Below is the second announcement for a Associate Lecturer/Lecturer/Senior
Lecturer within the Rehabilitation Research Centre at the University of
Sydney, Australia.

Please contact Associate Professor Glen Davis if you are interested. My
E-Mail address is in the signature lines at the end of this document. Thank You
Rehabilitation Research Centre
Associate Lecturer/Lecturer/Senior Lecturer
3 Year Contract
Reference No. CC97/10

The Rehabilitation Research Centre is an emerging multi-discliplinary centre
within the Faculty of Health Sciences with close links to medicine, allied
health sciences and biomedical engineering. Key objectives for the
Rehabilitation Research Centre include increasing research productivity,
publication and scholarship in the area of rehabilitation, providing a
stimulating research environment to attract Postgraduate students to the
Centre and strengthening relationships between the Rehabilitation Research
Centre and other clinically and research orientated institutions.

An Associate Lecturer/Lecturer/Senior Lecturer is sought to add to the
Centre's research profile and to provide supervisory input to postgraduate
students enrolled in the Centre via the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Increasingly, research students from non-traditional rehabilitation
disciplines (eg. human movement studies, biomedical engineering and exercise
sciences) are choosing to pursue scientific studies in multi-discliplinary
outcomes following rehabilitation of individuals with chronic disease and
disability. The successful candidate will collaborate on some of the
Centre's existing research projects, but there is a strong expectation that
the candidate will undertake new directions of rehabilitation research with
the potential to attract external research funds and post-graduate students
in his/her field of interest. Interacting with a larger group of doctors,
clinical psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and
biomedical engineers is possible via the Centre's close links to hospitals
within Sydney and at the main campus of the University.

Essential: The successful applicant must have post-graduate qualifications
at the PhD level (for Senior Lecturer appointment) or demonstration of
attaining a PhD within the probationary period (for Associate Lecturer or
Lecturer appointment; PhD conferred within 6-months from initial date
employment). A strong research background in one or more of the following
areas must be demonstrated:
o rehabilitation of children with chronic disease or disability
o rehabilitation of asyptomatic elderly adults or elderly adults with
age-related disease or disability
o multi-discliplinary rehabilitation outcomes after exercise conditioning
in diseased or disabled populations
o multi-discliplinary rehabilitation outcomes after exercise conditioning
in a rural/agricultural environment
o biomedical engineering or clinical biomechanics research related to
daily functional tasks in populations with chronic disease or disability
A record of publication international refereed journals, as well as capacity
to attract external research grants (for Associate Lecturer/Lecturer
appointment) or demonstrated track record in successful competitive external
research grants acquisition (Senior Lecturer appointment) are essential
criteria. For the appointment to Senior Lecturer there must be demonstration
of successful supervision of post-graduate research students.

Desirable: A solid background in rehabilitation research with undergraduate
qualifications in medicine, clinical psychology, physiotherapy, occupational
therapy or a similar allied health sciences discipline are desirable
criteria. Demonstration of successful supervision of post-graduate research
students is an asset. A previous background in exercise conditioning as
rehabilitation for individuals with disease or disability and good knowledge
of statistical data analysis techniques related to small sample research
studies are desirable criteria.

Period of Employment: The appointment is for 3 years with the possibility of
a further offer of up to 3 years subject to need and the availability of
funding. The position is available from early March, 1997.

Enquiries and Further Information: Associate Professor Glen M Davis,
Director of the Rehabilitation Research Centre ( (02) 9351-9466, Fax (02)
9351-9977 or E-mail A mission statement about the
Rehabilitation Research Centre outlining its broad research and educational
objectives can be browsed at

Salary: Associate Lecturer (Level A) $30,130 range $40,889 pa
Lecturer (Level B) $43,042 range $51,113 pa
Senior Lecturer (Level C) $52,726 range $60,797 pa

Membership of a University approved superannuation scheme is a condition of
employment for all new employees.

For Reference No. CC Applications should include (academic qualifications
and copies of academic transcripts, refereed publications, invited
presentations, awards, teaching experience and achievements, research grants
awarded) Reference No., curriculum vitae, list of publications and the
names, addresses phone and fax numbers of three confidential referees to:
Head, Personnel Services Division, Faculty of Health Sciences, The
University of Sydney, PO Box 170, Lidcombe NSW 2141 Australia.

Equal employment opportunity and no smoking in the workplace are University
policies. The University reserves the right no to proceed with any
appointment for financial or other reasons.

Closing date: March 1, 1997
Associate Professor Glen M Davis
Rehabilitation Research Centre
The University of Sydney
Telephone: +61 2 9351 9466
Fax: +61 2 9351 9977