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Re: about postural sway

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  • Re: about postural sway

    >>>This is the message I sent:
    >>> I'm presently working on postural sway with head injured subjects.
    >>>I'm having some troubles to find a way to quantify the surface of the sway.
    >>>The results shown a multi-form pattern. Subjects have been tested on a AMTI
    >>>force plate-form and the acquisition is done by the Peak system.
    >>> Here are some responses.
    >>>Thank you for the numerous responses !!!
    >>>Mylene Dault
    >>>*********************************************** ****************************
    >>>I have the following references for you
    >>>Dual-task Assessment of Reorganization..
    >>>ACH Geurts et al. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 72, 1991,p 1059.
    >>>Attention Demands in Balance...
    >>>ACH Geurts et al. J of Motor Behavior 26(2), 1994, p 162.
    >>>Identification of Static and Dynamic..
    >>>ACH Geurts et al. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 77, 1996, p639.
    >>>In this artikles they have done postural and balance studies.
    >>>May be it will be a help for you.
    >>>"Rico de Visser"
    >>>*********************************************** *********************
    >>>Currently a graduate student I advise is working on postural sway using an
    >>>AMTI force plate. To quantify the amount of sway he sums the amount of
    >>>displacement of the ground reaction forces in the X and Y directions
    >>>(lateral and fore/aft, respectively, according to AMTI's definition) during
    >>>a five sec. trial with sampling at 100 Hz. For example if the there are five
    >>>consecutive samples of 0.5, 0.10, 0.5, -0.5, -0.10 cm, for the X values he
    >>>adds 0.5+0.5+0.10+0.5=2.5 cm (differences between the values). This is also
    >>>calculated for the Y direction. The velocity can be determined by dividing
    >>>by the amount of time to get cm/sec.
    >>>The calculations for the difference between the 500 numbers can easily and
    >>>quickly be derived using a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel. If the X data
    >>>is in column A (cells A1:A500) of the worksheet, enter the formula in cell
    >>>B2: =ABS(A2-A1) and fill the formula down to B500. In cell B501, calculate
    >>>the sum by entering the formula: =SUM(B2:B500) or by clicking on the sum S
    >>>button on the toolbar.
    >>>This is like an integration of a full-retified EMG signal. A
    >>>root-mean-square (RMS) calculation would also work, I believe. If your Peak
    >>>system is recording the force plate data, it should be able to export the
    >>>files to a spreadsheet. We use an Ariel system which exports data into the
    >>>Excel spreadsheet.
    >>>I have not verified this method with other people studying postural sway and
    >>>would be interested in knowing if this is a valid method. I would also like
    >>>to see other responses you get. If you don't post replies, please forward
    >>>them to me.
    >>>Thank you.
    >>>Bruce Etnyre, Ph.D., P.T. _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/
    >> _/
    >>>Human Performance and _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
    >>> Health Sciences Dept. _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
    >>>Rice University _/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/
    >>>6100 Main MS 545 _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
    >>>Houston, Texas 77005 _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
    >>>USA _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
    >>> _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/ _/
    >>>FAX: (713)285-5329
    >>>*********************************************** **************************
    >>>We resolved the problem as follow supposing you have about 1000 points
    >>>passed by sway. All points have a pair of coordinates (x , y) :
    >>>1. taking the average of x and y gives X0 and Y0
    >>>2. calculate the distance D and the angle A of each point vs X0 and Y0
    >>>3. divide the area in 24 sectors with X0 and Y0 as center
    >>>4. sort the data so that you find which point is in wich sector
    >>>5. sort the data in each sector to the biggest D
    >>>6. calculate the surface of each triangle obtained and make the sum.
    >>>The more sectors gives more chance to be accurate but also increase
    >>>the chance of finding a area without points...
    >>>I found the algorithm in :
    >>>Arch. Phys. Med. Rehabil vol 75 September 1994
    >>>=============================================== ===========
    >>>ing Pierre Van Cleven
    >>>Dept of Kinesiology Institute of Physical Education
    >>> University of Gent
    >>>Watersportlaan 2 B-9000 Gent (Belgium)
    >>>tel (32) fax (32)
    >>>=============================================== =========
    >>>*********************************************** ********************
    >>>>I'm having some troubles to find a way to quantify the surface of the sway.
    >>>>The results shown a multi-form pattern.
    >>>You might try looking at the data in terms of fractional brownian motion,
    >>>as in these papers:
    >>>Riley, M. A., Mitra, S., Stoffregen, T. A., & Turvey, M. T. (1997).
    >>>Influences of body lean and vision on unperturbed postural sway. Motor
    >>>Control, 1, 229-246.
    >>>Collins, J.J. & De Luca, C.J. (1995). The effect of visual input on
    >>>open-loop and closed-loop postural control mechanisms. Experimental Brain
    >>>Research, 103, 151-163.
    >>>About a dozen additional ways to characterize postural sway are presented in
    >>>Riccio, G. E., & Stoffregen, T. A. (1991). An ecological theory of motion
    >>>sickness and postural instability. Ecological Psychology, 3, 195-240.
    >>>Good luck.
    >>>Tom Stoffregen
    >>>Thomas A. Stoffregen, Ph.D.
    >>>Department of Psychology, P.O. Box 210376
    >>>University of Cincinnati
    >>>Cincinnati, OH 45221-0376
    >>>(513) 556-5569
    >>>Personal homepage:
    >>>Postural stability laboratory:
    >>>*********************************************** ****************************
    >>>We are just developing a program for testing postural sway
    >>>in knee patients. So far, we have the subjects stand on the
    >>>force plate (Kistler) in a single leg stance for 15 seconds
    >>>with eyes open and eyes closed. We record the vertical ground
    >>>reaction force Fz and the location of the force vector on the
    >>>platform in both directions (ax and ay). We sample 600
    >>>measurements, i.e. we have a frequency of 40 Hz. We calculate the
    >>>standard deviation of ax and ay, the range between min and max
    >>>values in both directions and the total distance that the force
    >>>vector "traveled" during the whole period. Dividing distance by
    >>>time gives you something like the sway velocity.
    >>>We have yet to find out which parameter(s) is (are) most reliable
    >>>and can help to distinguish between normal and pathologic
    >>>conditions. I hope this helps a little.
    >>>__________________/\ ________/\ _____________________
    >>> \/ \/
    >>>Dr. Dieter Rosenbaum
    >>>Abt. fuer Orthopaedische Physiologie (Kinesiology Lab)
    >>>Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Allgemeine Orthopaedie
    >>>Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster
    >>>Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 33
    >>>D-48129 Muenster, Germany
    >>>Phone: (...49) 251 - 834 7981 or 7995 (fax 7989)
    >>>*********************************************** ****************************
    >>>Thank you to Stephen J. Kinzey, Ph.D. for his response.
    >>>Stephen J. Kinzey, Ph.D.
    >>>Assistant Professor / Director of Biomechanics Laboratory
    >>>The University of Mississippi
    >>>Department of ESLM
    >>>University, MS 38677
    >>>office: (601) 232 - 5540
    >>>fax: (601) 232 - 5525
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