February 27, 1997

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
1997 International Mechanical Engineering Congress
and Exposition (IMECE-97)
Dallas, Texas, November 16-21
Bioengineering Division

Dear Colleague:

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract for a highlight session on
Computer and Robot Assisted Surgery and Planning to be held at the ASME
IMECE-97. This call for papers is intended to encourage you to participate
in this conference; please be aware that no travel funds or waivers of
registration fees are being made available through this invitation.

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to March 15, 1997.
Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and authors will receive notification of
acceptance by June 2, 1997. Information and abstract kits can be obtained

IMECE-97 Bioengineering Division
Professor Bruce R. Simon
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department
The University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721
520-621-2235, 520-621-8191 FAX
email: imece97@caec.ece.arizona.edu
INTERNET: http://www.asme.org/divisions/bed/

If you decide to submit an abstract for this session, please send the
original copy directly to Professor Simon, clearly indicating your desire to
to have it considered for the Computer and Robot Assisted Surgery and
Planning session. We would also appreciate it if you would send a copy to us
(see address below).

We look forward to your participation at this meeting.


Gerard A. Ateshian, Associate Professor, Columbia University, NY.
Noshir Langrana, Professor, Rutgers University, NJ.
Lars Gilbertson, Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh, PA.

NB. Please send a copy of your abstract to

Gerard A. Ateshian
IMECE-97 Computer and Robot Assisted Surgery and Planning
Columbia University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
500 W 120th St., 220 S.W. Mudd, Mail Code 4703
New York, NY 10027-6699
Phone: (212) 854-8602
Fax: (212) 854-3304

Feel free to distribute this annoucement to interested colleagues.

Computer and Robot Assisted Surgery and Planning
Technology Highlights

Computer and robot assisted surgery and planning represents a new area of
technology development which is gaining wide popularity within the medical
and engineering communities. Reports of recent developments and advances are
appearing in the lay press at increasing rates, with great interest and
appeal to the general public. Perhaps the best known of these efforts is the
ROBODOC system from IBM Research, which assists orthopaedic surgeons in
properly cutting the distal end of a bone to prepare it for prosthesis
implant. However, many other procedures have successfully been tested in the
operating room, demonstrating the tremendous potential for development in
this field. Rapid advances in these technologies have been reported in the
US and Europe in recent years, and researchers in this area have been looking
for the proper forums to present their work.

The field of computer and robot assisted surgery is highly interdisciplinary,
involving the latest advances in computer simulations of biological systems,
with high emphasis on soft and hard tissue mechanics and multibody modeling,
imaging and image analysis of tissue structures, virtual reality
environments, and the development of robot technology which can fit within
the sterile and cramped environment of the operating room. All of these
areas pose significant technological challenges to scientists and engineers,
with a significant onus on the mechanical engineer whose expertise extends
across many of these fields. However, the medical community is not likely to
embrace computer and robot assisted surgery over the long term unless it is
demonstrated that advances in this field may allow surgeons to significantly
increase the success rates of surgical procedures, decrease the duration and
concomitant risk of surgery, decrease costs, or open the way to new
procedures which are possible only with the availability of these

ASME's 1997 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition is
ideally suited for special technology highlight sessions on Computer and
Robot Assisted Surgery and Planning, since ASME's industrial and academic
members have expertise in the majority of technologies spanned by this
interdisciplinary field. At the 1996 IMECE, a microsymposium on Computer
Aided Surgery and Planning, organized by the Bioengineering Division, was a
great success, attracting speakers from around the nation and the world and
providing some of the best attended sessions of that meeting.