Dear ALL:
due to the kind help from so many members who came forward to assist me,
my request (see below) has been settled.
Thanks to all who responded.
Ashvin Thambyah.
Ashvin Thambyah wrote:
> Dear list members:
> I'm looking for an article :
> Triantafyllou N et al(1975)The mechanical properties of the lyophilized
> and irradiated bone grafts. Acta Orthop Belgica 41:35.
> I can't find this article anywhere, nor do I know if its in English or
> not.
> If anyone's got useful information on the above mentioned article or any
> good leads to info on mech properties of lyophilized bone pls. let me
> know.
> Thanks.
> Ashvin Thambyah
> Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery
> National University of Singapore