The BioMedical Engieering Group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering
(web page site address has a number of PhD studentships
for which it invites immediate applications from well qusalified students.
Applications should normally have a 1st class honours degree or equivalent
and must by UK citizens to receive the full award.
Research opportunities are in a number of advanced areas - including
Biomedical Engineering
Rehabilitation Engineering
Tissue Biomechanics
Microengineering for health care
Mechatronics in surgery
Virtual reality
Fluid Dynamics
3D Solid Mechanics and anthropometry
Design and FEA in Bioengineering
Contact :
for application forms.
SC Hughes,
Director of BioMedical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Surrey,
Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH
Tel: 01483 259671
Fax: 01483 306039
(web page site address has a number of PhD studentships
for which it invites immediate applications from well qusalified students.
Applications should normally have a 1st class honours degree or equivalent
and must by UK citizens to receive the full award.
Research opportunities are in a number of advanced areas - including
Biomedical Engineering
Rehabilitation Engineering
Tissue Biomechanics
Microengineering for health care
Mechatronics in surgery
Virtual reality
Fluid Dynamics
3D Solid Mechanics and anthropometry
Design and FEA in Bioengineering
Contact :
for application forms.
SC Hughes,
Director of BioMedical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Surrey,
Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH
Tel: 01483 259671
Fax: 01483 306039