Applications are invited for a two-year postdoctoral position in motor
development in the Perception and Motor Systems Laboratory, Department
of Human Movement Studies, The University of Queensland, Australia.
The successful applicant will be expected to have experience and
research interests in areas relevant to a National Health and Medical
Research Council supported project entitled "An Exploration of the
Developmental Time Course of Inter- and Intra-limb Coordination", and to
work in close collaboration with the research team of Drs. Richard
Carson, Yvonne Burns, Mark Mon-Williams, and James Tresilian. This
project has three primary objectives: (1) To document the development of
coordinated movement from 5 to 18 years of age; (2) To investigate
movement control in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder;
(3) To investigate movement control in individuals with Down Syndrome.
The successful applicant will also assist in the organisation of Motor
Active, a therapeutic programme designed to accommodate those children
in society who have difficulty moving and playing in a controlled and
coordinated fashion.
A letter of application, curriculum vitae, copies of academic
transcripts, recent published works and the names and addresses of three
academic referees should be sent via airmail to Dr. Richard Carson,
Department of Human Movement Studies, The University of Queensland,
Brisbane, 4072, Australia. Salary will be in the range of
$38,284-$46,503 (Australian) dependent on qualifications and the number
of years postdoctoral experience.
Priority deadline: December 31, 1997 or until a suitable candidate is
Further details concerning this position can be obtained by writing to
Dr. Carson at the above address, or by phone (61-7-3365 6817), facsimile
(61-7-3365 6877), or electronic mail (
Information about the department can also be found at and about the Perception and Motor Systems
Laboratory in particular at
Richard G. Carson Ph.D. E-mail:
Dept. Human Movement Studies Phone: (07) 3365-6817
The University of Queensland Facsimile: (07) 3365-6877
Brisbane, Queensland, 4072 Web:
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