Dear Subscribers,
I would like to thank everybody who responded to my query on
Shoulder stability. I will focus my thesis subject as I have been told to
do. If any other responses come I will post them.
Thank you once again. (sorry for the delay in responding answers were
still coming in at a regular interval)
Subject: Re: shoulder stability
To: Jason Carey
For a start, try a lit search. You might want to key in the following
investigators: L J Soslowsky, K N An, P A Torzilli, J A Sidles.
- Andy
Andrew Karduna, Ph.D. phone: (215) 762-4166
Assistant Professor fax: (215) 762-3886
Department of Physical Therapy
Allegheny University
Philadelphia, PA 19102
From: Carolyn Anglin
To: "'Jason Carey'"
Subject: RE: shoulder stability
Hi there! I can give you a ton of information and I'm right here at =
Queen's! Just yesterday I sent a list of 40 references to somebody =
about shoulder instability, but it would be easier just to show them to =
you & talk about them. I'm also in mechanical engineering (with the =
clinical mechanics group).
I mostly work at home, but I come in periodically & we can arrange to =
meet anytime.
My home phone number is: 549-6923. I also check my email at least once =
a day. Are you working with Carolyn Small?
Carolyn Anglin
To: Jason Carey
From: (Young Hui Chang)
Subject: Re: shoulder stability
i am not sure of the work done on humans, but there is a fair amount of
work done on stability in the shoulder of primates, particularly the great
and lesser apes. susan larson comes to mind--she's done work on the
stability of shoulders in arm-swinging apes. this may all be irrelevant to
you though if you are only interested in the human animal. good luck.
Young Hui Chang
Young Hui Chang, M.S.
snail-mail: Human Biodynamics Dept.
103 Harmon
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-4480
Phone: 510-642-2370
Fax: 510-642-3355
-----------"Learning how animals get from here to there."-----------
From: Mitch Cordova
Subject: Re: shoulder stability
To: Jason Carey
Dear Jason:
It appears to me from your post that it is an awfully broad
query. When you talk about shoulder stability are you referring to
surgical techniques to re-establish joint integrity, or are you talking
about dynamic stability provided to the shoulder by the rotator cuff?
There is a tremendous amount of literature concerning these topics.
Lastly are you interested in the rehabilitation aspect of shoulder joint
stability? You might want to narrow down your request and then re-post
your message. This listserv will undoubtedly provide you with the
necessary information once you focus on a more specific topic.
- Mitch
Mitchell L. Cordova MA, ATC
Ph.D Candidate - Biomechanics
Dept. of Health Promotion & Human Performance
The University of Toledo
Toledo, Ohio 43606 USA
(419) 530-2753
To: Jason Carey
From: (Scott Magee)
I am doing my honours which is related to stability of the spine. I have a
few of references about general stability and peripheral stability, but
there are lots more around. I have hundreds of articles referenced about
spinal stability. The shoulder has hundreds of articles written specifically
about stability.
I would be interested in discussing anything related to stability, and I am
on the lookout for any information or contacts in this field also. I would
appreciate it if you could pass on some information to me.
Here are some articles about stability in general. I have some related to
peripheral stability, but I won't send them now otherwise this message will
get too big.
Scott Magee
An KN, Himeno S, Tsumura H, Kawai T and Chao EY (1990): Pressure
distribution on articular surfaces: application to joint stability
evaluation. Journal of Biomechanics 23(10): 1013-1020.
Carolan B and Cafarelli E (1992): Adaptations in coactivation after
isometric resistance training. Journal of Applied Physiology 73(3): 911-917.
Collins JJ (1995): The redundant nature of locomotor optimization laws.
Journal of Biomechanics 28(3): 251-267.
De Luca-CJ and Mambrito B (1987): Voluntary control of motor units in human
antagonist muscles: coactivation and reciprocal activation. Journal of
Neurophysiology 58(3): 525-542.
Gottlieb GL and Agarwal GC (1988): Compliance of single joints: elastic and
plastic characteristics. Journal of Neurophysiology 59(3): 937-951.
Hasan Z (1986): Optimized movement trajectories and joint stiffness in
unperturbed, inertially loaded movements. Biological Cybernetics 53(6):
Hughes RE, Bean JC and Chaffin DB (1995): Evaluating the effect of
co-contraction in optimization models. Journal of Biomechanics 28(7): 875-878.
Kornecki S (1992): Mechanism of muscular stabilization process in joints.
Journal of Biomechanics 25(3): 235-245.
Kornecki S and Zschorlich V (1994): The nature of the stabilizing functions
of skeletal muscles. Journal of Biomechanics 27(2): 215-225.
Lan N and Crago PE (1994): Optimal control of antagonistic muscle stiffness
during voluntary movements. Biological Cybernetics 71(2): 123-135.
Marks R (1993): Muscles as a pathogenic factor in osteoarthritis.
Physiotherapy Canada 45(4): 251-259.
Minetti AE (1994): Contraction dynamics in antagonist muscles. Journal of
Theoretical Biology 169(3): 295-304.
