A local medical ultrasonographyer has asked me if I have any information
about ergonomically designed ultrasound transducers. She has an
occupational overuse problem which is related to the wrist movements
required while doing ulltrasound and the transducer design.
I have searched in the literature and browsed the archives of the list
and can't seem to find anything.
Does anyone out there have any ideas on where to look for this
information, who to contact, or any information/ideas themselves on
ergonomically designed transducers?
Thanks in advance, please send responses to me and I will send a
compilation to the list.
Yvonne Bird
Yvonne Bird
HRC Training Fellow
Injury Prevention Research Unit
University of Otago, PO BOX 913
Ph: (03) 479 8526
Fax: (03) 479 8337