Season's Greetings Biomch-L members,

I have recently completed a Mechanical Engineering degree (BE Hons
1st Class) at Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand. As
part of my project work, I have been involved with orthopaedic surgeons
designing diagnostic equipment to test elbow and wrist extension
strength in tetraplegic patients following tendon transfer surgery.

In conjunction, my coursework has concentrated on the following :
Advanced Design, Materials Sciences (eg. Metallurgical Engineering;
Composite, Polymeric and Ceramics; Fracture Mechanics and Failure
Analysis), Computer Control and Instrumentation, Robotics, and
Computational Solid Mechanics (FEA).

Recently, I was awarded scholarship funding for 1 years study at any
University in the States or Canada that will accept me! Therefore, I
am looking to pursue a 1 year Masters degree in Biomedical
Engineering, involving coursework and a project. Areas that interest
me are: Rehabilitation Engineering (neural/mechanical control and
testing of muscles), Biomaterials (design, analysis and testing),
and Prosthetics.

I would greatly appreciate any replies offering advice or possible
contacts for institutions in the States or Canada with a highly
regarded postgraduate Biomedical Engineering programme.

I have had some contact and offers of interest from the Biomedical
Eng Dept at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, and
understand there are also Biomedical Eng Depts at Stanford and the
University of Kentucky.

I shall post a summary of replies in due course for any other students
out there who might be interested in further studies in this area.

Thanks in advance (and apologies for the lengthy posting)!!!
Tim Woodfield
Tim Woodfield
Mechanical Engineering Dept
Canterbury University