Nakamura T, Yamamoto Y, Yamamoto T and Tsuji H (1992): Fundamental
characteristics of human limb electrical impedance for biodynamic analysis.
Medical and Biological Engineering & Computing 30(5): 465-472.
Nielsen J and Kagamihara Y (1992): The regulation of disynaptic reciprocal
Ia inhibition during co-contraction of antagonistic muscles in man. Journal
of Physiology 456: 373-391.
Shadmehr R and Arbib MA (1992): A mathematical analysis of the
force-stiffness characteristics of muscles in control of a single joint
system. Biological Cybernetics 66(6): 463-477.
Winters J, Stark L and Seif Naraghi-AH (1988): An analysis of the sources
of musculoskeletal system impedance. Journal of Biomechanics 21(12): 1011-1025.
From: "Tyler Amell"
To: "Jason Carey"
Subject: Re: shoulder stability
With respect to your question, you may want to speak with Dr. R. Walmsley
of the School of Rehabilitation here at Queen's, he is a shoulder
specialist and has published extensively on the topic, mostly with respect
to strength and axes and things like that, however he should have some good
input for you!
Good luck,
Graduate Program
School of Rehabilitation Therapy
Faculty of Medicine
Queen's University
Subject: Shoulder references
Dear Jason:
Hi Jason. My name is Steve Wood. I wanted to assist you in uncovering
some references on the shoulder. Normally I ignore requests for
literature searches but I just graduated from Queen's University in
biomechanics last May. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I
currently work for a biomechanics research and consulting firm in Los
Angeles. If you have time, I 'd enjoy hearing about your project.
I know this list is lengthy but hopefully it will be of some use to
you. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
Take care,
1. Altchek DW, Warren RF, Skyhar MJ, Ortiz G. T-platy modification of
the Bankart procedure for multidirectional instability of the anterior
anf inferior types. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 73-A (1): 105-112,
2. Arciero RA, Pierre PS. Acute shoulder dislocation: indications and
techniques for operative management. Clinics in Sports Medicine 14 (4):
937-954, 1995.
3. Atwater AE. Biomechanics of overarm throwing movements and of
throwing injuries. Exercise and Sport Science Review 7: 43-85, 1979.
4. Backaitis S, Hicks M. Musculoskeletal system of human shoulders and
arms. In: Backaitis S, ed. Biomechanics of Impact Injury and Injury
Tolerances of the Extremities. Vol. PT-56. Warrendale, PA: Society of
Automotive Engineers, pp. 845-858, 1996.
5. Backaitis S, St-Laurent A. Chest deflection characteristics of
volunteers and Hybrid III dummies. In: Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics
of impact injury and injury tolerances of the thorax-shoulder complex.
Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 729-738, 1994.
6. Bahr R, Craig EV, Engebretsen L. The clinical presentation of
shoulder instability including on field management. Clinics in Sports
Medicine 14 (4): 761-776, 1995.
7. Baker MA. Shoulder replacement reconstruction: Pomona Valley
Community Hospital, 1987.
8. Barner MB, Levy PS. State-wide shoulder belt usage by type of roadway
and posted speed limit: A three year comparison. 38th Proceedings
Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. Vol. 38: Toyota
Motor Sales, USA, Inc., pp. 61-74, 1994.
9. Barron OA, Bigliani LU. Revision instability surgery. Clinics in
Sports Medicine 14 (4): 955-972, 1995.
10. Bartlett CS, Hausmann MR, Witschi TH. Gunshot wounds to the
shoulder. Orthopedic Clinics of North America 26 (1): 37-53, 1995.
11. Basmajian JV, Deluca CJ. Upper limb. Muscles Alive: Their Function
Revealed by Electromyography. 5 ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, pp.
265-276, 1985.
12. Bechler JR, Jobe FW. Impingement and instability in the throwing
athlete. Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine 2 (2): 106-110, 1994.
13. Beebe M. Biosid update and calibration requirements. In: Backaitis
SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury tolerances of the
thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 1039-1046, 1994.
14. Bergfeld JA. Acromioclavicular complex. In: Nicholas JA, Hershman
EB, eds. The Upper Extremity in Sports Medicine. Vol. 1: C. V. Mosby
Company, pp. 169-180, 1990.
15. Bradley JP, Perry J, Jobe FW. The biomechanics of the throwing
shoulder. Perspectives of Orthopaedic Surgery 1 (2): 49-59, 1990.
16. Brems J. Rotator cuff tear: Evaluation and treatment. Orthopedics 11
(1): 69-81, 1988.
17. Brems JJ. Degenerative joint disease of the shoulder. In: Nicholas
JA, Hershman EB, eds. The Upper Extremity in Sports Medicine. Vol. 1: C.
V. Mosby Company, pp. 237-252, 1990.
18. Brun-Cassan F, Pincemaille Y, Mack P, Tarriere C. Contribution and
evaluation of criteria proposed for thorax-abdomen protection in lateral
impact. In: Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury
tolerances of the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp.
935-948, 1994.
