Dear Biomch-L users, my question was :
>I am looking for the stiffnesses and dampings of the different human
>joints, and also the range of rotations allowed for the 3 rotations at
>each joint to model a realistic behaviour of a man during a tipover of
> a vehicle.
>If you have any information, or can suggest me books, papers... please
>let me know.
>Thank you very much,
Marina Koutchouk
The answers I have received are listed below :
See if the following is of any help:
Batman, M. and Seliktar, R. "Characterization of Human Joint Impedance
During Impulsive Motion". Journal of
Electromyography and Kinesiology, V.3, No. 4, 221-230, 1993.
Also the following are the references extracted from this paper:
1 Batman M: A Two Dimensional Mathematical Model of the Human Body for
Car Crash Victim Simulation. M.Sc.
thesis, Drexel University, Philadelphia, 1990.
2 Bosio AC, Bowman MB: Simulation of Head-Neck Dynamic Response in -Gx
and +Gy. Proceedings of the 30th
Stapp Car Crash Conference: SAE 861895, pp 345-378, 1986.
3 Cohen DS, Simeone L: The Safety Problem for Passengers in Frontal
Impacts - Analysis of Accident,
Laboratory, and Model Simulation Data: 11th International Technical
Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicle:
pp 550, 1989.
4 Cooper GA: A Driver Environment Design Parameter Study. SAE 840865,
5 Digges KH: Improvements in the Simulation of Unrestrained Passengers
in Frontal Crashes Using Vehicle Test
Data. SAE 860654, 1986.
6 Fisher RG, Haertle JA: Computer Modeling in New Vehicle Design. SAE
7 Gordon SL, Orticke PN, Prince J, Mcmeekin RR: Dynamic Characteristics
of Human Leg Joints. Proceedings of
the 21th Stapp Car Crash Conference: SAE 770924, pp 419-441, 1977.
8 Lestrelin D, Fayon A, Tarriere C, Mack P: Three Applications of a
Mathematical Model, PRAKIMOD, in Frontal
Collisions. SAE 840857, 1984.
9 Nyquist GW, Murton CJ: Static Bending Response of the Human Lower
Torso. Proceedings of the 19th Stapp Car
Crash Conference: SAE 751158, pp 513-541, 1975.
10 Prasad P: An Overview of Major Occupant Simulation Models. SAE
840855, 1984.
11 Prasad P, Chou CC: A Review of Mathematical Occupant Simulation
Models. Proceedings of the 1989 Winter
Annual Meeting of the ASME: BED-Vol 13, pp 95-112.
12 Robbins DH, Schneider LW, Snyder RG, Pflug M, Haffner M: Seated
Posture of Vehicle Occupants.
Proceedings of the 27th Stapp Car Crash Conference: SAE 831617, pp
199-223, 1983.
Rami Seliktar, Ph.D.
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Drexel University
32nd & Chestnut Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: (215) 895 2357
Fax: (610) 649 1464
The factors which affect human joint motion and stiffness are of
to me. I have coauthored a book on musculoskeletal mechanics which
includes information on these areas and is directed at a general
It might serve as a stepping off point for you answers. The book is
Clinical Mechanics of the Hand, Brand, PW and Hollister, AM Mosby, 1992
If I can be of further help, please let me know.
Anne Hollister, MD
LSUMC-S / Orthopaedic Surgery
1501 Kings Hwy.
Shreveport, LA 71130-3932
These articles mainly focus on the wrist and hand, but may contain
and references that are more useful to you (especially the last one
J. Ruy, W. P. Cooney, L. J. Askew, K.-N. An and E. Y. S. Chao,
Functional Ranges of Motion of the Wrist Joint.
The Journal of Hand Surgery, 16A(3):409-419, 1991.
R. H. Brumfield and J. A. Champoux,
A Biomechanical Study of Normal Functional Wrist Motion.
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, (187):23-25, 1984.
