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Male/Female Kinematics

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  • Male/Female Kinematics

    Sorry to be so long in sending this summary, but better late than never.
    I sent this message out in the spring to Biomch-l, and the following are the
    responses I received. I did follow up with those who offered further
    information, but so far have not heard from them.
    Marion Alexander

    > I am working on a paper comparing the kinematic performances of male and
    > female athletes in various sports and related activities. So far I have
    > two studies comparing the sexes on distance running kinematics, plus our
    > in shot put. Does anyone have any other research articles, unpublished
    > or data comparing performances of males and females that you would share?
    > will post a summary of information submitted.
    > Thanks for your help.
    > Marion Alexander
    > university of manitoba
    > winnipeg, mb

    There is a paper in the Adapted Physical Activity Quaterly (April
    1997) issue that I have compared the wheelchair propulsion
    techniques of male senior, female senior and junior male wheelchair
    racers. This may be interest!!!

    Vicky Goosey>
    \Try this,

    Sady SP; Freedson PS: "Body composition and structural comparisons in
    female and male athletes." _Clin Sports Med_ 1984 3:755-77.
    I did my thesis in 1995 at Windsor looking at the kinematics of
    female distance runners running uphill (treadmill) at three different
    slopes would the results be of assistance?
    Robert M Nicholson
    PhD Student
    School of Physical Education
    Otago University, PO Box 56
    Dunedin, New Zealand

    Fax: + 64 3 4798309 Phone: 03 479-9110
    I am curretnly writing a paper entitled " Three dimensional knee
    joint kinematics during the sidestep cutting manoeuvre - Gender
    comarisons and implications for injury."

    I have found some intersting results.

    In general however, level of experience rahter than gender appeared
    to be the major contributing factor to variability in knee joint
    kinematics among subjects.

    On initial observation it appeared that it was a gender effect as the
    majority of those that displayed inconsistencies were in fact
    females. Further examination revealed that they were many years less
    experienced than their male counterparts.
    as a result I feel that further studies are required that match
    gender for experience and this is something that I am in the process
    of doing.
    I intend to complete the paper in the next week or so. If you like I
    can send you some of the general data after that time.
    Please reply and let me know this would help

    Also, could you please send me the titles of the two articles
    comparing kinematics in distance running if possible??
    Scott Mclean
    The Dept of Human Movement Studies
    University of Queensland
    Brisbane QLD Australia
    PHONE +(07)3365 6240
    Thanks for your response to my query. I would very much appreciate the
    data from your study of the sidestep cutting manoeuver, when available. It
    sounds like an interesting study.
    The related distance running papers are:
    -Buckalew, D.P., Barlow, D.A., et al. (1985) Biomechanical profile of elite
    women distance marathoners. The International Journal of Sports Biomechanics,
    1(4), 330-347.
    -Gregor, R.J., Rozenek, R. et al. (1979) Variations in running stride
    mechanics as a function of velocity in elite distance runners [abstract].
    Medicine and Science in Sports and exercise, 11(1), 85.
    -Nelson, R.C., Brooks, C.M., Pike, N.L. (1977) Biomechanical comparison of
    male and female distance runners. In P. Milvy (eds) The Marathon:
    Physiological, medical, epidemiological and psychological studies (pp.
    793-807). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (vol 301). New York:
    The new York Academy of Sciences.

    Marion Alexander
    We performed a study which was published in the Nov/Dec 1996 issue of
    The American Journal of Sportsmedicine entitled "Plyometric Training
    in Female Athletes: Decreased Impact Forces and Increased Hamstring
    Torques" Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 765-773. The article details our
    findings of large differences in landing mechanics and
    hamstrings/quadriceps strength and power ratios between female and
    male athetes. You can check out the details at the website below.
    Timothy E. Hewett, Ph.D.
    Director of Applied Research
    Cincinnati Sportsmedicine Research Foundation
    Adjunct Professor, Children's Hospital,
    University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

    Deaconess Hospital, 311 Straight St.
    Cincinnati, OH 45219
    Voice: 513.559.2687 Fax: 513.475.5290
    For throwing motions check out the works of JR Thomas and his colleagues
    and Lois Halverson. Some of their works are cited in: Ives, JC et al., Rapid
    movement kinematic and electromyographic control characteristics in
    males and females, RQES, 1993;64:274-283.
    Good luck,
    Jeff Ives, Ph.D.
    Dept. ESS
    Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY 14850

    Here are two publications we had which reported information such as you

    Etnyre, B.R. and Lee, E.J. "Chronic and acute flexibility of men and women
    using three different stretching techniques," Research Quarterly for
    Exercise and Sport, 59:222-228, 1988.

    Lee, E.J., Etnyre, B.R., Poindexter, H.B.W. Sokol, D.L., and Toon, T.J.
    "Flexibility characteristics of elite female and male volleyball players,"
    Journal of Sport Medicine and Physical Fitness, 29:49-51, 1989.

    Bruce Etnyre, Ph.D., P.T. _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/
    Human Performance and _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
    Health Sciences Dept. _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
    Rice University _/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/
    6100 Main MS 545 _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
    Houston, Texas 77005 _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
    USA _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/
    I am working on lower extremity angles of the knee (valgus) in
    trained men, women, and untrained women. I'm about ready to analyize the
    data. If you are interested in this stuff, let me know.
    John Lavender
    Hi Marion

    I am not sure which one of the papers you have read. I just came accross
    the following article:
    "Relationship between vertical ground reaction force and speed during
    walking, slow jogging and running", TS Keller, AM Weisberger, JL Ray et al;
    Clinical Biomechanics, Vol. 11 No. 5, 253-259, 1996.
    They analysed the vertical ground reaction force - time histories and gait
    speed, running style and gender.
    I hope this will be of any use to you.

    Have a nice day