19. Cavanaugh J, Huang Y, Zhu Y, King A. Regional tolerance of the
shoulder, thorax, abdomen and pelvis to padding. In: Backaitis S, ed.
Biomechanics of Impact Injuries and Injury Tolerances of the Abdomen,
Lumbar Spine, and Pelvis Complex. Vol. Pt-47: SAE, Inc., pp. 881-888,
20. Cavanaugh J, Huang Y, Zhu Y, King A. Regional tolerance of the
shoulder, thorax, abdomen and pelvis to padding in side impact. In:
Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury tolerances of
the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 973-982, 1994.
21. Cavanaugh J, Walilko T, Malhotra A, Zhu Y, King A. Biomechanical
response and injury tolerance of the thorax in twelve sled side impacts.
In: Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury
tolerances of the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp.
1239-1254, 1994.
22. Cavanaugh J, Zhu Y, Huang Y, King A. Injury and response of the
thorax in side impact cadaveric tests. In: Backaitis SH, ed.
Biomechanics of impact injury and injury tolerances of the
thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 949-972, 1994.
23. Cavanaugh JM, Huang Y, Zhu Y, King AI. Regional tolerence of the
shoulder, thorax, abdomen and pelvis to padding in side impact. SAE
Technical Paper Series930435 , 1993.
24. Cesari D, Bouquet R. Behavior of human surrogates thrax under belt
loading. In: Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury
tolerances of the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp.
755-764, 1994.
25. Cesari D, Ramet M, Bloch J. Influence of arm position on thoracic
injuries in side impact. In: Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact
injury and injury tolerances of the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45:
SAE, Inc., pp. 893-920, 1994.
26. Clarke T, Smedley D, Muzzy W, Gragg C, Schmidt R, Trout E. Impact
tolerance and resulting injury patterns in the baboon: air force
shoulder harness-- lap belt restraint. In: Backaitis S, ed. Biomechanics
of impact imjuries and injury tolerances of the abdomen, lumbar spine,
and pelvis complex. Vol. PT-47: SAE, Inc., pp. 71-96, 1995.
27. Combalia A, Arandes JM, Alemany X, Ramon R. Acromioclavicular
dislocation with epiphyseal separation of the coracoid process: report
of a case and review of the literature. Journal of Trauma 38 (5):
812-815, 1995.
28. Crenshaw AH. Fractures of shoulder gridle, arm, and forearm. In:
Crenshaw AH, ed. Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics. Vol. 2. 8 ed: Mosby
Year Book, pp. 989-10054, 1992.
29. Crenshaw AH. Shoulder and elbow injuries. In: Crenshaw AH, ed.
Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics. Vol. 3. 8 ed: Mosby Year Book, pp.
1733-1768, 1992.
30. Cromack J, Ziperman H. Three-point belt injuced injuries: A
comparison between laboratory surrogates and real world accident
victims. In: Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury
tolerances of the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp.
317-340, 1994.
31. Davick J, Zadalis R, Garvin K. Anterior glenohumeral dislocation
with ipsilateral humeral shaft fracture. Orthopaedics 18 (8): 745-752,
32. Davidson PA, Elattrache NS, Jobe CM, Jobe FW. Rotator cuff and
popsterior-superior glenoid labrum injury associated with increased
glenohumeral motion: A new site of impingement. Journal of Shoulder and
Elbow Surgery 4 (5): 384-390, 1995.
33. Delagi EF, Iazzetti J, Perotto A, Morrison D. Anatomic Guide for the
Electromyographer. 2 ed: Charles C Thomas, p. 207, 1980.
34. DiGiovine NM, Jobe FW. The problem: Anterior shoulder disability.
Orthopedic Consultation (May): 9-12, 1992.
35. DiGiovine NM, Jobe FW, Pink M, Perry J. An electromyographic
analysis of the upper extremity in pitching. Journal of Shoulder and
Elbow Surgery 1 (1): 15-25, 1992.
36. Dines DM, Levinson M. The conservative management of the unstable
shoulder including rehabilitation. Clinics in Sports Medicine 14 (4):
797-816, 1995.
37. Edelson JG. The 'hooked' acromion revisited. Journal of Bone and
Joint Surgery 77-B (2): 284-287, 1995.
38. Edelson JG. Patterns of degenerative change in the acromioclvicular
joint. The Journal of Bone and Joitn Sugery 78-B (2): 242-243, 1996.
39. Edelson JG. Patterns of degenerative change in the glenohumeral
joint. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 77-B (2): 288-292, 1995.
40. Ellenbecker TS. Rehabilitation of shoulder and elbow injuries in
tennis players. Clinics in Sports Medicine 14 (1): 87-110, 1995.
41. Eppinger R. On the development of a deformation measurement system
and its application toward developing mechanically based injury indices.
In: Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury
tolerances of the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp.
1231-1238, 1994.
42. Eppinger R, Marcus J, Morgan R. Development of dummy and injury
index for NHTSA's thoracic side impact protection research program. In:
Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury tolerances of
the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 983-1012, 1994.
43. Eppinger R, Morgan R, Marcus J. Side impact data analysis. In:
Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury tolerances of
the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 1137-1144, 1994.