A. K. Palmer, F. W. Werner, D. Murphy and R. Glisson,
Functional Wrist Motion: A Biomechanical Study.
The Journal of Hand Surgery, 10A(1):39-46, 1985
Lemay, M.A. and Crago, P.E.,
A dynamic model for simulating movements of the elbow, forearm, and
Journal of Biomechanics, 29(10):1319-30, 1996
A. Esteki and J. M. Mansour,
Experimentally based nonlinear viscoelastic model of joint passive
Journal of Biomechanics, 29(4), 443-450, 1996.
Good luck!
Oyvind Stavdahl (, student)
Department of Engineering Cybernetics
NTNU, The Norwegian University of
Science and Technology Direct line: +47 73 59 43 77
O. Bragstads plass 8 Switchboard: +47 73 59 43 76
N-7034 TRONDHEIM Fax: +47 73 59 43 99
Here are few references about stiffnesses and dampings of lower limb:
1. Greene,P.R. and McMahon, T.A. (1979) Reflex stiffness of the
muscles. J Biomech. (12) pp 881-891.
2. Kim,W. ,Voloshin,A. and Johnson,S.H. (1994) Modelling of heel strike
transients during running. Human Movement Science (13) 221-244
3. Mizrahi ,J. and Susak, Z. (1982) In-Vivo Elastic and Damping Response
of the Human Leg to Impact Forces. J Biomech. Eng (104) 63-66
4. Nevzat ,H.O. and Berme, N. (1988) An Experimental and Analytical
of Impact Forces During Human Jumping. J Biomech. (21/12) 1061-1066
If you get some more replies - or you have other of your own - would
you please send me a copy ?...
Good luck with your research.
================================================== ==============
Bye...& Have a nice day...
() David Daily
/\ Dept. of Biomedical Eng.
Dudi Daily_/) Technion, IIT
/\ Haifa 32000 , ISRAEL
/ \ E-mail :
_\ _\ Tel. : 972-4-8294141
================================================== ===============
Check out the following two references (Bennet et al has the meat)
William Harwin
_Measuring elbow stiffness during movement.
o Joint stiffness has a range from 2 Nm/rad to 350 Nm/rad.
o Equilibrium point hypothesis predicts stiffness should change
movement, c.f. robots where stiffness is constant during
o Human muscles are known to be highly non-linear.
Would like to measure how arm impedance parameters - in particular
stiffness - change during movements.
D.J. Bennett, J.M. Hollerbach, Y. Xu, and I.W. Hunter.
Time-varying stiffness of human elbow joint during cyclic
voluntary movement. Experimental Brain Research, Vol 88 pp
433-442, 1992. (University of Reading Call number 612.805)
Yangming Xu, Ian W. Hunter, John M. Hollerbach, and David
J. Bennett. An Airjet Actuator System for identification of the
human arm joint mechanical properties. IEEE Transactions on
Biomedical Engineering, Vol 38 No 11, pp 1111-1122 Nov 1991
(University of Reading Call number 621.305)
Dr W.S. Harwin | email:
Department of Cybernetics | Tel: +44 (0) 118 9316792 (direct)
University of Reading, P.O. Box 225 | Fax: +44 (0) 118 9318220
Reading, RG6~6AY England | Home: +44 (0) 1491 875406
I am responding to Marina Koutchouk's request for information regarindg
the stiffness and dampins of different human joints posted on Frduay 20
In general I thing that most of the information is simply not available.
There have been a number of single degree of freedom studies of
individual joints -- mostly ankle, finger, wrist and elbow. Ian Hunter
and I reviewed these in a CRC review in 1990.
(Kearney, R.E. and I.W. Hunter, System identification of human joint
dynamics. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, (1990) .18:55-8.).
In general these studies show that:
(1) Joint propoerties can be reasonably approximated by inertia,
stiffness and damping for small perturbations under stationary operating
(2) However, the damping and stiffness change dramatically with the
operasting point and are particularly sensitive to changes in position
and level of activations. Stiffness changes may be greater than an order
of magnitude as these conditions vary through the physiological range.
