November 29, 1996
I hope that by now you have received an announcement from the Program
Chairperson (Dr. H. Benghuzzi) of the 34th annual RMBS meeting (April
11-13, 1997) in Dayton, Ohio.
The RMBS was formed 33 years ago to address the application of
engineering principles to biology and medicine. The conference draws
international as well as national investigators. The organization was
originally comprised of educators, physicians, entrepreneurs,
scientists and engineers from the Rocky Mountain area. It has grown
to become a regional symposium which extends as far east as
Pennsylvania, north to the Dakotas, south to Texas and west to Utah.
The Board of Directors would like to extend it even farther to include
Canada, and the eastern United States. The RMBS is also honored to
have active board members from the United Kingdom and Germany.
This year, Dr. Benghuzzi and I have brought the conference to Dayton,
hoping to extend participation in the mid-west. The Board of
Directors decided to hold the annual meeting outside the Rocky
Mountain area every other year. Thus, active participation by you,
your group and particularly your students, is very important. To
encourage student involvement, the registration fee for students is a
nominal $40.00 (including the Proceedings), and several well-known
scientists have been invited to give plenary talks.
Several people have contacted us to say that because of holiday
commitments, they found it difficult to submit their abstracts by the
December 1 deadline. We therefore are extending the deadline for
submission of abstracts to December 8, 1996. You can send the
abstracts to me or Dr. Benghuzzi. I hope to see you, your colleagues
and students at the meetings (Holiday Inn) and the banquet in the
modern hanger of the Air Force Museum in April.
Sincerely yours,
P. K. Bajpai, Ph.D
Conference Chair
34th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium
April 11-13, 1997
Dayton, Ohio 45469
The RMBS has been held annually since 1964. Initially at sites in and
around Rocky Mountain area, the conference has grown to become a
regional symposium with meeting sites throughout the entire Midwest.
Although considered to be a regional conference, contributions and
attendees come from all parts of the United States, Canada and the
world. Attendance and professional program paper presentation by
individuals from areas outside of the Midwest are encouraged and
welcomed. Accepted papers are published in a nationally distributed
Conference Proceedings through the Instrument Society of America
(ISA), which will be available at the meeting. Those interested in
organizing sessions, or company exhibitions, please contact the
Conference Chair, Dr. Praphulla K. Bajpai, Department of Biology,
University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio 45469-2320, E-Mail
Bajpai@neelix.Udayton.Edu) or Program Chair, Dr. Hamed. A. Benghuzzi
at the address listed below.
Abstract Submission:
Submit 200 word abstract (double spaced) extended to December 08,
1996 Acceptance of abstract by December 31, 1996
Submit full manuscript (up to 6 pages) by January 31, 1997
The abstract should describe the problem investigated, methods used
and results obtained.
Forward Abstracts to Program Chairman:
Hamed A. Benghuzzi, Ph.D.
Department of Health Sciences
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 N. State Street, Jackson, MS 39216
Suggested Topics For Contributed Papers and Posters:
Aerospace Medicine
Biomaterial Education
Biomedical Ethics
Bioengineering Education
Biomedical Instrumentation & Sensors
Biophysics & Biochemistry
Biosignal Acquisition & Processing
Cardiovascular Mechanics
Clinical Engineering
Computers in Medicine
Dental Materials
Gait Analysis
Genetic Engineering
Health Care Delivery Systems
Human Factors
Imaging Systems
Instrumentation/Wildlife Mgt.
Lasers in Medicine
Medical Robotics Medical Devices
Neural Networks
Orthopaedic Biomechanics
Pharmacological Systems
Radiology & Nuclear Medicine
Rehabilitation and Prostheses
Tissue Engineering
Trauma and Impact
Ultrasound Instrumentations
Wound Healing
Student Papers and Posters are Encouraged for Award Competition
Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium
Proceedings of Symposia are published in Biomedical Instrumentation
(indexed in Medline) and are available from:
Instrument Society of America
P.O. Box 12277
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Requests for further information and to receive a complete program
(mailed March 1, 1997), please send a card with your name to:
Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium
Dr. Hamed Benghuzzi
Department of Health Sciences
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 N. State Street, Jackson, MS 39216
or call Dr. Hamed A. Benghuzzi
(Phone) (601)-984-6324, Fax (601) 984-6344
Co-sponsored by
IEEE/Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society &
The University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio
Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi
Armstrong Laboratory, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio
Plenary Session Speakers:
Susan M. Blanchard, President, EMBS, North Carolina State
University, NC "WWW For Biomedical Engineering Courses" James
Brinkley, Director, Crew Systems Directorate, Armstrong Laboratory,
Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH "Biomechanical Criteria
for Emergency Escape System Design" Roger M. Glaser, Director,
Institute for Rehabilitation Research and Medicine, Wright State
University School of Medicine, Dayton, OH "Clinical Applications of
Functional Electrical Stimulation: Technology Transfer" Samuel F.
Hulbert, President, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre
Haute, IN "The Present Status of Artificial Organs" Robert A.
McGuire, Jr., Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS "Evaluation of
Biomechanical and Clinical Characteristics on Implant Design"
Charles J. Robinson, Editor, IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation
Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
"Rehabilitation Engineering: Is It Science, Engineering Technology
or Gadgetry"
Visit the Web site at:
(Please type exactly as above)
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P. K. Bajpai
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I hope that by now you have received an announcement from the Program
Chairperson (Dr. H. Benghuzzi) of the 34th annual RMBS meeting (April
11-13, 1997) in Dayton, Ohio.
