[Date: Mon, 19 Aug 91 20:19:34 GMT+0300]
[From: "Dr. Yohanan Giat" ]
[Subject: Job search in biomechanics]
[Dear Biomch-l reader,]
[ I would be very grateful to you if you could inform me of any]
[job opening in biomechanics. I earned my Ph.D. from the University of]
[Maryland (US) in August 1990 and I am presently doing my post-doctorate]
[at the Biomedical Engineering Department of the Technion-Israel Institute]
[of Technology.]
[Thanks in Advance. Dr. Yohanan Giat.]
With regard to the above message, you may be interested to know
that Dr. Savio L-Y. Woo (University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine) is
advertising for faculty positions in biomechanical and biomaterial
engineering. You may find a complete description of the requirements for
these positions in the back of the May 1991 issue of the Journal of
Biomechanical Engineering (Transactions of the ASME). While some
advertisements are simply a vehicle for meeting equal opportunity
guidelines, my understanding is that these positions are truly available.
Also, our co-moderator, Dr. Woltring, has kindly noted that the
August 1991 issue of the Journal of Biomechanics lists an advertisement for
Director of Biomechanics Research Laboratory at the University of Southern
California in Los Angeles. Advertisements can also be found in the Journal
of Orthopaedic Research (Raven Press).
Good luck on your job hunt.
Gerard A. Ateshian, PhD
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.