(3) The simple second order model DOES NOT hold when these parameters
are changing rapidly as they do during active or passive movements
(MacNeil, J.B., R.E. Kearney, and I.W. Hunter, Identification of
time-varying biological systems from ensemble data. IEEE Trans. BME,
(1992) .39:1213-1225.
(Kirsch, R.E. and R.E. Kearney, Identification of time-varying stiffness
dynamics of the human ankle during an imposed movement. Exp. Brain Res.,
(1996) .In Press.
(4) Reflex contirbutions, at least at the ankle, are very nonlinear and
cannot bre thought of as simply increasing the stiffness or damping at
the ankle (e.g. Kearney, R.E., R.B. Stein, and L. Parameswaran,
Identification of intrinsic and reflex contributions to human ankle
stiffness dynamics. IEEE Trans. BME, (1997)
(5) Until now there have been relatively few studies of joint mechanics
of larger joints (hip, knee, shoulder) or multiple degrees of freedom
There is some very recent work in this direction: Gomi, H. and M.
Kawato, Eqilibrium-point control hypothesis examined by measured arm
stiffness during multi-joint movement. Science, (1996) 272:117-120.)
Hope this information helps. Please contact me if you need more
rob kearney
Robert E Kearney, Ph.D. Eng.,
Professor & Chair,
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
McGill University,
3775 University Street,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2B4
Tel : (514) 398-6737
Fax : (514) 398-7461
Hello. I am a graduate student at Tokai univ. in Japan. I am
the joint laxity for wrist. I estimate it using stiffness and damping
is measured by developed measuring system. That is to measure a passive
moment during flexion-extension movement. Most of my having literature
about measurement and estimation of joint laxity, infuluence of soft
(viscoelastic properties).
Following literatures may not be your desired, but I hope that my
is useful for you.
1)Functionla wrist motion: Abiomechanical study, Andrew K. Palmer et
J Hand Surg 10A , pp.39-46 , 1985.
2)Viscoelastic propertie of the wrtist motor servo in man , C. C. A. M.
Gielen et al.,
Annals of Biomedical Engineering vol.12, pp.599-620, 1984.
3)The mechanical behaviour of the passive arm, K.L.Boon et al., Medicine
Sports vol.8, pp.243-248, 1973.
4)Stiffness of the ligaments of the human wrist joint, H.H.C.M.
Savelberg et al.,
J. Biomechanics vol.25, No.4, pp.369-376, 1992.
5)Mesureing devices for studying joint mobility in the normal
D.O.Haskard and A.J.Silaman , Engng Med vol.14, No.2, pp.75-77,1985.
6)A joint hyperextensometer for the quantification fo joint laxity,
B.Jobbins et al.,
Engng Med vol.8, No.2, pp.103-104,1979.
7)An experimentally besed nonlinear viscoelastiv model of joint passive
A.Esteki and J.M.Mansour, J.Biomechanics vol.29,No.4,pp443-450,1996.
8)Maximum isometric moments generated by the wrist muscles in
and radial-ulnar deviation, Scott L.Delp et al.,J. Biomechanics
pp.1371-1375, 1996.
9)Quantitative and qualitative andlysis of joint stiddness in normal
subjects and in
patient with connective tissue desieases, Verna wright and Richard
Ann. rheum. Dis. Vol.20, pp.36-46,1961.
10)Distribution of joint mobility in a normal population: results of the
use of fixed
torque measuring devices, Alan J. Silman et al., Ann. rhuem. Dis.
vol.45, pp.27-30,
Good luck.
Thank you very much for all these informations...
(. .)
