I'm working on a team that is building a hip simulator. We are
trying to recreate the forces that act on a hip joint during
a normal gait cycle. In order to do this accurately we need
the correct forces. We have plots of the Paul JP force
profiles but, pulling values off of these plots is not very
We are looking for possibily an equation or maybe just more accurate
data on these forces ( medial-lateral and anterior posterior as well as
axial). If anyone has an idea of where we might find
something like that, please let me know, your suggestions would be
greatly appreciated.
Erin Beckwith
Mechanical Engineering
Colorado State University
Ft. Collins CO
trying to recreate the forces that act on a hip joint during
a normal gait cycle. In order to do this accurately we need
the correct forces. We have plots of the Paul JP force
profiles but, pulling values off of these plots is not very
We are looking for possibily an equation or maybe just more accurate
data on these forces ( medial-lateral and anterior posterior as well as
axial). If anyone has an idea of where we might find
something like that, please let me know, your suggestions would be
greatly appreciated.
Erin Beckwith
Mechanical Engineering
Colorado State University
Ft. Collins CO