Last fall I posted an info query, looking for any information
regarding tai chi and gait/balance, after a student had exhausted my
library's resources.
What follows is the summary of answers. I apologize for being slow
in getting the summary out. And I thank--as always--the participants on
this list.
Patrick Ellis
>From JIVES@ithaca.edu Fri Jan 10 15:03:24 1997
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 13:57:45 -0400 (EDT)
To: pellis@IS.DAL.CA
Subject: Tai Chi
I am presently putting together some material for a review of somatic
education methods (Feldenkrais, Alexander, etc.). There is a
reasonable amount of info out there on Tai Chi, but it may be too much
trouble to find. First, be sure to check out all the Tai Chi names and
related terms (e.g., qui, quigong, oriental medicine). Examine articles
with keywords like mind-body and alternative or complementary medicine.
Find from Somatic sources like the Feldenkrais Guild or the North
American Society of Alexander Teachers literature on their methods. Some of
these sources talk about Tai Chi as well. Check the internet under 'somatic' to
find out more info, and also check out Alternative and complementary medicine
on the 'net. Get your hands on "Alternative Medicine. Expanding Medical
Horizons" from the US Govt. Printing office (call 202-512-1800).
Interlibrary load the material from China if you can. Of course,
getting and translating these documents may prove to be problematic.
Good luck,
Jeff Ives, Ph.D.
Dept. Exercise Science
Ithaca College
Ithaca, NY 14850
>From niiler@UDel.Edu Fri Jan 10 15:03:31 1997
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 14:27:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: Timothy Niiler
To: Patrick J Ellis
Subject: Re: taichi and gait/balance
Sources of information regarding Taiji and balance, balance in general,
gait...? Regarding the first topic, I doubt very much that you will find
much information if any since it is not really a mainstream topic. You
may wish to contact the editors of the Journal of Asian Martial Arts (ISSN
1057-8358) who may be reached at the below address:
Via Media Publishing Company
821 West 24th Street
Erie, PA 16502
814-838-7811 (fax)
Other groups that I know have been involved in the area of biomechanical,
medical, or other martial arts research include Richard B. Birrer who
works out of the Catholic Medical Center of Brooklyn & Queens. The last
number I have listed for him is 718-657-6800 x4173 or x4174. Also there
is Michael J. Miller from St. Elizabeth Sports Medicine Center in Kentucky
(phone 606-341-5600).
Best of Luck!
Tim Niiler
Biomechanics and Movement Sciences/USA Wushu Kungfu Federation
University of Delaware
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 15:14:02 EST
From: Steve Wolf
To: Patrick J Ellis
Subject: Re: taichi and gait/balance
> Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 12:29:27 -0400
> To: steve@spinal.emory.edu
> From: Patrick J Ellis (by way of bob.gregor@oip.gatech.edu (Bob
> Gregor))
> Subject: taichi and gait/balance
> Steve,
> The following message was on my e-mail...... Popular idea these days.
> I will sane the summary when it is posted.
> Bob
> ************************************************** ************************
> ************************************************** *************************
> Your email has been forwarded to me.
Start with the May 1996 issue of J. Amer Geriatrics Soc and work
Steven L. Wolf, Ph.D., FAPTA
Center for Rehabilitation Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
1441 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, GA (USA) 30322
(TEL) 404-712-4801
(FAX) 404-712-4809
(EMAIL) steve@spinal.emory.edu
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 09:39:41 +1000 (EST)
From: Paul Treffner
To: Patrick J Ellis
Subject: Re: taichi and gait/balance
Yes - look into HAPTICS (active and dynamic touch) research - e.g. Turvey,
Pagano, Burton, Solomon...inspired by James Gibson's work on visual
perception and action. This is the only correct way to begin to understand
how one can have knowledge of the world through the body.
Paul Treffner
Department of Psychology
University of Southern Queensland
Toowoomba, QLD 4350
Tel 076 31 2975; Fax 076 31 2721
,-_|\ .
/ *
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 08:54:58 -0400
From: "Mark Grabiner, PhD"
To: 'Patrick J Ellis'
Subject: RE: taichi and gait/balance
I beleive that a group at Emory University, possibly headed up by Steve Wolf is working on just such a project on a large scale.
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 8:09:26 -0500 (CDT)
To: pellis@is.dal.ca
Subject: RE: taichi and gait/balance
Look in some of the back issues of the PT magazine. It is not indexed on
Medline or otherwise and I do not intend the Physical Therapy journal. The PT
Magazine is the "trade" magazine of the American Physical Therapy Association.
Steve Wolf (Emory University) has a set of articles in the magazine on Tia
tai chi.