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,o00,(_),00o,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Marina Koutchouk
Etudiante en maitrise d'ingenierie - Master in Engineering student
Genie Mecanique - Mechanical engineering
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal - Polytechnic School of Montreal
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
>I am looking for the stiffnesses and dampings of the different human
>joints, and also the range of rotations allowed for the 3 rotations at
>each joint to model a realistic behaviour of a man during a tipover of
> a vehicle.
>If you have any information, or can suggest me books, papers... please
>let me know.
>Thank you very much,
Marina Koutchouk
The answers I have received are listed below :
See if the following is of any help:
Batman, M. and Seliktar, R. "Characterization of Human Joint Impedance
During Impulsive Motion". Journal of
Electromyography and Kinesiology, V.3, No. 4, 221-230, 1993.
Also the following are the references extracted from this paper:
1 Batman M: A Two Dimensional Mathematical Model of the Human Body for
Car Crash Victim Simulation. M.Sc.
thesis, Drexel University, Philadelphia, 1990.
2 Bosio AC, Bowman MB: Simulation of Head-Neck Dynamic Response in -Gx
and +Gy. Proceedings of the 30th
Stapp Car Crash Conference: SAE 861895, pp 345-378, 1986.
3 Cohen DS, Simeone L: The Safety Problem for Passengers in Frontal
Impacts - Analysis of Accident,
Laboratory, and Model Simulation Data: 11th International Technical
Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicle:
pp 550, 1989.
4 Cooper GA: A Driver Environment Design Parameter Study. SAE 840865,
5 Digges KH: Improvements in the Simulation of Unrestrained Passengers
in Frontal Crashes Using Vehicle Test
Data. SAE 860654, 1986.
6 Fisher RG, Haertle JA: Computer Modeling in New Vehicle Design. SAE
7 Gordon SL, Orticke PN, Prince J, Mcmeekin RR: Dynamic Characteristics
of Human Leg Joints. Proceedings of
the 21th Stapp Car Crash Conference: SAE 770924, pp 419-441, 1977.
8 Lestrelin D, Fayon A, Tarriere C, Mack P: Three Applications of a
Mathematical Model, PRAKIMOD, in Frontal
Collisions. SAE 840857, 1984.
9 Nyquist GW, Murton CJ: Static Bending Response of the Human Lower
Torso. Proceedings of the 19th Stapp Car
Crash Conference: SAE 751158, pp 513-541, 1975.
10 Prasad P: An Overview of Major Occupant Simulation Models. SAE
840855, 1984.
11 Prasad P, Chou CC: A Review of Mathematical Occupant Simulation
Models. Proceedings of the 1989 Winter
Annual Meeting of the ASME: BED-Vol 13, pp 95-112.
12 Robbins DH, Schneider LW, Snyder RG, Pflug M, Haffner M: Seated
Posture of Vehicle Occupants.
Proceedings of the 27th Stapp Car Crash Conference: SAE 831617, pp
199-223, 1983.
Rami Seliktar, Ph.D.
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Drexel University
32nd & Chestnut Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: (215) 895 2357
Fax: (610) 649 1464
The factors which affect human joint motion and stiffness are of
to me. I have coauthored a book on musculoskeletal mechanics which
includes information on these areas and is directed at a general
It might serve as a stepping off point for you answers. The book is
Clinical Mechanics of the Hand, Brand, PW and Hollister, AM Mosby, 1992
If I can be of further help, please let me know.
Anne Hollister, MD
LSUMC-S / Orthopaedic Surgery
1501 Kings Hwy.
Shreveport, LA 71130-3932
These articles mainly focus on the wrist and hand, but may contain
and references that are more useful to you (especially the last one
J. Ruy, W. P. Cooney, L. J. Askew, K.-N. An and E. Y. S. Chao,
Functional Ranges of Motion of the Wrist Joint.
The Journal of Hand Surgery, 16A(3):409-419, 1991.
R. H. Brumfield and J. A. Champoux,
A Biomechanical Study of Normal Functional Wrist Motion.
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, (187):23-25, 1984.
