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Quadriceps and Hamstrings: muscle strength and architecture

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  • Quadriceps and Hamstrings: muscle strength and architecture

    Thanks to Jacques Van Hoecke, Yasuo Kawakami, Don
    Kirkendall, Anne Hollister, Joseph Mizrahi, Cheryl
    Riegger-Krugh, Dan Kelaher and John M. Cissik for
    the helpful information that they provided on the
    above subject.

    A summary of the references received is listed bleow.

    LEGRENEUR P, MORLON B, VAN HOECKE J. (1996) Simulation of the in situ soleus
    muscle isometric force output as a function of neural excitation. J.
    Biomech., 29, 1455-1462

    Wickiewicz, T. L., Roy, R. R., Powell, P. L., and Edgerton, V. R.
    Muscle architecture of the human lower limb.
    Clin. Orthopead. Rel. Res. 179: 275-283, 1983.

    Sacks, R. D., and Roy, R. R.
    Architecture of the hind limb muscles of cats: functional significance.
    J. Morphol. 173: 185-195, 1982.

    Lieber, R. L., and Blevins, F. T.
    Skeletal muscle architecture of the rabbit hindlimb: functional implications of muscle design.
    J. Morphol. 199: 93-101, 1989.

    Frigo, C., and Pedoddi, A.
    Determination of muscle length during locomotion.
    In: Biomechanics VI-A, edited by E. Asmussen, and E. Jorgensen.
    Baltimore: University Park Press, 1978, pp. 355-360.

    See Richard L. Lieber's book "Skeletal muscle structure and function"
    published by Williams and Wilkins (1992).Chapter 1, pg36-37 summarizes
    Wickiewicz's data (Clin Ortho Rel Res 179:275-283, 1983) on lower limb
    muscle architecture. Either place offers pennation angles on leg

    Giat, Mizrahi and Levy: A musculo-tendon model of the fatigue profiles
    of paralyzed quadriceps muscles under FES. IEEE Trans on Biomed Engng
    Giat, Mizrahi and Levy: Fatigue and recoveryin paraplegic's quadriceps
    muscle when subjected to intermittent stimulation. ASME J. Biomech.
    Engng. 118:357-366, 1996.

    Weber and Weber did the initial study of Hamstring and quadraceps
    architecture in the early 1800's. Many of the modern references use (or
    misuse) their data. Reading the early article is certainly well worth
    while and insightful.

    The book Clinical Kinesiology by Brunnstrom, FA Davis, has
    information about physiological cross sections.

    Friederich and Brand, (1990) J Biomechanics 23:91-95
    Narici et al (1988, 1989, 1992) Eur J Appl Phys and Occ Phys

    Dr Gerard Garbutt
    Principal Lecturer
    Staffordshire University
    School of Sciences
    Division of Sport, Health and Exercise
    ST4 2DF

    Tel: 01782 294341
    Fax: 01782 747167