The WWW address is:

The text is below. I wil add registration information soon.


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* ISRACAS'98 *
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* May 4-5, 1998 *
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* The Technion, Haifa *
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* Sponsored by *
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* The Belfer Fund, The Technion *
* The Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology *
* The Leibniz Center, The Hebrew University *
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* Endorsed by the International Society of Computer Aided Surgery *
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Symposium Organizers

L. Joskowicz, Phd, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
M. Shoham, Phd, The Technion

The goal of the symposium is to convene for the first time in Israel
clinicians, scientists, and engineers actively interested in medical
imaging, computer science, and robotics, and their application to the
planning, monitoring, and execution of medical surgeries. The two-day
symposium on Computer-Integrated Surgery will include survey talks by
internationally recognized experts, presentations of contributed papers,
panel discussions, and system demonstrations.

Extended abstracts (2-5 pages) of technical papers, surveys, clinical
studies, position papers, and panel topics for presentation at the
Symposium are solicited. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the
local and international program committee. Accepted extended abstracts
will be published in a preprints booklet to be distributed to Symposium
participants. Authors should send either electronic copies (ASCII, LaTeX,
or Postscipt) or hard-copies (3 sets) by NOVEMBER 15st, 1997 to the address

Symposium Topics

Relevant research in Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Biomechanics, and
Electrical Engineering including but not limited to:

- reconstruction and segmentation of medical images from diverse modalities
- architectures and control for medical robots
- virtual and augmented reality surgery, telesurgery
- image and sensor data registration
- computer-aided diagnosis and preoperative planning
- intraoperative surgical monitoring, support, and planning
- surgical simulators, anatomical modeling, atlases
- safety issues in computer-assisted surgery

All medical specialties include but are not limited to:

- radiology
- orthopaedics and traumatology
- laparoscopy, endoscopy, arthroscopy
- neurosurgery
- cardio-vascular surgery
- minimally invasive surgery
- urology
- dentistry

Invited speakers

R. Kikinis, MD, "Computer-assisted neurosurgery"
Harvard Medical School, USA
S. Lavallee, PhD, "Multimodality Information and registration"
TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble, France
R, Mosges, MD, "Computer-assisted functional endoscopic surgery"
IMSIE, Koln, Germany
D. Stulberg, MD, "Computer-assisted orthopaedic surgery"
Northwestern University, USA
R.H. Taylor, PhD, "Medical robotics"
Johns Hopkins Univers ity, USA

Local Program Committee

M. Berman, PhD, Silicon Graphics Biomedical
Y. Charit, Phd, Technion
R. Chisin, MD, Haddasah Ein Karem
G. Elber, Phd, Technion
S. Goldberger MD, Meir Hospital
Y. Madar, PhD, Haddasah, Jerusalem
D. Maor, PhD, Elscint
C. Milgrom, MD, Haddasah Hospital, Jerusalem
A. Simkin, Phd, Haddasah Ein Karem
M. Roffman, MD, Carmel Hospital, Haifa
R. Yagel, PhD, Silicon Graphics Biomedical

International Advisory Board

N. Ayache, PhD, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France
R. Bucholz, MD, U. of St. Louis, USA
A. Colchester, PhD, U of Kent, UK
P. Dario PhD, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy
B. Davies PhD, Imperial College, UK
A. DiGioia, MD, Shadyside Hospital, Pittsburgh, USA
S. Delp, PhD, Northwestern U., USA
E. Grimson PhD, MIT, USA
L. Kavoussi, MD, Johns Hopkins U., USA
R. Kikinis MD Harvard Medical School, USA
S. Lavallee, PhD, TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble, France
H. Lemke, PhD, Technische Universitat, Berlin, Germany
P. Merloz, MD, Centre Universitaire et Hospitalier, Grenoble
L. Nolte, Phd, M.E. Muller Institute, Bern, Switzerland
M. Peshkin PhD, Northwestern University, USA
P. Rabischong, MD, Montpellier, France
K. Radermacher, Phd, Aachen University of Technology, Germany
D. Stulberg, MD, Northwestern University, USA
R.H. Taylor, PhD, Johns Hopkins U., USA
J. Troccaz PhD, TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble, France

Support and Sponsorship

Ministry of Science and Technology
Leibniz Center, The Hebrew University
Belfer Fund, The Technion
Silicon Graphics Biomedical (tentative)
Elscint (tentative)

For more information contact:
Leo Joskowicz
Institute of Computer Science
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Phone: +(972)-2-658-6299 (6584949 secretary)
FAX: +(972)-2-658-5439
WWW site:

Check the web site:

For frequent updates.

Ariel Simkin, PhD
Biomechanics Laboratory
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Hadassah University Hospital
Kiryat Hadassah, Jerusalem, Israel 91120.
Tel: 972 2 6757127 Fax: 972 2 6434434