Dear subscribers:
I am a Ph.D. candidate at Colorado State University. I am currently
comparing the forces in the hip joint between species. It would be truly
great to find some research which has been done on humans, sheep, and
dogs. The study by Bergmann has been helpful, but has anything been done
more recently? Specifically, the forces in the hips of sheep would be
most helpful.
Also, has a wireless telemetry study been done on sheep or dog hip
joints? I would appreciate any information about telemetry units which
have been placed in prosthetic devices.
A summary of replies will be posted. Thanks, Gracias, Vielen Dank,
Tutsen Tokk, and much obliged, all in advance.
Charles Hubbeling
I am a Ph.D. candidate at Colorado State University. I am currently
comparing the forces in the hip joint between species. It would be truly
great to find some research which has been done on humans, sheep, and
dogs. The study by Bergmann has been helpful, but has anything been done
more recently? Specifically, the forces in the hips of sheep would be
most helpful.
Also, has a wireless telemetry study been done on sheep or dog hip
joints? I would appreciate any information about telemetry units which
have been placed in prosthetic devices.
A summary of replies will be posted. Thanks, Gracias, Vielen Dank,
Tutsen Tokk, and much obliged, all in advance.
Charles Hubbeling