Dear All

I plan to do in-vitro tensile loading on tendons.
The tendons I am using are digital dog tendons.
I plan to grip the tendons by making a knot at the end of the tendon and
put the tendon through a conic hole so the knot will be stuck inside the
conic hole.
The knot should also "lock" the internal structure of the tendon.
In relation with the setting I have presented above, I have two

1) Form the literature search I did, I couldn't find any source in which
tensile loading experiments were done on digital tendons, neither from
dogs or any other animal.
Could someone give me any reason why not to use these tendons?

2) I also didn't find any reference in which the tendon was tied in a
Could someone give me a reason why not to use this method? (aside from
the possibility of rupture of the tendon in the area of the knot because
of breakdown of fibbers) .

I'll be very grateful to get any comment on this subject.