Can anybody help me. I would like to know the maximum flexing knee moment
experienced during the stance phase of gait (natural cadence) for a child (7 -
10 years of age).
I have seen figures quoted in the range 0.6+- 0.04 Nm per kg flexion and 0.3
+- 0.03Nm per kg val/var for adults (Winter, I believe) , but I do not know
how applicable this is for a child. Would there be any variation?
Additionally, is there a simple way of relating age to weight for this age
My application for this data is a KAFO design (non-weight relieving).
William A.J. Higgs
Research Engineer
Department of Aeronautical Engineering
Building JO7
University of Sydney
Sydney 2006
Phone: (02) 9351-7136 Office
(02) 9351-7137 G.A.Bird Laboratory
Fax: (02) 9351-4841
Email: bill@aero.ae.su.oz.au
Can anybody help me. I would like to know the maximum flexing knee moment
experienced during the stance phase of gait (natural cadence) for a child (7 -
10 years of age).
I have seen figures quoted in the range 0.6+- 0.04 Nm per kg flexion and 0.3
+- 0.03Nm per kg val/var for adults (Winter, I believe) , but I do not know
how applicable this is for a child. Would there be any variation?
Additionally, is there a simple way of relating age to weight for this age
My application for this data is a KAFO design (non-weight relieving).
William A.J. Higgs
Research Engineer
Department of Aeronautical Engineering
Building JO7
University of Sydney
Sydney 2006
Phone: (02) 9351-7136 Office
(02) 9351-7137 G.A.Bird Laboratory
Fax: (02) 9351-4841
Email: bill@aero.ae.su.oz.au