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Homepage for classes in biomechanics

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  • Homepage for classes in biomechanics

    I am working on developing a homepage for classes in biomechanics=
    which would be part of Pierre Baudin=92s Biomechanics World Wide=20
    site at

    It would be similar to the University of Texas World Lecture Hall
    at except that it would focus
    specifically on biomechanics.=20

    I believe that a homepage like this could help faculty create and/or=
    expand classes that they are teaching. It would offer resources such=
    as syllabus content, homework problems and laboratory exercises.

    I would like to collect information on as many classes as possible=
    in any area of biomechanics for any audience (engineers, physical=
    therapists, orthopaedic surgeons, etc...) This information could tak=
    any form that is easy for you, such as:

    - The URL for an active site
    - The HTML files from an old class web site
    - The files used for your class (HW, tests, etc ...)
    - Or simply a class syllabus

    If you are interested in contributing to this site, please e-mail me=
    and let me know what class information you would like to provide.

    I would also appreciate any feedback regarding this concept.

    - Andy

    __________________________________________________ ________

    Andrew Karduna, Ph.D. phone: (215) 762-4166
    Assistant Professor fax: (215) 762-3886
    Department of Physical Therapy
    Allegheny University
    Philadelphia, PA 19102
    __________________________________________________ ________