Hi all,
I have collected some abdominal EMG which for the electrodes in the upper
abdominal area have significant cardiac ECG signals in it. This ECG signal
is interfering greatly with the ability to determine onsets etc. Therefore
we would like to get rid of it. I realise that filtering will remove all the
signal, and hence some EMG, at whatever frequency we use. However at the
moment we cannot determine an onset at all that makes sense.
My question is:
Has anybody tried this?
What filter and frequency did you use?
Have you published this anywhere?
Wendy Gilleard E-mail: w.gilleard@cchs.usyd.edu.au
Dept. Biomedical Science Tel: Int +61- (0)2 - 935 19528
Faculty of Health Science Fax: Int +61- (0)2 - 935 19520
University of Sydney
Post: P.O. Box 170, Lidcombe, N.S.W. 2141, Australia