44. Eyres KS, Brooks A, Stanley D. Fractures of the coracoid process.
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 77-B (3): 425-428, 1995.
45. Fayon A, Tarriere C, Walfisch G, Got C, Patel A. Thorax of 3-point
belt wearers during a crash( experiments with cadavers). In: Backaitis
SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury tolerances of the
thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 341-370, 1994.
46. Fleisig GS, Andrews JR, Dillman CJ, Escamill RF. Kinetics of
baseball pitching with implications about inury mechanisms. American
Journal of Sports Medicine 23 (2): 233-239, 1995.
47. Foret-Bruno J, Hartemann F, Thomas C, Fayon A, Tarriere C, Got C,
Patel A. Correlation between thoracic lesions and force values measured
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Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury tolerances of
the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 575-612, 1994.
48. Frieman BG, Albert TJ, Fenlin JM. Rotator cuff diseaes: A review of
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49. Gallino M, Battiston B, Annaratone G, Terragnoli F. Coracoromial
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50. Gambardella RA, Jobe FA. Diagnosis and treatment of shoulder
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Extremity in Sports Medicine. Vol. 1: C. V. Mosby Company, pp. 751-768,
51. Glousman R, Jobe R, Tibone J, Moynes D, Antonelli D, Perry J.
Dynamic electromyographic analysis of the throwing shoulder with
glenohumeral instability. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 70-A (2):
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52. Goodwin DW, Pathria MN. MRI techniques and practical applocations:
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53. Gowan ID, Jobe FW, Tibone JE, Perry J, Moynes DR. A comparative
electromyographic analysis of the shoulder during pitching: professional
versus amateur pitchers. American Journal of Sports Medicine 15 (6):
586-590, 1987.
54. Gusmer PB, Potter HG. Imaging of shoulder instability. Clinics in
Sports Medicine 14 (4): 777-796, 1995.
55. Hall RJ, Calvert PT. Stress fracture of the acromion: an unusual
mechanism and review of the literature. Journal of Bone and Joint
Surgery 77-B (1): 153-154, 1994.
56. Hintermann B, Gachter A. Arthroscopic fingings after shoulder
dislocation. American Journal of Sports Medicine 23 (5): 545-551, 1995.
57. Horsch J, Melvin J, McIntosh A, Boggasch F. Thoracic imjury
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injury tolerances of the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc.,
pp. 782-806, 1994.
58. Huelke D. The anatomy of the human chest. In: Backaitis SH, ed.
Biomechanics of impact injury and injury tolerances of the
thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 1-10, 1994.
59. Huelke D, Mackay G, Morris A. Intraabdominal injuries associated
with lap-shoulder belt usage. In: Backaitis S, ed. Biomechanics of
Impact Injuries and Injury Tolerances of the Abdomen, Lumbar Spine, and
Pelvis Complex. Vol. PT-47: SAE, Inc., pp. 547-556, 1995.
60. Huelke DF. Automatic shoulder belts injury reduction in Toyota
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Protection Systems. Vol. SP-736: SAE, Inc., pp. 95-104, 1988.
61. Huelke DF, Mackay GM, Morris A. Intraabdominal injuries associated
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62. Huelke DF, Mackay GM, Morris A. Vertebral column injuries and
lap-shoulder belts. Journal of Trauma 38 (4): 547-556, 1995.
63. Huelke DF, Mackay GM, Morris A, Bradford M. Non-head impact cervical
spine injuries in frontal car crashed to lap-shoulder belted occupants.
SAE Technical Paper Series920560 , 1992.
64. Huelke DF, Ostrom M, Mackay GM, Morris A. Thoracic and lumbar spine
injuries and the lap-shoulder belt. SAE Technical Paper Series930640 ,
65. Hurley JA. Anatomy of the shoulder. In: Nicholas JA, Hershman EB,
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66. Ideberg R, Grevsten S, Larsson S. Epidemiology of scapulkar
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67. Ireland ML, Hutchinson MR. Upper extremity injuries in young
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68. Irwin A, Waliko T, Cavanaugh J, Zhu Y, King A. Displacement
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the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 1283-1294, 1994.
69. Irwin AL, Walilko TJ, Cavanaugh JM, Zhu Y, King AI. Displacement
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70. Jobe CM. Posterior superior glenoid impingement: Expanded spectrum.
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71. Jobe CM, Walch G, Sidles J. Evidence for a superior glenoid
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74. Jobe FW, Bradley JP. Impingement syndrome in overhand athletes: Part
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84. Jobe FW, Pink M. The athlete's shoulder. Journal of Hand Therapy
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85. Jobe FW, Pink M. Classification and treatment of shoulder
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86. Jobe FW, Pink M. Shoulder injuries in the athlete: the instability
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87. Jobe FW, Pink MM. Shoulder pain in golf. Clinics in Sports Medicine
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88. Jobe FW, Tibone JE, Perry J, Moynes D. An EMG analysis of the
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89. Kaar T, Rice JJ, Mullan GB. Fracture-dislocation of the shoulder
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90. Kallieris D, Mattern R, McIntosh A, Boggasch F. The biofidelity of
EUROSID 1 and BIOSID. In: Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact
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SAE, Inc., pp. 807-822, 1994.
