Hello Netters,
I am posing this question on behalf of an orthopedic resident who
needs to know the shear, compression and torsion of the tibia during
activities of daily living (i.e. walking, stair climbing, etc.). The
torsion loading is most important because the surgical procedure involves
intermedullary nailing prophilactically following bone harvest in
patients requiring mandibular reconstruction. The interest comes from
the worry of not nailing the tibia after the harvest and the danger of
not withstanding the stresses. Any references or experiences with this
matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
__________________________________________________ _______________________
\ /
\ /| Jim Dowling, Ph.D. |\ /
| , , |
| / |_ . Associate Professor . _| \ |
|/ |_ Department of Kinesiology _| \|
/ McMaster University \
/ Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1 \
/ (905) 525-9140 Ext.23572 \
\ Fax: (905) 523-6011 /
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|_________________________________________________ ______________________|