Clayton Gable, PT,Ph.D.
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 10:41:41 -0500
From: "Emily A. Keshner"
To: Patrick J Ellis
Subject: tai chi
You might have the student contact Dr. Timothy Hain at Northwestern
University (thain@casbah.acns.nwu.edu) who has done a study on this subject.
__________________________________________________ _________________________
Dr. Emily A. Keshner Phone: 312-908-2228
Sensory Motor Performance Program Fax: 312-908-2208
E809 - Room 1406
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
345 East Superior Street e-mail: eak@nwu.edu
Chicago, IL 60611
================================================== =========================
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 09:06:12 -0700
From: Nate Siegel
To: Patrick J Ellis
Subject: Re: taichi and gait/balance
There was a paper in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
earlier this year about using taichi for balance training. Here's the
Title: "Reducing Frailty and Falls in Older Persons: An Investigation
of Tai Chi and Computerized Balance Training"
Authors: Steven L. Wolf, Huiman X. Barnhart, Nancy G. Kutner and others
Publication: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 44:489-497.
The PI is at Emory University. I pulled the paper off the Medline.
Hope this helps.
Nate Siegel
>From dutton@lucy.findlay.edu Fri Jan 10 15:04:19 1997
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 17:44:07 -0400
From: dutton@lucy.findlay.edu
To: PELLIS@is.dal.ca
Subject: tai chi and gait/balance
Dear Mr. Ellis,
You might try contacting Dr. Steven Wolf, Professor and Director of Research,
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Emory University. He presented
information on the use of tai chi and its relationship to balance in the
elderly at the Ohio Physical Therapy Conference in April of 1996. Hope this
Lisa Dutton, MS, PT
The University of Findlay
>From newtonra@vm.temple.edu Fri Jan 10 15:04:24 1997
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 12:00:03 -0300
From: "Dr. Roberta A. Newton"
To: pellis@is.dal.ca
Subject: Re: taichi and gait/balance
There is an article, I believe in the Occupational Journal on Tai Chi- you
will need to search back at least 5 years. Also Steve Wolf has an article as
part of the FICIT studies that used Tai Chi for one group and exercises for
a second group of older adults. Sorry but I am in a bit of a rush, and
cannot locate either article as quickly as I hoped to. If you still need
help, please contact me
Last fall I posted an info query, looking for any information
regarding tai chi and gait/balance, after a student had exhausted my
library's resources.
What follows is the summary of answers. I apologize for being slow
in getting the summary out. And I thank--as always--the participants on
this list.
Patrick Ellis
>From JIVES@ithaca.edu Fri Jan 10 15:03:24 1997
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 13:57:45 -0400 (EDT)
To: pellis@IS.DAL.CA
Subject: Tai Chi
I am presently putting together some material for a review of somatic
education methods (Feldenkrais, Alexander, etc.). There is a
reasonable amount of info out there on Tai Chi, but it may be too much
trouble to find. First, be sure to check out all the Tai Chi names and
related terms (e.g., qui, quigong, oriental medicine). Examine articles
with keywords like mind-body and alternative or complementary medicine.
Find from Somatic sources like the Feldenkrais Guild or the North
American Society of Alexander Teachers literature on their methods. Some of
these sources talk about Tai Chi as well. Check the internet under 'somatic' to
find out more info, and also check out Alternative and complementary medicine
on the 'net. Get your hands on "Alternative Medicine. Expanding Medical
Horizons" from the US Govt. Printing office (call 202-512-1800).
Interlibrary load the material from China if you can. Of course,
getting and translating these documents may prove to be problematic.
Good luck,
Jeff Ives, Ph.D.
Dept. Exercise Science
Ithaca College
Ithaca, NY 14850
>From niiler@UDel.Edu Fri Jan 10 15:03:31 1997
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 14:27:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: Timothy Niiler
To: Patrick J Ellis
Subject: Re: taichi and gait/balance
Sources of information regarding Taiji and balance, balance in general,
gait...? Regarding the first topic, I doubt very much that you will find
much information if any since it is not really a mainstream topic. You
may wish to contact the editors of the Journal of Asian Martial Arts (ISSN
1057-8358) who may be reached at the below address:
Via Media Publishing Company
821 West 24th Street
Erie, PA 16502
814-838-7811 (fax)
Other groups that I know have been involved in the area of biomechanical,
medical, or other martial arts research include Richard B. Birrer who
works out of the Catholic Medical Center of Brooklyn & Queens. The last
number I have listed for him is 718-657-6800 x4173 or x4174. Also there
is Michael J. Miller from St. Elizabeth Sports Medicine Center in Kentucky
(phone 606-341-5600).