91. Kallieris D, Schmidt G. Neck response and injury assessment using
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92. Kallieris D, Schmidt G. Neck response and injury assessment using
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93. Kapandji IA. Physiology of the Joints: Upper limb. Vol. 1: Churchill
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94. Kibler WB. Biomechanical analysis of the shoulder during tennis
activities. Clinics in Sports Medicine 14 (1): 79-86, 1995.
95. Kontakis GM, Galanakis IA, Steriopoulos KA. Dislocation of the
shoulder and ipsilateral fracture of the humeral shaft: Case reports
and literature review. Journal of Trauma: Innjury, Infection and
Critical Care 39 (5): 990-992, 1995.
96. Koppens W, Lupker H, Rademaker C. Comparison of modeling techniques
for flexible dummy parts. In: Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact
injury and injury tolerances of the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45:
SAE, Inc., pp. 1097-1108, 1994.
97. Kroell C. Thoracic response to blunt frontal loading. In: Backaitis
SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury tolerances of the
thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 51-80, 1994.
98. Kroell C, Allen S, Warner C, Perl T. Interrelationship of velocity
and chest compression in blunt thoracic impact to Swine II. In:
Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury tolerances of
the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 1187-1210, 1994.
99. Kroell C, Pope M, Viano D, Warner C, Allen S. Interrelationship of
velocity and chest compression in blunt thoracic impact to Swine. In:
Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury tolerances of
the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 613-629, 1994.
100. Kuhn JE, Hawkins RJ. Surgical treatment of shoulder injuries in
tennis players. Clinics in Sports Medicine 14 (1): 111-138, 1995.
101. Kurdy NM, Shah SV. Fracture of the acromion associated with
acromioclavicular dislocation. Injury 26 (9): 636-637, 1995.
102. Kvitne RS, Jobe FW. The diagnosis and treatment of anterior
instability in the throwing athlete. Clinical Orthopaedics 291 (June):
107-123, 1993.
103. Kvitne RS, Jobe FW, Jobe CM. Shoulder instability in the overhand
or throwing athlete. Clinics in Sports Medicine 14 (4): 917-936, 1995.
104. Lau I, Viano D. The viscus criterion- bases and applications of an
injury severity index for soft tissues. In: Backaitis SH, ed.
Biomechanics of impact injury and injury tolerances of the
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115. Mertz H. A procedure for mormalizing impact response data. In:
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116. Mertz H, Gadd C. Thoracic tolerance to whole-body deceleration. In:
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117. Mertz H, Horsch J, Horn G, Lowne R. Hybrid III sternal deflection
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118. Middleton K. Prevention and rehabilitation of shoulder injuries in
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123. Montgomery WH, Jobe FW. Functional outcomes in athletes after
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124. Morgan R, Marcus J, Eppinger R. Side impact-- the biofidelity of
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125. Moseley JB, Jobe FW, Pink M, Perry J, Tibone J. EMG analysis of the
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126. Mulligan G, Pizey G, Lane D, Andersson L, English C, Kohut C. An
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127. Murrell GA, Waqrren RF. The surgical treatment of pasterior
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129. Nahum A, Schneider D, Kroell C. Cadaver skeletal response to blunt
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130. Neer CS. Impingement lesions. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related
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133. Norris TR. History and physical examination of the shoulder. In:
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134. Nuber GW, Jobe FW, Perry J, Moynes DR, Antonelli D. Fine wire
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138. Nyquist G, Begeman P, King A, Mertz H. Correlation of field
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139. Obremshey W, Routt ML. Fracture-dislocation of the shoulder in a
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144. Payne LZ, Altchek DW. The surgical treatment of anterior shoulder
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153. Reese RC, Burruss TP, Patten J. Shoulder equipment. In: Nicholas
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To: Jason Carey
From: (Lou Soslowsky)
Subject: Re: shoulder stability
We have recently published a paper (Malicky, D.M, Soslowsky, L.J., and
Blasier, R.B. (1996): Anterior glenohumeral stabilization factors:
Progressive effects in a biomechanical model. J Orthop Res, 14:282-288) on
this topic and have 2 others "in press" addressing related topics. Let me
know if you have any further (more specific) questions, and I can try to
help. Best of luck!
Lou Soslowsky, Ph.D.
University of Michigan
To: Jason Carey
From: Veronique Feipel
Subject: Re: shoulder stability
Hi Jason,
One of the first places to look up for information on shoulder (in)stability is:
The Shoulder, by C.A. Rockwood and F.A. Masten, WB Saunders Co., 1990.
