Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Southampton


Applications are invited for a research fellow to form part of a team at
Southampton that is carrying out research in the biomechanics of the knee
to further improve knee implants. The post is for an eighteen months period,
funded by the EPSRC, and is tenable by either a post-doctorate or
post-graduate worker.

The research is concerned with the modelling of deformable components in
total knee replacement prostheses using advance computational procedures to
assess the overall performance of such implants. The research to be carried
out will use explicit finite element codes for simulating the non-linear
behaviour and obtaining a time domain kinematic solution of the deformable
components, combined with virtual prototyping techniques for display and
manipulation of the resulting information. Candidates would ideally have
experience in using finite element codes, dynamic analysis of mechanical
systems, and familiarity with Unix would be an advantage.

Salary in RA1A range £15,159 - £16,927 pa.

Please quote "CSC Bio" in all correspondence. Closing date for applications
is Wednesday 1st October 1997.

Applications including CV and particulars of three referees should be sent
to Dr. C. Simonis de Cloke, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University
of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ. Tel: 01703-592713, Email:, from whom further details can be obtained.

The University is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

__________________________________________________ __
Dr. Cinzia Simonis de Cloke
Computational Engineering and Design Centre
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Southampton
Highfield Phone: + 44 1703 592713
Southampton Fax: + 44 1703 593230
S017 1BJ Email:
England, UK.