June 14-17, 1998, Lemesos, Cyprus
Organized and Sponsored by:
Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus
The Cyprus Association of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Co-Sponsored by:
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
European Society for Engineering and Medicine
In cooperation with:
International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE)
Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Medica e Biologica
Croatian Medical & Biological Engineering Society
Greek Society for Biomedical Engineering
Israel Society for Medical & Biological Engineering
Slovene Society for Medical & Biological Engineering
Societe des Electriciens et des Electroniciens (Club Francais des
Technologies Biomedicales)
Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Cyprus Section)
Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE Cyprus Centre)
In association with:
Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics
Higher Technical Institute
United Kingdom Liaison Committee for Sciences Allied to Medicine &
Biology (S.A.M.B.)
D Adam (Israel) J P Morucci (France)
K Athanasiou (USA) A Nicolaides (UK)
T Bajd (Slovenia) M Nyssen (Belgium)
M Bracale (Italy) N Ouzounoglou (Greece)
J E W Beneken (Netherlands) N Pallikarakis (Greece)
S Cerutti (Italy) P Rabichong (France)
A G Constantinides (UK) L M Roa (Spain)
K Copeland (UK) V C Roberts (UK)
G Dimitrov (Bulgaria) M Sawan (Canada)
N Dimitrova (Bulgaria) S Sideman (Israel)
U. Faust (Germany) J A E Spaan (The Netherlands)
H Hutten (Austria) V A Spasic (Yugoslavia)
G Inbar (Israel) N Sphiris (Greece)
F Kajiya (Japan) U Stanic (Slovenia)
Z Kollitsi (Greece) Y Istefanopoulos (Turkey)
K Kouris (Cyprus) D Tsaptsinos (UK)
D Koutsouris (Greece) K Turker (Australia)
I Krekule (Czech Republic) E M Tzanakou (USA)
S Laxminarayan (USA) N Zamboglou (Germany)
R Magjarevic (Croatia)
Conference Co-Chairs: Stelios Christofides (CAMPBE, Cyprus),
: Constantinos S Pattichis (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Program Chair : Christos N Schizas (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
International Chair : Elpida Keravnou-Papailiou (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Exhibits Chair : Yiannis Theodoulou (CAMPBE, Cyprus)
Treasurer : Prodromos Kaplanis (CAMPBE, Cyprus)
Publications : Spyros Spyrou (Higher Technical Institute, Cyprus)
Social Program : George Christodoulides (CAMPBE, Cyprus)
Medicon'98 is the 8th in the series of regional meetings in the Mediterranean
of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering
(IFMBE). The goal of Medicon'98 is to provide updated information on the
state of the art on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. The
program will consist of both invited and submitted papers on new developments
in these fields. Medicon'98 will focus primarily on the following topics:
* Biomechanics/Implants
* Biosignal Processing and Analysis
* Cardiovascular Systems
* Cellular Engineering
* Clinical Engineering
* Health Care Technology Assessment
* High Performance Computing in Medicine
* Instrumentation
* Intelligent Systems in Medicine
* Medical Imaging
* Medical Multimedia Workstations and Databases
* Models of Physiological Systems
* Neuromuscular Systems
* Patient Monitoring
* Radiation Protection
* Radiotherapy
* Rehabilitation Engineering
* Telemedicine
* Virtual Reality in Medicine
Proposals for plenary and special sessions are invited. For further details
please contact Constantinos Pattichis, by January 30, 1998.
* Information Technology in Biomedicine Leaping into 2000, Swamy
Laxminarayan (USA)
* Integrated Telemedicine Networks and Added Value Services, Stelios
Orphanoudakis (Greece)
* Computational Intelligence: Status and Trends in Medical Diagnostic
Systems, Evangelia Micheli-Tzanakou (USA)
In memory of Dick Poortvliet, dinstinguished biomedical engineer and active
member of IEEE Region 8, the IEEE Cyprus Section will organize during
Medicon'98 a student paper contest. To qualify, a student or group of
students must contribute a significant part of the paper and be the primary
author(s). The submission should clearly indicate that the paper is to be
considered for the best student paper award, the amount of contribution made
by the student, the current level of study, and the address including fax or
The conference will provide the attendees with the opportunity of examining
state-of-the-art technology (in biomedical and medical physics
instrumentation, computer hardware and software) and establishing useful
interactions with representatives of manufacturers, vendors, and publishers.
Papers are invited, but not limited, to theabove topics of interest.
Authors are stongly encouraged to submit a PostScript version of their full
paper by anonymous ftp to, and put the paper in the
directory /incoming/medicon98. Files should be uniquely named:
.ps. In addition, authors should notify by e-mail
to the title of the paper, the corresponding author
and address, and the first two choices for the topics of interest as given
above, under which the paper can be classified.