Good luck
V. Feipel
Laboratory for Functional Anatomy
University of Brussels (CP 619)
808, route de Lennik
B-1070 Brussels, Belgium
Voice: ++ 32-2-555-6329
++ 32-2-555-6376
Fax: ++ 32-2-555-6378
JASON CAREY Biomechanical Engineering
Graduate student\Etudiant au Niveau Superieur
McLaughlin Hall
Universite de Queen's University
Kingston, ON. K7L 3N6
Tel: (613) 545-6737
I would like to thank everybody who responded to my query on
Shoulder stability. I will focus my thesis subject as I have been told to
do. If any other responses come I will post them.
Thank you once again. (sorry for the delay in responding answers were
still coming in at a regular interval)
Subject: Re: shoulder stability
To: Jason Carey
For a start, try a lit search. You might want to key in the following
investigators: L J Soslowsky, K N An, P A Torzilli, J A Sidles.
- Andy
Andrew Karduna, Ph.D. phone: (215) 762-4166
Assistant Professor fax: (215) 762-3886
Department of Physical Therapy
Allegheny University
Philadelphia, PA 19102
From: Carolyn Anglin
To: "'Jason Carey'"
Subject: RE: shoulder stability
Hi there! I can give you a ton of information and I'm right here at =
Queen's! Just yesterday I sent a list of 40 references to somebody =
about shoulder instability, but it would be easier just to show them to =
you & talk about them. I'm also in mechanical engineering (with the =
clinical mechanics group).
I mostly work at home, but I come in periodically & we can arrange to =
meet anytime.
My home phone number is: 549-6923. I also check my email at least once =
a day. Are you working with Carolyn Small?
Carolyn Anglin
To: Jason Carey
From: (Young Hui Chang)
Subject: Re: shoulder stability
i am not sure of the work done on humans, but there is a fair amount of
work done on stability in the shoulder of primates, particularly the great
and lesser apes. susan larson comes to mind--she's done work on the
stability of shoulders in arm-swinging apes. this may all be irrelevant to
you though if you are only interested in the human animal. good luck.
Young Hui Chang
Young Hui Chang, M.S.
snail-mail: Human Biodynamics Dept.
103 Harmon
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-4480
Phone: 510-642-2370
Fax: 510-642-3355
-----------"Learning how animals get from here to there."-----------
From: Mitch Cordova
Subject: Re: shoulder stability
To: Jason Carey
Dear Jason:
It appears to me from your post that it is an awfully broad
query. When you talk about shoulder stability are you referring to
surgical techniques to re-establish joint integrity, or are you talking
about dynamic stability provided to the shoulder by the rotator cuff?
There is a tremendous amount of literature concerning these topics.
Lastly are you interested in the rehabilitation aspect of shoulder joint
stability? You might want to narrow down your request and then re-post
your message. This listserv will undoubtedly provide you with the
necessary information once you focus on a more specific topic.
- Mitch
Mitchell L. Cordova MA, ATC
Ph.D Candidate - Biomechanics
Dept. of Health Promotion & Human Performance
The University of Toledo
Toledo, Ohio 43606 USA
(419) 530-2753
To: Jason Carey
From: (Scott Magee)
I am doing my honours which is related to stability of the spine. I have a
few of references about general stability and peripheral stability, but
there are lots more around. I have hundreds of articles referenced about
spinal stability. The shoulder has hundreds of articles written specifically
about stability.
I would be interested in discussing anything related to stability, and I am
on the lookout for any information or contacts in this field also. I would
appreciate it if you could pass on some information to me.
Here are some articles about stability in general. I have some related to
peripheral stability, but I won't send them now otherwise this message will
get too big.
Scott Magee
An KN, Himeno S, Tsumura H, Kawai T and Chao EY (1990): Pressure
distribution on articular surfaces: application to joint stability
evaluation. Journal of Biomechanics 23(10): 1013-1020.
Carolan B and Cafarelli E (1992): Adaptations in coactivation after
isometric resistance training. Journal of Applied Physiology 73(3): 911-917.
Collins JJ (1995): The redundant nature of locomotor optimization laws.
Journal of Biomechanics 28(3): 251-267.
De Luca-CJ and Mambrito B (1987): Voluntary control of motor units in human
antagonist muscles: coactivation and reciprocal activation. Journal of
Neurophysiology 58(3): 525-542.
Gottlieb GL and Agarwal GC (1988): Compliance of single joints: elastic and
plastic characteristics. Journal of Neurophysiology 59(3): 937-951.
Hasan Z (1986): Optimized movement trajectories and joint stiffness in
unperturbed, inertially loaded movements. Biological Cybernetics 53(6):
Hughes RE, Bean JC and Chaffin DB (1995): Evaluating the effect of
co-contraction in optimization models. Journal of Biomechanics 28(7): 875-878.
Kornecki S (1992): Mechanism of muscular stabilization process in joints.
Journal of Biomechanics 25(3): 235-245.
Kornecki S and Zschorlich V (1994): The nature of the stabilizing functions
of skeletal muscles. Journal of Biomechanics 27(2): 215-225.
Lan N and Crago PE (1994): Optimal control of antagonistic muscle stiffness
during voluntary movements. Biological Cybernetics 71(2): 123-135.
Marks R (1993): Muscles as a pathogenic factor in osteoarthritis.
