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Summary: Moment arm data

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  • Summary: Moment arm data


    Thank you to all who responded to me query regarding moment arm data for finger
    tendons. Following is a summary of the responses I received.


    Original query:

    I am looking for moment arm data for tendons of the middle, ring and little
    >finger of the human hand. A literature search has led to data for the index
    >finger and thumb. Technical problems did not allow me to search the list


    I have used
    Chao et al. Biomechanics of the Hand, World Scientific Singapore 1989
    Wendy Gilleard E-mail:
    School of Exercise & Sport Science Tel: Int +61- (0)2 - 935 19528
    Faculty of Health Sciences Fax: Int +61- (0)2 - 935 19204
    The University of Sydney
    Post: P.O. Box 170, Lidcombe, N.S.W. 2141, Australia

    ************************************************** ******************************

    The following data have normalized data (based on some other anthropometric
    parameter) for some of the finger tendons:
    An KN, Chao EY, Cooney WP and Linscheid RL (1979) Normative model of human
    hand for biomechanical analysis. Journal of Biomechanics 12, 775-788.
    Armstrong TJ and Chaffin DB (1978) An investigation of the relationship
    between displacements of the finger and wrist joints and the extrinsic
    finger flexor tendons. Journal of Biomechanics 11, 119-128.

    This paper includes only index finger data, though more detailed than the
    other two:
    An KN, Ueba Y, Chao EY, Cooney WP and Linscheid RL (1983) Tendon excursion
    and moment arm of index finger muscles. Journal of Biomechanics 16, 419-425.



    Bryan Buchholz, PhD
    Associate Professor
    Department of Work Environment
    University of Massachusetts Lowell
    Lowell, MA 01854
    Phone: (978) 934-3241
    FAX: (978) 452-5711

    ************************************************** ******************************

    I have found moment arm data for the index finger: the most complet I have is
    the work:

    Brook, N.; Mizrahi, J.; Shoham, M. and Dayan, J.
    'A Biomechanical Model of Index Finger Dynamics'
    Med. Eng. Phys. vol. 17, pp. 54-63

    There is also a planar model of the middle finger that
    give some moment arm data:

    Lee, J.W. and Rim, K.
    'Maximum Finger Force Prediction Using a Planar Simulation
    of the Middle Finger'
    Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part H: J. Eng. in Medicine, 204, pp. 169-178

    There is also the work of Buchner that model the four fingers as one:

    Buchner, H.J.; Hines, M.J. and Hemami, H.
    'A Dynamic Model for Finger Interphalangeal Coordination'
    J. Biomechanics, vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 459-468.

    I have other references about biomechanic models of the hand. If
    you are interested, I can send you my bibliography.


    Ximo Sancho i Bru |
    Departament de Tecnologia | e-mail :
    Campus de Penyeta Roja | Tel. : 34 (9)64-345680 ext. 4755
    Universitat Jaume I | Fax : 34 (9)64-345646
    E-12071 Castello (Espanya) | Despatx : D457

    ************************************************** ******************************

    An, K.N., Cooney, W.P. and Linscheid, R.L. (1979) Normative model of
    human hand for biomechanical analysis. J. Biomech. 12: 775-788.

    Hughes, Richard

    ************************************************** ******************************

    Momement arm data for the Middle finger have been published by Brand in
    several publications on hand mechanics relevant to tendon transfers and in
    his book Clinical mechanics of the hand, Mosby 1992. The moment arms for
    may muscles distal to the elbow are also in the book.


    Anne Hollister, MD
    LSUMC-S / Orthopaedic Surgery
    1501 Kings Hwy.
    Shreveport, LA 71130-3932

    __________________________________________________ ______________________________

    Mandar S. Deshmukh
    Computational Motor Control Lab
    Arizona State University
    Tel602)-965 9010.