Alternatively, papers can be submitted in paper format (one original and two
copies). These submissions should be accompanied with a diskette with the
paper in MS Word format, or TEX on IBM PC or MAC, including all figures. In
an accompanying letter, authors should specify the title of the paper, the
corresponding author and address, and the first two choices from the topics
of interest as given above, under which the paper can be classified.
The papers must be completed within 6 pages, including figures, tables and
references, and should be written in English. An A4 size format with 2,5 cm
margin on all four sides should be used. They should be prepared in
one-column format, single spaced, in Arial or similar type style of 10
points. Centered at the top of the first page should be the complete title,
author name(s), affiliation(s) and mailing address(es), including electronic
mailing(s) address(es). This is followed by a blank space and then the
abstract, up to 15 lines, followed by the main text.
Submission of a proposed paper implies a commitment from one of the authors
to present the paper if accepted.
Medicon'98, Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, 75
Kallipoleos Str, P.O. Box 537, CY-1678 Nicosia, CYPRUS.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two referees and all accepted
papers will be published on CD-ROM. A copy of the proceedings will be given
to each participant at the conference. After the conference, the proceedings
will be available from the publisher.
A few selected authors will be invited to publish extended versions of their
papers in a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Information Technology
in Biomedicine (T-ITB). All papers submitted for publication in the
Transactions will be subject to a further peer-review process prior to
publication in the T-ITB.
* Paper submission January 30, 1998
(Receival acknowledgment will follow)
* Notification of acceptance March 30, 1998
(List of all accepted papers will be posted at
the WWW page of the conference)
Full conference registration fee includes admission to all sessions, welcome
reception, and a copy of the proceedings. Early registration is highly
recommended in order to save both time and money.
Early registration (before April 30, 1998) Cyp.Pounds 140
Late registration (after April 30, 1998) Cyp.Pounds 160
Students Cyp.Pounds 70
Note: Cyp.Pound 1 ~= US$2
Make all cheques payable to CYDEM TOURS Ltd or charge your Credit card. Mail
or fax your payment to the address of the official travel agent.
Aristos C Demetriou, CYDEM TOURS Ltd, P.O. Box 4134, Nicosia, CYPRUS.
Tel: +357-2-773865/451300, Fax: +357-2-457297, Email:
Cyprus is an island situated at the north-east corner of the Mediterranean
Sea at the cross-roads of three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa. Its
geographically significant position both for trade and military purposes has
been one of the main reasons for Cyprus' turbulent history. The passing from
the island of different conquerors has helped to blend the character of the
Cypriots. Here the visitor may enjoy magnificent pottery and sculpture,
ancient ruins all over the island, Byzantine monasteries, churches and
medieval monuments of great architectural value. The people of Cyprus are
traditionally warm and welcoming. Their language is Greek but English is
spoken in all shops, restaurants, hotels, banks and government offices. Life
on the island is leisurely and safe. Greek food should be tried. Greek Meze,
consisting of as many as thirty dishes, starting with salads, dips, tasty
local dishes and kebabs is something the visitor should not miss.
Cyprus has what is called a Mediterranean climate, that is hot summers but
moderate winters. July and August are the hottest months. Temperatures during
the day vary from 32 - 38 deg. C, so bring light clothes, sandals and
sunglasses. Temperature falls during the evening but remains warm. Sea water
is warm and inviting so don't forget your swimsuits.
Cyprus is easily accessible by air. Larnaca airport is forty-five minutes
drive from the Hawaii Beach Hotel at Lemesos. A taxi ride from the airport
costs around Cyp.Pounds 20. Pafos airport on the other hand is one hour and
twenty minutes drive from the Hotel at Lemesos and costs around Cyp.Pounds 30
by taxi.
Constantinos S Pattichis
Department of Computer Science
University of Cyprus
75 Kallipoleos Street,
CY-1678 Nicosia
Tel no : +357-2-338705/06
Fax no : +357-2-339062
Email :
Stelios Christofides
Medical Physics Department
Nicosia General Hospital
P.O. Box 4039
CY-1450 Nicosia
Tel no : +357-2-301306
Fax no : +357-2-369170
Email :
Please refer to this WWW page. It contains the latest information for
June 14-17, 1998, Lemesos, Cyprus
Organized and Sponsored by:
Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus
The Cyprus Association of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Co-Sponsored by:
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
European Society for Engineering and Medicine
In cooperation with:
International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE)
Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Medica e Biologica
Croatian Medical & Biological Engineering Society
Greek Society for Biomedical Engineering
Israel Society for Medical & Biological Engineering
Slovene Society for Medical & Biological Engineering
Societe des Electriciens et des Electroniciens (Club Francais des
Technologies Biomedicales)
Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Cyprus Section)
Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE Cyprus Centre)
In association with:
Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics
Higher Technical Institute
United Kingdom Liaison Committee for Sciences Allied to Medicine &
Biology (S.A.M.B.)
