Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Stuart Kerr and I am a research assistant at University
College London. As part of my present research I am writing a basic body
dynamics modelling program which will compute the impact forces created
when a human descends a staircase.
I am modelling the body using a simplistic spring-mass-damper system. I
have found limited information on limb characteristics but no
information on the stiffness and damping characteristics of joints. Can
anyone recommend a good paper or perhaps a medical database that might
contain this sort of information. I would greatly appreciate some help.
Cheers from London
Stuart Kerr
My name is Stuart Kerr and I am a research assistant at University
College London. As part of my present research I am writing a basic body
dynamics modelling program which will compute the impact forces created
when a human descends a staircase.
I am modelling the body using a simplistic spring-mass-damper system. I
have found limited information on limb characteristics but no
information on the stiffness and damping characteristics of joints. Can
anyone recommend a good paper or perhaps a medical database that might
contain this sort of information. I would greatly appreciate some help.
Cheers from London
Stuart Kerr