Best of Luck!
Tim Niiler
Biomechanics and Movement Sciences/USA Wushu Kungfu Federation
University of Delaware
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 15:14:02 EST
From: Steve Wolf
To: Patrick J Ellis
Subject: Re: taichi and gait/balance
> Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 12:29:27 -0400
> To: steve@spinal.emory.edu
> From: Patrick J Ellis (by way of bob.gregor@oip.gatech.edu (Bob
> Gregor))
> Subject: taichi and gait/balance
> Steve,
> The following message was on my e-mail...... Popular idea these days.
> I will sane the summary when it is posted.
> Bob
> ************************************************** ************************
> ************************************************** *************************
> Your email has been forwarded to me.
Start with the May 1996 issue of J. Amer Geriatrics Soc and work
Steven L. Wolf, Ph.D., FAPTA
Center for Rehabilitation Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
1441 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, GA (USA) 30322
(TEL) 404-712-4801
(FAX) 404-712-4809
(EMAIL) steve@spinal.emory.edu
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 09:39:41 +1000 (EST)
From: Paul Treffner
To: Patrick J Ellis
Subject: Re: taichi and gait/balance
Yes - look into HAPTICS (active and dynamic touch) research - e.g. Turvey,
Pagano, Burton, Solomon...inspired by James Gibson's work on visual
perception and action. This is the only correct way to begin to understand
how one can have knowledge of the world through the body.
Paul Treffner
Department of Psychology
University of Southern Queensland
Toowoomba, QLD 4350
Tel 076 31 2975; Fax 076 31 2721
,-_|\ .
/ *
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 08:54:58 -0400
From: "Mark Grabiner, PhD"
To: 'Patrick J Ellis'
Subject: RE: taichi and gait/balance
I beleive that a group at Emory University, possibly headed up by Steve Wolf is working on just such a project on a large scale.
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 8:09:26 -0500 (CDT)
To: pellis@is.dal.ca
Subject: RE: taichi and gait/balance
Look in some of the back issues of the PT magazine. It is not indexed on
Medline or otherwise and I do not intend the Physical Therapy journal. The PT
Magazine is the "trade" magazine of the American Physical Therapy Association.
Steve Wolf (Emory University) has a set of articles in the magazine on Tia
tai chi.
Clayton Gable, PT,Ph.D.
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 10:41:41 -0500
From: "Emily A. Keshner"
To: Patrick J Ellis
Subject: tai chi
You might have the student contact Dr. Timothy Hain at Northwestern
University (thain@casbah.acns.nwu.edu) who has done a study on this subject.
__________________________________________________ _________________________
Dr. Emily A. Keshner Phone: 312-908-2228
Sensory Motor Performance Program Fax: 312-908-2208
E809 - Room 1406
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
345 East Superior Street e-mail: eak@nwu.edu
Chicago, IL 60611
================================================== =========================
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 09:06:12 -0700
From: Nate Siegel
To: Patrick J Ellis
Subject: Re: taichi and gait/balance
There was a paper in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
earlier this year about using taichi for balance training. Here's the
Title: "Reducing Frailty and Falls in Older Persons: An Investigation
of Tai Chi and Computerized Balance Training"
Authors: Steven L. Wolf, Huiman X. Barnhart, Nancy G. Kutner and others
Publication: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 44:489-497.
The PI is at Emory University. I pulled the paper off the Medline.
Hope this helps.
Nate Siegel
>From dutton@lucy.findlay.edu Fri Jan 10 15:04:19 1997
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 17:44:07 -0400
From: dutton@lucy.findlay.edu
To: PELLIS@is.dal.ca
Subject: tai chi and gait/balance
Dear Mr. Ellis,
You might try contacting Dr. Steven Wolf, Professor and Director of Research,
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Emory University. He presented
information on the use of tai chi and its relationship to balance in the
elderly at the Ohio Physical Therapy Conference in April of 1996. Hope this
Lisa Dutton, MS, PT
The University of Findlay
>From newtonra@vm.temple.edu Fri Jan 10 15:04:24 1997
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 12:00:03 -0300
From: "Dr. Roberta A. Newton"
To: pellis@is.dal.ca
Subject: Re: taichi and gait/balance
There is an article, I believe in the Occupational Journal on Tai Chi- you
will need to search back at least 5 years. Also Steve Wolf has an article as
part of the FICIT studies that used Tai Chi for one group and exercises for
a second group of older adults. Sorry but I am in a bit of a rush, and
cannot locate either article as quickly as I hoped to. If you still need
help, please contact me