A. K. Palmer, F. W. Werner, D. Murphy and R. Glisson,
Functional Wrist Motion: A Biomechanical Study.
The Journal of Hand Surgery, 10A(1):39-46, 1985
Lemay, M.A. and Crago, P.E.,
A dynamic model for simulating movements of the elbow, forearm, and
Journal of Biomechanics, 29(10):1319-30, 1996
A. Esteki and J. M. Mansour,
Experimentally based nonlinear viscoelastic model of joint passive
Journal of Biomechanics, 29(4), 443-450, 1996.
Good luck!
Oyvind Stavdahl (, student)
Department of Engineering Cybernetics
NTNU, The Norwegian University of
Science and Technology Direct line: +47 73 59 43 77
O. Bragstads plass 8 Switchboard: +47 73 59 43 76
N-7034 TRONDHEIM Fax: +47 73 59 43 99
Here are few references about stiffnesses and dampings of lower limb:
1. Greene,P.R. and McMahon, T.A. (1979) Reflex stiffness of the
muscles. J Biomech. (12) pp 881-891.
2. Kim,W. ,Voloshin,A. and Johnson,S.H. (1994) Modelling of heel strike
transients during running. Human Movement Science (13) 221-244
3. Mizrahi ,J. and Susak, Z. (1982) In-Vivo Elastic and Damping Response
of the Human Leg to Impact Forces. J Biomech. Eng (104) 63-66
4. Nevzat ,H.O. and Berme, N. (1988) An Experimental and Analytical
of Impact Forces During Human Jumping. J Biomech. (21/12) 1061-1066
If you get some more replies - or you have other of your own - would
you please send me a copy ?...
Good luck with your research.
================================================== ==============
Bye...& Have a nice day...
() David Daily
/\ Dept. of Biomedical Eng.
Dudi Daily_/) Technion, IIT
/\ Haifa 32000 , ISRAEL
/ \ E-mail :
_\ _\ Tel. : 972-4-8294141
================================================== ===============
Check out the following two references (Bennet et al has the meat)
William Harwin
_Measuring elbow stiffness during movement.
o Joint stiffness has a range from 2 Nm/rad to 350 Nm/rad.
o Equilibrium point hypothesis predicts stiffness should change
movement, c.f. robots where stiffness is constant during
o Human muscles are known to be highly non-linear.
Would like to measure how arm impedance parameters - in particular
stiffness - change during movements.
D.J. Bennett, J.M. Hollerbach, Y. Xu, and I.W. Hunter.
Time-varying stiffness of human elbow joint during cyclic
voluntary movement. Experimental Brain Research, Vol 88 pp
433-442, 1992. (University of Reading Call number 612.805)
Yangming Xu, Ian W. Hunter, John M. Hollerbach, and David
J. Bennett. An Airjet Actuator System for identification of the
human arm joint mechanical properties. IEEE Transactions on
Biomedical Engineering, Vol 38 No 11, pp 1111-1122 Nov 1991
(University of Reading Call number 621.305)
Dr W.S. Harwin | email:
Department of Cybernetics | Tel: +44 (0) 118 9316792 (direct)
University of Reading, P.O. Box 225 | Fax: +44 (0) 118 9318220
Reading, RG6~6AY England | Home: +44 (0) 1491 875406
I am responding to Marina Koutchouk's request for information regarindg
the stiffness and dampins of different human joints posted on Frduay 20
In general I thing that most of the information is simply not available.
There have been a number of single degree of freedom studies of
individual joints -- mostly ankle, finger, wrist and elbow. Ian Hunter
and I reviewed these in a CRC review in 1990.
(Kearney, R.E. and I.W. Hunter, System identification of human joint
dynamics. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, (1990) .18:55-8.).
In general these studies show that:
(1) Joint propoerties can be reasonably approximated by inertia,
stiffness and damping for small perturbations under stationary operating
(2) However, the damping and stiffness change dramatically with the
operasting point and are particularly sensitive to changes in position
and level of activations. Stiffness changes may be greater than an order
of magnitude as these conditions vary through the physiological range.
