I am in the process of setting up a Human factors lab where
bioelectric signals will be collected and do not know how to go about
getting the Institutional Review Board Clearance for using Human subjects.
Could someone share information on the protocol to be followed?
Thank you very much. I will post a summary of the replies.
Priya Sudarsan
Cybernet Systems Corporation
727 Airport Boulevard
Ann Arbor MI 48108 http://www.cybernet.com
I am in the process of setting up a Human factors lab where
bioelectric signals will be collected and do not know how to go about
getting the Institutional Review Board Clearance for using Human subjects.
Could someone share information on the protocol to be followed?
Thank you very much. I will post a summary of the replies.
Priya Sudarsan
Cybernet Systems Corporation
727 Airport Boulevard
Ann Arbor MI 48108 http://www.cybernet.com