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Re: Children Anthropometry - Summary of info.

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  • Re: Children Anthropometry - Summary of info.


    I recently posted the following question. I think all of the
    responses to my question would be helpful to you. I am posting it to
    the list as this information maybe useful to other members.

    Thanks for all replies I received.

    ************************************************** ********

    Corrina Cory
    Forensic Bioengineering
    Medical Systems Engineering Research Unit
    University of Wales Cardiff
    The Parade
    PO Box 688
    Cardiff CF1 3TL

    TEL +44(0) 1222 874000 Ext 5926
    FAX +44(0) 1222 874533

    ************************************************** ********

    ************************************************** *******************
    Priority: normal
    Date sent: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 12:07:10 GMT0BST
    Send reply to:
    From: CORY
    Subject: Modelling an infants neck

    I am trying to obtain the following paper

    Twisk, D. Anthropometric data of children for the development of
    dummies - Delft, Netherlands : TNO Crash Safety Research Centre,, 1993
    (750161275 - C)

    The British Library have advised me that I will not be able to order
    it till December as it is currently on loan.

    This is the only reference I have found which gives information on the
    dimensions of infants from 0 years.

    ************************************************** *******************


    Try looking in " Bodyspace: Anthropometry, Ergonomics and design" by
    Stephen Pheasant, published by Taylor and Francis. It has tables of
    anthropometric estimates for different age groups i.e. newborn
    infants, less than 6 months, 6 months to 1 year etc. Hope this helps,


    ************************************************** *******************

    Maybe the book of one of my colleagues is useful for you; the
    reference is: Steenbekkers,LPA, Child development, design implications
    and accident prevention. Delft University Press,1993. The faxnumber of
    the publisher is: +31-15-2781661. She describes the result of the
    measurements of the anthropometry of 2400 children from 0-13 years of

    2 Another book was published in 1975 by The Society of Automotive
    Engineering,Detroit,Michigan,USA and written by RG Snyder et al. the
    title is: Anthropometry of US infants and children.SP-394. These data
    are also free accessible on the URL of the US Consumer Product Safety

    3 You can also
    use the book of the late Stephen Pheasant "Body Space", Second
    Edition, Taylor and Francis 1996; in this book there is a table with
    data of Tanner of newborn children, but there are measured about 1966.

    4 The book Childata, Handbook of Child Measurement and Capabilities
    from the Consumer Safety Unit from the Department of Trade and
    industry London phone +44-(0)171 215 3474. Authors Beverley Norris and
    John Wilson fromm the University of Nottingham, contents data of
    (among others) Snyder and Steenbekkers and is I think also freely
    distributed because it is supported by the EC. ----------------- With
    kind regards Johan Molenbroek --
    Johan Molenbroek, PhD
    Associate Professor Engineering Anthropometry Acting
    Chair Subdepartment Physical Ergonomics Faculty
    Design Engineering and Production Delft
    University of Technology Jaffalaan 9
    2628 BX Delft The Netherlands tel +31 15 278 3086 fax +31 15 278
    7179/7316 e-mail

    ************************************************** *******************


    Why not contact TNO directly? They may send you a copy of the paper.
    Their web page is at or email their infodesk at

    Richard Wolff calls himself the virtual librarian of TNO. His website
    is at: or email:

    Hope this helps.

    Cheers, Gunter
    __________________________________________________ _____

    Gunter Siegmund, P.Eng.
    MacInnis Engineering Associates
    11-11151 Horseshoe Way
    Richmond, BC, Canada
    V7A 4S5

    office: 604 277 3040
    facsimile: 604 277 3020
    tollfree: 800 565 3040
    home: 604 948 0370
    __________________________________________________ _____

    ************************************************** *******************

    Unless you have to have British infants, I would suggest that you
    obtain a copy of "Anthropometry of Infants, Children, and Youths to
    Age 18 for Product Safety Design." Final Report to Consumer Product
    Safety Commission, 5401 West Bard Avernue, Bethesda, Maryland, USA,
    1977. Prepared by R. G. Snyder, L. W. Schneider, C. L. Owings, H. M.
    Reynolds, D. H. Golomb, and M. A. Schork at The University of
    Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute (currently the University
    of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, or UMTRI).

    There were 34 dimensions measured on 223 infants from 0-23 months.
    The data are reported in 3 month intervals for the mean, sd, min. 5th,
    50th, 59th, and max. I can send you a xerox copy of the appropriate
    pages if you are unable to obtain a complete copy of the final report.

    I have your address, please let me know if this information will help.

    Herbert M. Reynolds, Ph.D.
    Professor and Director
    Ergonomics Research Laboratory
    Michigan State University
    Voice: 517-487-1702
    Fax: 517-487-2023

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