the full body vibration that 'Skidder' drivers (logging)

    I believe he would be a great source of information for vibration,
    especially from the legal point of view.

    His email address is:


    >From Jaco Botes

    We are actively involved in the measurement of whole-body vibration
    and hand-arm vibration in the South African industry. I presume you
    want info on whole-body vibration - we measured mining equipment,
    trucks, trains, boats, automobiles [but not planes :-)]. There are
    two standards we use extensively: BS 6841 (UK) and ISO 2631. The
    BS incorporates all of the ISO limits and frequency weigthing, and is
    much more comprehensive with regard to limit values for humans. (Our
    preferred standard)- They talk of VDV (vibration dose value) which
    should not exceed a certain ceiling. The VDV also differ for
    vibration when seated, standing, or lying down. The ISO standard
    uses another variable (FDPB), but we don't use that very often. The
    bottom line: You can't use raw data - it has to be filtered
    according to the standards, and then calculations is done to
    determine the limit and threshold values. We have implemented all
    these in a module that runs with Dadisp.

    PS: If you actually want info on hand-arm vibration, you're welcome
    to drop me a line.


    Jaco Botes
    __________________________________________________ __________
    | ERGOTECH Ergonomics Consultants |
    | PO Box 7063 |
    | Pretoria Fax : (+27)/(0) 12 45-3914 |
    | South Africa Voice : (+27)/(0) 12 428-0523 |
    | 0001 e-mail : |
    | |
    |_________________________________________________ ___________|

    >From wrote:

    Much work on vibration limits has been done/collected by NASA.

    I refer you to:

    "Man-Systems Integration Standards (NASA-STD-3000)"
    (1995) Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston TX, 77058.

    Brian O'Hearn
    v 508 655 0549
    f 508 651 0229
    190 North Main St.
    Natick, MA 01760-2057


    End of summary