Checking back in to my ofice today I found the "new look" Journal of
Biomechanics in my snail box. For those of you who have not seen yours
yet, it now has much larger, A4 sized pages and an attractive rich blue
cover illustration. There are some red blood cells floating in the
background and there is some sort of a computer graphics 3-D mesh of
something in the foreground.
1. Does anybody recognize what the foreground illustration is ?
2. Are there other covers in the works? after all Biomechanics encompasses
more than RBC's and FEM.
Rodger Kram
Biomechanics in my snail box. For those of you who have not seen yours
yet, it now has much larger, A4 sized pages and an attractive rich blue
cover illustration. There are some red blood cells floating in the
background and there is some sort of a computer graphics 3-D mesh of
something in the foreground.
1. Does anybody recognize what the foreground illustration is ?
2. Are there other covers in the works? after all Biomechanics encompasses
more than RBC's and FEM.
Rodger Kram