The RMBS was formed 33 years ago to address the application of
engineering principles to biology and medicine. The conference draws
international as well as national investigators. The organization was
originally comprised of educators, physicians, entrepreneurs,
scientists and engineers from the Rocky Mountain area. It has grown
to become a regional symposium which extends as far east as
Pennsylvania, north to the Dakotas, south to Texas and west to Utah.
The Board of Directors would like to extend it even farther to include
Canada, and the eastern United States. The RMBS is also honored to
have active board members from the United Kingdom and Germany.
This year, Dr. Benghuzzi and I have brought the conference to Dayton,
hoping to extend participation in the mid-west. The Board of
Directors decided to hold the annual meeting outside the Rocky
Mountain area every other year. Thus, active participation by you,
your group and particularly your students, is very important. To
encourage student involvement, the registration fee for students is a
nominal $40.00 (including the Proceedings), and several well-known
scientists have been invited to give plenary talks.
Several people have contacted us to say that because of holiday
commitments, they found it difficult to submit their abstracts by the
December 1 deadline. We therefore are extending the deadline for
submission of abstracts to December 8, 1996. You can send the
abstracts to me or Dr. Benghuzzi. I hope to see you, your colleagues
and students at the meetings (Holiday Inn) and the banquet in the
modern hanger of the Air Force Museum in April.
Sincerely yours,
P. K. Bajpai, Ph.D
Conference Chair
34th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium
April 11-13, 1997
Dayton, Ohio 45469
The RMBS has been held annually since 1964. Initially at sites in and
around Rocky Mountain area, the conference has grown to become a
regional symposium with meeting sites throughout the entire Midwest.
Although considered to be a regional conference, contributions and
attendees come from all parts of the United States, Canada and the
world. Attendance and professional program paper presentation by
individuals from areas outside of the Midwest are encouraged and
welcomed. Accepted papers are published in a nationally distributed
Conference Proceedings through the Instrument Society of America
(ISA), which will be available at the meeting. Those interested in
organizing sessions, or company exhibitions, please contact the
Conference Chair, Dr. Praphulla K. Bajpai, Department of Biology,
University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio 45469-2320, E-Mail
Bajpai@neelix.Udayton.Edu) or Program Chair, Dr. Hamed. A. Benghuzzi
at the address listed below.
Abstract Submission:
Submit 200 word abstract (double spaced) extended to December 08,
1996 Acceptance of abstract by December 31, 1996
Submit full manuscript (up to 6 pages) by January 31, 1997
The abstract should describe the problem investigated, methods used
and results obtained.
Forward Abstracts to Program Chairman:
Hamed A. Benghuzzi, Ph.D.
Department of Health Sciences
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 N. State Street, Jackson, MS 39216
Suggested Topics For Contributed Papers and Posters:
Aerospace Medicine
Biomaterial Education
Biomedical Ethics
Bioengineering Education
Biomedical Instrumentation & Sensors
Biophysics & Biochemistry
Biosignal Acquisition & Processing
Cardiovascular Mechanics
Clinical Engineering
Computers in Medicine
Dental Materials
Gait Analysis
Genetic Engineering
Health Care Delivery Systems
Human Factors
Imaging Systems
Instrumentation/Wildlife Mgt.
Lasers in Medicine
Medical Robotics Medical Devices
Neural Networks
Orthopaedic Biomechanics
Pharmacological Systems
Radiology & Nuclear Medicine
Rehabilitation and Prostheses
Tissue Engineering
Trauma and Impact
Ultrasound Instrumentations
Wound Healing
Student Papers and Posters are Encouraged for Award Competition
Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium
Proceedings of Symposia are published in Biomedical Instrumentation
(indexed in Medline) and are available from:
Instrument Society of America
P.O. Box 12277
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Requests for further information and to receive a complete program
(mailed March 1, 1997), please send a card with your name to:
Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium
Dr. Hamed Benghuzzi
Department of Health Sciences
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 N. State Street, Jackson, MS 39216
or call Dr. Hamed A. Benghuzzi
(Phone) (601)-984-6324, Fax (601) 984-6344
Co-sponsored by
IEEE/Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society &
The University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio
Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi
Armstrong Laboratory, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio
Plenary Session Speakers:
Susan M. Blanchard, President, EMBS, North Carolina State
University, NC "WWW For Biomedical Engineering Courses" James
Brinkley, Director, Crew Systems Directorate, Armstrong Laboratory,
Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH "Biomechanical Criteria
for Emergency Escape System Design" Roger M. Glaser, Director,
Institute for Rehabilitation Research and Medicine, Wright State
University School of Medicine, Dayton, OH "Clinical Applications of
Functional Electrical Stimulation: Technology Transfer" Samuel F.
Hulbert, President, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre
Haute, IN "The Present Status of Artificial Organs" Robert A.
McGuire, Jr., Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS "Evaluation of
Biomechanical and Clinical Characteristics on Implant Design"
Charles J. Robinson, Editor, IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation
Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
"Rehabilitation Engineering: Is It Science, Engineering Technology
or Gadgetry"
Visit the Web site at:
(Please type exactly as above)
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P. K. Bajpai
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