(3) The simple second order model DOES NOT hold when these parameters
are changing rapidly as they do during active or passive movements
(MacNeil, J.B., R.E. Kearney, and I.W. Hunter, Identification of
time-varying biological systems from ensemble data. IEEE Trans. BME,
(1992) .39:1213-1225.
(Kirsch, R.E. and R.E. Kearney, Identification of time-varying stiffness
dynamics of the human ankle during an imposed movement. Exp. Brain Res.,
(1996) .In Press.
(4) Reflex contirbutions, at least at the ankle, are very nonlinear and
cannot bre thought of as simply increasing the stiffness or damping at
the ankle (e.g. Kearney, R.E., R.B. Stein, and L. Parameswaran,
Identification of intrinsic and reflex contributions to human ankle
stiffness dynamics. IEEE Trans. BME, (1997)
(5) Until now there have been relatively few studies of joint mechanics
of larger joints (hip, knee, shoulder) or multiple degrees of freedom
There is some very recent work in this direction: Gomi, H. and M.
Kawato, Eqilibrium-point control hypothesis examined by measured arm
stiffness during multi-joint movement. Science, (1996) 272:117-120.)
Hope this information helps. Please contact me if you need more
rob kearney
Robert E Kearney, Ph.D. Eng.,
Professor & Chair,
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
McGill University,
3775 University Street,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2B4
Tel : (514) 398-6737
Fax : (514) 398-7461
Hello. I am a graduate student at Tokai univ. in Japan. I am
the joint laxity for wrist. I estimate it using stiffness and damping
is measured by developed measuring system. That is to measure a passive
moment during flexion-extension movement. Most of my having literature
about measurement and estimation of joint laxity, infuluence of soft
(viscoelastic properties).
Following literatures may not be your desired, but I hope that my
is useful for you.
1)Functionla wrist motion: Abiomechanical study, Andrew K. Palmer et
J Hand Surg 10A , pp.39-46 , 1985.
2)Viscoelastic propertie of the wrtist motor servo in man , C. C. A. M.
Gielen et al.,
Annals of Biomedical Engineering vol.12, pp.599-620, 1984.
3)The mechanical behaviour of the passive arm, K.L.Boon et al., Medicine
Sports vol.8, pp.243-248, 1973.
4)Stiffness of the ligaments of the human wrist joint, H.H.C.M.
Savelberg et al.,
J. Biomechanics vol.25, No.4, pp.369-376, 1992.
5)Mesureing devices for studying joint mobility in the normal
D.O.Haskard and A.J.Silaman , Engng Med vol.14, No.2, pp.75-77,1985.
6)A joint hyperextensometer for the quantification fo joint laxity,
B.Jobbins et al.,
Engng Med vol.8, No.2, pp.103-104,1979.
7)An experimentally besed nonlinear viscoelastiv model of joint passive
A.Esteki and J.M.Mansour, J.Biomechanics vol.29,No.4,pp443-450,1996.
8)Maximum isometric moments generated by the wrist muscles in
and radial-ulnar deviation, Scott L.Delp et al.,J. Biomechanics
pp.1371-1375, 1996.
9)Quantitative and qualitative andlysis of joint stiddness in normal
subjects and in
patient with connective tissue desieases, Verna wright and Richard
Ann. rheum. Dis. Vol.20, pp.36-46,1961.
10)Distribution of joint mobility in a normal population: results of the
use of fixed
torque measuring devices, Alan J. Silman et al., Ann. rhuem. Dis.
vol.45, pp.27-30,
Good luck.
Thank you very much for all these informations...
(. .)
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,o00,(_),00o,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Marina Koutchouk
Etudiante en maitrise d'ingenierie - Master in Engineering student
Genie Mecanique - Mechanical engineering
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal - Polytechnic School of Montreal
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,