Physiotherapy Canada 45(4): 251-259.
Minetti AE (1994): Contraction dynamics in antagonist muscles. Journal of
Theoretical Biology 169(3): 295-304.
Nakamura T, Yamamoto Y, Yamamoto T and Tsuji H (1992): Fundamental
characteristics of human limb electrical impedance for biodynamic analysis.
Medical and Biological Engineering & Computing 30(5): 465-472.
Nielsen J and Kagamihara Y (1992): The regulation of disynaptic reciprocal
Ia inhibition during co-contraction of antagonistic muscles in man. Journal
of Physiology 456: 373-391.
Shadmehr R and Arbib MA (1992): A mathematical analysis of the
force-stiffness characteristics of muscles in control of a single joint
system. Biological Cybernetics 66(6): 463-477.
Winters J, Stark L and Seif Naraghi-AH (1988): An analysis of the sources
of musculoskeletal system impedance. Journal of Biomechanics 21(12): 1011-1025.
From: "Tyler Amell"
To: "Jason Carey"
Subject: Re: shoulder stability
With respect to your question, you may want to speak with Dr. R. Walmsley
of the School of Rehabilitation here at Queen's, he is a shoulder
specialist and has published extensively on the topic, mostly with respect
to strength and axes and things like that, however he should have some good
input for you!
Good luck,
Graduate Program
School of Rehabilitation Therapy
Faculty of Medicine
Queen's University
Subject: Shoulder references
Dear Jason:
Hi Jason. My name is Steve Wood. I wanted to assist you in uncovering
some references on the shoulder. Normally I ignore requests for
literature searches but I just graduated from Queen's University in
biomechanics last May. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I
currently work for a biomechanics research and consulting firm in Los
Angeles. If you have time, I 'd enjoy hearing about your project.
I know this list is lengthy but hopefully it will be of some use to
you. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
Take care,
1. Altchek DW, Warren RF, Skyhar MJ, Ortiz G. T-platy modification of
the Bankart procedure for multidirectional instability of the anterior
anf inferior types. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 73-A (1): 105-112,
2. Arciero RA, Pierre PS. Acute shoulder dislocation: indications and
techniques for operative management. Clinics in Sports Medicine 14 (4):
937-954, 1995.
3. Atwater AE. Biomechanics of overarm throwing movements and of
throwing injuries. Exercise and Sport Science Review 7: 43-85, 1979.
4. Backaitis S, Hicks M. Musculoskeletal system of human shoulders and
arms. In: Backaitis S, ed. Biomechanics of Impact Injury and Injury
Tolerances of the Extremities. Vol. PT-56. Warrendale, PA: Society of
Automotive Engineers, pp. 845-858, 1996.
5. Backaitis S, St-Laurent A. Chest deflection characteristics of
volunteers and Hybrid III dummies. In: Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics
of impact injury and injury tolerances of the thorax-shoulder complex.
Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 729-738, 1994.
6. Bahr R, Craig EV, Engebretsen L. The clinical presentation of
shoulder instability including on field management. Clinics in Sports
Medicine 14 (4): 761-776, 1995.
7. Baker MA. Shoulder replacement reconstruction: Pomona Valley
Community Hospital, 1987.
8. Barner MB, Levy PS. State-wide shoulder belt usage by type of roadway
and posted speed limit: A three year comparison. 38th Proceedings
Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. Vol. 38: Toyota
Motor Sales, USA, Inc., pp. 61-74, 1994.
9. Barron OA, Bigliani LU. Revision instability surgery. Clinics in
Sports Medicine 14 (4): 955-972, 1995.
10. Bartlett CS, Hausmann MR, Witschi TH. Gunshot wounds to the
shoulder. Orthopedic Clinics of North America 26 (1): 37-53, 1995.
11. Basmajian JV, Deluca CJ. Upper limb. Muscles Alive: Their Function
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265-276, 1985.
12. Bechler JR, Jobe FW. Impingement and instability in the throwing
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13. Beebe M. Biosid update and calibration requirements. In: Backaitis
SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury tolerances of the
thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 1039-1046, 1994.
14. Bergfeld JA. Acromioclavicular complex. In: Nicholas JA, Hershman
EB, eds. The Upper Extremity in Sports Medicine. Vol. 1: C. V. Mosby
Company, pp. 169-180, 1990.
15. Bradley JP, Perry J, Jobe FW. The biomechanics of the throwing
shoulder. Perspectives of Orthopaedic Surgery 1 (2): 49-59, 1990.
16. Brems J. Rotator cuff tear: Evaluation and treatment. Orthopedics 11
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17. Brems JJ. Degenerative joint disease of the shoulder. In: Nicholas
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18. Brun-Cassan F, Pincemaille Y, Mack P, Tarriere C. Contribution and
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tolerances of the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp.
935-948, 1994.
19. Cavanaugh J, Huang Y, Zhu Y, King A. Regional tolerance of the
shoulder, thorax, abdomen and pelvis to padding. In: Backaitis S, ed.
