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Summary of Answers to GAIT ANALYSIS SYSTAEMS

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  • Summary of Answers to GAIT ANALYSIS SYSTAEMS

    Hi all,

    thanks to everybody for your interest !!
    I will post here the answers to my question, which I have received:

    ************************************************** *******
    ******************* QUESTION ******************
    ************************************************** *******

    >re.: GAIT ANALYSIS SYSTEMS, recommendations for reliable and
    simple >system.
    >To all who have PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE with different gait
    >analysis systems:
    >For investigations in orthopaedic patients we need a
    >gait analysis system with a sampling frequency of 50 Hz (video
    >system) and a measuring accuracy of about 3 - 4 mm in a measuring
    >field of 2 x 3 meter. Possibly a system with one camera on each side
    >of the patient would be sufficient, as we are mainly interested in
    >angle measurements in one plane. Special requirements are: low price
    >and the possibility of REAL TIME display of markers. Ideal would be
    >software with a real time data capture module which can DIRECTLY be
    >included into programs written in Visual Basic, as DLLs or Avtive
    >Controls. Reliable routines for tracking hidden markers would be
    >Recommendations for systems which are GOOD suited OR should better
    >NOT be bought are highly welcome .
    >Thank you !

    ************************************************** ***********
    ********************** ANSWERS ************************
    ************************************************** ***********

    I am sending to you Gait Analysis information on Motion Analysis' new
    PC based OrthoTrak Clinical Gait Management system for your review and
    I read your Biomch-l posting of Gait analysis systems. Motion
    Analysis Corporation has many giat and biomechanics system through out
    Germany. The most recent system was set up at the University of
    Heidleberg Department of Orthopedics, Mr. Rudiger Rupp Telephone
    number 06221-96-9320. We have many systems (3) in Munich, Koln,
    Munster, Throughout Austria, Switzerland.
    Motion Analysis European sales office is in London and Barry
    O'Flynn's email address is below.
    Let me know what else you would need from Motion Analysis and I would
    be most happy to assist you in you Gait Laboratory planning session.

    Daniel India, Vice President
    +847-945-1411 (T) 847-945-1442 (F)
    European Sales:
    Domestic US Sales:
    Web Site:


    I have just seen your posting on the Biomech-l website. I understand
    that you are looking for a motion analysis system. From your
    description I believe that we will be able to help you. As market
    leaders in this industry we have had considerable experience in the
    develpment of the Vicon motion analysis system and maintain strong
    links with all of our customers whose vital feedback enables us to
    produce the system best suited to our customers needs. I have sent
    you a number of brochures and a video by post which should be arriving
    sometime next week. Whilst you await this information, please do not
    hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or would like to
    discuss the possibility of a demonstration. We will be at the
    European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children next
    week in Basel, Switzerland. If you or your colleagues are attending
    this you would be most welcome at our Users meeting.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Kind regards, Richard
    > Mr Richard Barfield, B.Sc.
    > Technical Sales
    > Oxford Metrics Limited
    > 14, Minns Estate
    > West Way, Botley
    > Oxford OX2 0JB
    > Tel: 01865 261800
    > Fax: 01865 240527
    > E-mail: OR
    > Web:


    Qualisys ist der Entwickler und Hersteller des
    Bewewgungsanalysesystems ProReflex und MacReflex. Beide Systeme sind
    infrarotbasiert und kvnnen Daten mit bis zu einer Aufzeichungsrate von
    1000 hz aufzeichnen.

    Zu unserer Hardware kvnnen wir unterschiedlichste Softwarekomponenten
    liefern. F|r die 3D-Rekonstruktion benvtigen Sie unsere
    Trackingsoftware, die sowohl auf Macintosh als auch auf PC verf|gbar
    ist. Diese Software kann die Koordinaten direkt als ASCII-Werte (in
    mm) exportieren und stehen somit direkt f|r eine weitere Verarbeitung
    zur Verf|gung.

    Um Ihnen einen ersten plastischen Eindruck von unserem System zu
    geben, komtaktieren Sie bitte Dr. Beneke (Sportwissenschaften) bei
    Ihnen im Oskar Helene Heim. Er kennt unser System gut.

    In Berlin befinden sich die ndchsten Systeme and der Humboldt
    Universitdt und der Bundesanstalt f|r Arbeitschutz- und medizin.

    Ich komme auch gern zu Ihnen und demonstriere Ihnen die Arbeitsweise
    des Systems bei Ihnen im Hause.

    Mit freundlichen Gr|_en

    Dipl.-Ing. Jvrg Eggers,
    Qualisys GmbH
    Joerg Eggers Qualisys AB Bahnhofstrasse
    112 Gvteborgsvdgen 74 D-22844 Norderstedt
    S-433 63 Sdvedalen Tel.: 040 526 36 44
    +46-31-36 94 00 (Tel.)
    +46-31-36 94 20 (Fax.)
    +49-171-30 30 997

    Qualisys GmbH
    Filiale Hamburg
    Bahnhofstra_e 112
    D-22844 Norderstedt
    Tel: +49 40 526 828 44 ISDN
    +49 171 30 30 997 (Mobil)
    Fax: +49 40 526 828 45

    Qualisys GmbH
    Hermann-Rainer-Stra_e 7
    D-82211 Herrsching a. A.
    Tel. +49 8152 922-00
    Fax +49 8152 922-08


    Perhaps Compamm/sport from the CEIT in Spain should answer you needs.
    Their NT release will be available in early 98. Take a look at or get in constact with Javier Garcia de
    Jalon :

    I hope this helps

    Richard Bastien
    R&D department
    BP 299
    59665 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
    Tel : + 33 (0)320 19 82 40
    Cell : + 33 (0)680 02 41 88
    Fax : + 33 (0)320 33 75 66
    E-mail :
    URL :


    Thank you for your request for information. Please check the
    functions and features of the Ariel Performance Analysis System
    (APAS). Full product information, bibliographies, WorldWide Users,
    pictures and on-line manuals can be found at the following internet

    There are several systems located in Germany if you would like to
    speak with users of the system.
    Please feel free to contact me for any further information. I would
    be happy to assist.

    John Probe

    Ariel Dynamics, Inc.
    4891 Ronson Court
    Suite F
    San Diego, California 92111 USA
    (619) 874-2547 Tel
    (619) 874-2549 Fax
    Web Site:

    ************************************************** ***************

    Dr.-Ing. Friedmar Graichen BioMechanics-Laboratory
    Orthopaedic Department of the Free University of Berlin
    Oskar-Helene-Heim, Clayallee 229, 14195 Berlin, Germany
    Phone: int49/30/81004-274, Telefax: int49/30/81004-275

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