Dear All,
At present I am involved with a project to generate a 3D computer
model of the spine to use it to investigate:
1. the effects of surgical intervention of the function of the
spine, for example as a result of disc fusion.
2. to simulate the movement of the spine during surgical operations
The reason I am writing is to ask if anyone knows of a suitable
computer package that I could use to to simulate the movement and
interaction of the vertebrae and discs (and eventually muscles and
ligaments). The solid model data will be obtained from CT scans.
Also I looking for any papers, or authors of papers, that have been
written on this subject.
Your help is appreciated.
Yours sincerely
Sam Julian
Sam Julian
FEA Group
Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture
The University of Hull
Cottingham Road
Hull. HU6 7RX
(44) (1482) 466531
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