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Book announcement: "Movement Control"

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  • Book announcement: "Movement Control"


    MOVEMENT CONTROL -- An interdisciplinary forum

    (Proceedings of a symposium in January 1991 at the Faculty of Human
    Movement Sciences, Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

    Editors: Ron Jacobs & Walther E.I. Rikkert

    In order to sustain life, humans have to explore the environment and engage in
    a wide range of activities. Beyond an appreciation of the general functions
    of movements, questions remain unanswered about the nature of their control,
    coordination and regulation. Movement control is not a simple business but
    a complex interplay between various components situated at different levels.
    The issue can be approached from different scales of analysis. The aim of
    this book is to illustrate some of the current approaches to the study of
    movement control which is by its very nature an interdisciplinary endeavor.


    R. Jacobs & W.E.I. Rikkert, Movement control: An interdisciplinary endeavor
    C.C.A.M. Gielen, The role of internal representation in the control of fast
    arm and eye movements
    W.J. Beek & P.J. Beek, Task studies tweaking the perception-action cycle
    V.M. Zatsiorsky & A.V. Aktov, Biomechanics of highly precise movements: The
    aiming process in air rifle shooting
    C.J. Erkelens, Hitting the mark?
    E. Otten, Modelling movement control
    M.F. Bobbert, Required performance
    P.J. Beek, Modelling complexity: A complicated business

    The editors

    Ron Jacobs and Walther Rikkert are staff members at the Faculty of Human
    Movement Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.

    Bibliographical data

    Publication date July 1991 -- ISBN 90-5383-035-0 PB, 108 pp
    D.Fl. 24,50 (approx. US $ 12,00).

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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    ___ copy Movement control: An interdisciplinary approach
    edited by R. Jacobs and W.E.I. Rikkert
    ISBN 90-5383035-9, VU University Press

    Name: ______________________________________________

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    Send to: VU University Press, De Boelelaan 1105
    NL - 1081 HV AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands

    Price D.Fl. 24,50 incl. 6% VAT; postage not included. Price subject to change.

    (p.m. VAT applies only for orders to Dutch destinations -- HJW)