Below is an ME job announcement. The search committee is very receptive to a biomechanics (or biomaterials) focus, and the National Rehab Hospital and some strong groups in orthopedic biomechanics are nearby.



A new tenure track position at the Assistant Professor level is available beginning September 1998. Candidates with experience in mechanical design and mechanics of materails with applications in material behavior/processes, computational methods, dynamics, biomechanics, or biomaterials will be given highest priority. The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses, develop research programs and advise/supervise both undergraduate and graduate students. Excellent communication and teach skills are required.
Applications should include a detailed curriculum vitae; a clear statement of their specific teaching and research interests; and a list of at least five references. Submit applications to:

Professor Mario Casarella
Chairman, Search Committee
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Catholic University of America
Wasington DC 20064
Phone: 202-319-5170, Fax: 202-319-4499

The Catholic University of America is sponsored by the Roman Catholic Bishops of the United States as a national university. Its faculty embodies a community of scholars supportive of the University's mission, noted for their research, and dedicated to excellence in teaching. CUA is located on a 154-acre campus in the nation's capital and is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer.


Jack M. Winters, Ph.D.
Professor and Program Director
Biomedical Engineering
202-319-5843 (-4499 fax)

Below is an ME job announcement.  The
search committee is very receptive to a biomechanics (or biomaterials) focus,
and the National Rehab Hospital and some strong groups in orthopedic
biomechanics are nearby.
A new tenure track position at the Assistant Professor level
is available beginning September 1998.  Candidates with experience in
mechanical design and mechanics of materails with applications in material
behavior/processes, computational methods, dynamics, biomechanics, or
biomaterials will be given highest priority.  The successful candidate will
be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses, develop research
programs and advise/supervise both undergraduate and graduate students. 
Excellent communication and teach skills are required.
Applications should include a detailed curriculum vitae; a
clear statement of their specific teaching and research interests; and a list of
at least five references.  Submit applications to: 
Professor Mario Casarella
Chairman, Search Committee 
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering 
Catholic University of America 
Wasington DC 20064 
Phone: 202-319-5170, Fax:
The Catholic University of America is sponsored by the Roman
Catholic Bishops of the United States as a national university.  Its
faculty embodies a community of scholars supportive of the University's mission,
noted for their research, and dedicated to excellence in teaching.  CUA is
located on a 154-acre campus in the nation's capital and is an Equal Opportunity
Affirmative Action Employer.
_____________________________Jack M.
Winters, Ph.D.Professor and Program DirectorBiomedical
Engineering202-319-5843  (-4499 fax) winters@cua.edu