Biomechanics of Impact Injuries and Injury Tolerances of the Abdomen,
Lumbar Spine, and Pelvis Complex. Vol. Pt-47: SAE, Inc., pp. 881-888,
20. Cavanaugh J, Huang Y, Zhu Y, King A. Regional tolerance of the
shoulder, thorax, abdomen and pelvis to padding in side impact. In:
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the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 973-982, 1994.
21. Cavanaugh J, Walilko T, Malhotra A, Zhu Y, King A. Biomechanical
response and injury tolerance of the thorax in twelve sled side impacts.
In: Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury
tolerances of the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp.
1239-1254, 1994.
22. Cavanaugh J, Zhu Y, Huang Y, King A. Injury and response of the
thorax in side impact cadaveric tests. In: Backaitis SH, ed.
Biomechanics of impact injury and injury tolerances of the
thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp. 949-972, 1994.
23. Cavanaugh JM, Huang Y, Zhu Y, King AI. Regional tolerence of the
shoulder, thorax, abdomen and pelvis to padding in side impact. SAE
Technical Paper Series930435 , 1993.
24. Cesari D, Bouquet R. Behavior of human surrogates thrax under belt
loading. In: Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury
tolerances of the thorax-shoulder complex. Vol. PT-45: SAE, Inc., pp.
755-764, 1994.
25. Cesari D, Ramet M, Bloch J. Influence of arm position on thoracic
injuries in side impact. In: Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact
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SAE, Inc., pp. 893-920, 1994.
26. Clarke T, Smedley D, Muzzy W, Gragg C, Schmidt R, Trout E. Impact
tolerance and resulting injury patterns in the baboon: air force
shoulder harness-- lap belt restraint. In: Backaitis S, ed. Biomechanics
of impact imjuries and injury tolerances of the abdomen, lumbar spine,
and pelvis complex. Vol. PT-47: SAE, Inc., pp. 71-96, 1995.
27. Combalia A, Arandes JM, Alemany X, Ramon R. Acromioclavicular
dislocation with epiphyseal separation of the coracoid process: report
of a case and review of the literature. Journal of Trauma 38 (5):
812-815, 1995.
28. Crenshaw AH. Fractures of shoulder gridle, arm, and forearm. In:
Crenshaw AH, ed. Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics. Vol. 2. 8 ed: Mosby
Year Book, pp. 989-10054, 1992.
29. Crenshaw AH. Shoulder and elbow injuries. In: Crenshaw AH, ed.
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30. Cromack J, Ziperman H. Three-point belt injuced injuries: A
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317-340, 1994.
31. Davick J, Zadalis R, Garvin K. Anterior glenohumeral dislocation
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32. Davidson PA, Elattrache NS, Jobe CM, Jobe FW. Rotator cuff and
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glenohumeral motion: A new site of impingement. Journal of Shoulder and
Elbow Surgery 4 (5): 384-390, 1995.
33. Delagi EF, Iazzetti J, Perotto A, Morrison D. Anatomic Guide for the
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34. DiGiovine NM, Jobe FW. The problem: Anterior shoulder disability.
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35. DiGiovine NM, Jobe FW, Pink M, Perry J. An electromyographic
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36. Dines DM, Levinson M. The conservative management of the unstable
shoulder including rehabilitation. Clinics in Sports Medicine 14 (4):
797-816, 1995.
37. Edelson JG. The 'hooked' acromion revisited. Journal of Bone and
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38. Edelson JG. Patterns of degenerative change in the acromioclvicular
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39. Edelson JG. Patterns of degenerative change in the glenohumeral
joint. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 77-B (2): 288-292, 1995.
40. Ellenbecker TS. Rehabilitation of shoulder and elbow injuries in
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41. Eppinger R. On the development of a deformation measurement system
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In: Backaitis SH, ed. Biomechanics of impact injury and injury
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To: Jason Carey
From: (Lou Soslowsky)
Subject: Re: shoulder stability
We have recently published a paper (Malicky, D.M, Soslowsky, L.J., and
Blasier, R.B. (1996): Anterior glenohumeral stabilization factors:
Progressive effects in a biomechanical model. J Orthop Res, 14:282-288) on
this topic and have 2 others "in press" addressing related topics. Let me
know if you have any further (more specific) questions, and I can try to
help. Best of luck!
Lou Soslowsky, Ph.D.
University of Michigan
To: Jason Carey
From: Veronique Feipel
Subject: Re: shoulder stability
Hi Jason,
One of the first places to look up for information on shoulder (in)stability is:
The Shoulder, by C.A. Rockwood and F.A. Masten, WB Saunders Co., 1990.
Good luck
V. Feipel
Laboratory for Functional Anatomy
University of Brussels (CP 619)
808, route de Lennik
B-1070 Brussels, Belgium
Voice: ++ 32-2-555-6329
++ 32-2-555-6376
Fax: ++ 32-2-555-6378
JASON CAREY Biomechanical Engineering
Graduate student\Etudiant au Niveau Superieur
McLaughlin Hall
Universite de Queen's University
Kingston, ON. K7L 3N6
Tel: (613) 545-6737