Sorry...for the vaguenessin my last posting. As previously mentioned,
my area of interest is in the use of 3-D motion analysis to enhance
performance in sport. I am fascinated with events that involve couples (i.e.
paired figure skating etc.). In these types of events, being the fastest or
having the ability to jump the highest does not ensure victory. Rather, it
is the couples ability to utilize the centripetal and centrifugal forces that
they create to their best advantage in order to create shapes that are
pleasing to the judges.
My contention is that the top couples are more adept in their individual
biomechanics and in their ability to use the centripetal and centrifugal
forces that they create.
I am interested in designing a research project that can monitor the
joints along the kinematic chain for deviations while measuring the
centrifugal and centripetal forces that the couple creates.
I am uncertain as to the feasibility of such a project. Your input
would be appreciated.
Thank you for your consideration,
Alex Dziekanowski
San Jose State University
my area of interest is in the use of 3-D motion analysis to enhance
performance in sport. I am fascinated with events that involve couples (i.e.
paired figure skating etc.). In these types of events, being the fastest or
having the ability to jump the highest does not ensure victory. Rather, it
is the couples ability to utilize the centripetal and centrifugal forces that
they create to their best advantage in order to create shapes that are
pleasing to the judges.
My contention is that the top couples are more adept in their individual
biomechanics and in their ability to use the centripetal and centrifugal
forces that they create.
I am interested in designing a research project that can monitor the
joints along the kinematic chain for deviations while measuring the
centrifugal and centripetal forces that the couple creates.
I am uncertain as to the feasibility of such a project. Your input
would be appreciated.
Thank you for your consideration,
Alex Dziekanowski
San Jose State University