D Adam (Israel) J P Morucci (France)
K Athanasiou (USA) A Nicolaides (UK)
T Bajd (Slovenia) M Nyssen (Belgium)
M Bracale (Italy) N Ouzounoglou (Greece)
J E W Beneken (Netherlands) N Pallikarakis (Greece)
S Cerutti (Italy) P Rabichong (France)
A G Constantinides (UK) L M Roa (Spain)
K Copeland (UK) V C Roberts (UK)
G Dimitrov (Bulgaria) M Sawan (Canada)
N Dimitrova (Bulgaria) S Sideman (Israel)
U. Faust (Germany) J A E Spaan (The Netherlands)
H Hutten (Austria) V A Spasic (Yugoslavia)
G Inbar (Israel) N Sphiris (Greece)
F Kajiya (Japan) U Stanic (Slovenia)
Z Kollitsi (Greece) Y Istefanopoulos (Turkey)
K Kouris (Cyprus) D Tsaptsinos (UK)
D Koutsouris (Greece) K Turker (Australia)
I Krekule (Czech Republic) E M Tzanakou (USA)
S Laxminarayan (USA) N Zamboglou (Germany)
R Magjarevic (Croatia)
Conference Co-Chairs: Stelios Christofides (CAMPBE, Cyprus),
: Constantinos S Pattichis (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Program Chair : Christos N Schizas (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
International Chair : Elpida Keravnou-Papailiou (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Exhibits Chair : Yiannis Theodoulou (CAMPBE, Cyprus)
Treasurer : Prodromos Kaplanis (CAMPBE, Cyprus)
Publications : Spyros Spyrou (Higher Technical Institute, Cyprus)
Social Program : George Christodoulides (CAMPBE, Cyprus)
Medicon'98 is the 8th in the series of regional meetings in the Mediterranean
of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering
(IFMBE). The goal of Medicon'98 is to provide updated information on the
state of the art on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. The
program will consist of both invited and submitted papers on new developments
in these fields. Medicon'98 will focus primarily on the following topics:
* Biomechanics/Implants
* Biosignal Processing and Analysis
* Cardiovascular Systems
* Cellular Engineering
* Clinical Engineering
* Health Care Technology Assessment
* High Performance Computing in Medicine
* Instrumentation
* Intelligent Systems in Medicine
* Medical Imaging
* Medical Multimedia Workstations and Databases
* Models of Physiological Systems
* Neuromuscular Systems
* Patient Monitoring
* Radiation Protection
* Radiotherapy
* Rehabilitation Engineering
* Telemedicine
* Virtual Reality in Medicine
Proposals for plenary and special sessions are invited. For further details
please contact Constantinos Pattichis, by January 30, 1998.
* Information Technology in Biomedicine Leaping into 2000, Swamy
Laxminarayan (USA)
* Integrated Telemedicine Networks and Added Value Services, Stelios
Orphanoudakis (Greece)
* Computational Intelligence: Status and Trends in Medical Diagnostic
Systems, Evangelia Micheli-Tzanakou (USA)
In memory of Dick Poortvliet, dinstinguished biomedical engineer and active
member of IEEE Region 8, the IEEE Cyprus Section will organize during
Medicon'98 a student paper contest. To qualify, a student or group of
students must contribute a significant part of the paper and be the primary
author(s). The submission should clearly indicate that the paper is to be
considered for the best student paper award, the amount of contribution made
by the student, the current level of study, and the address including fax or
The conference will provide the attendees with the opportunity of examining
state-of-the-art technology (in biomedical and medical physics
instrumentation, computer hardware and software) and establishing useful
interactions with representatives of manufacturers, vendors, and publishers.
Papers are invited, but not limited, to theabove topics of interest.
Authors are stongly encouraged to submit a PostScript version of their full
paper by anonymous ftp to, and put the paper in the
directory /incoming/medicon98. Files should be uniquely named:
.ps. In addition, authors should notify by e-mail
to the title of the paper, the corresponding author
and address, and the first two choices for the topics of interest as given
above, under which the paper can be classified.
Alternatively, papers can be submitted in paper format (one original and two
copies). These submissions should be accompanied with a diskette with the
paper in MS Word format, or TEX on IBM PC or MAC, including all figures. In
an accompanying letter, authors should specify the title of the paper, the
corresponding author and address, and the first two choices from the topics
of interest as given above, under which the paper can be classified.
The papers must be completed within 6 pages, including figures, tables and
references, and should be written in English. An A4 size format with 2,5 cm
margin on all four sides should be used. They should be prepared in
one-column format, single spaced, in Arial or similar type style of 10
points. Centered at the top of the first page should be the complete title,
author name(s), affiliation(s) and mailing address(es), including electronic
mailing(s) address(es). This is followed by a blank space and then the
abstract, up to 15 lines, followed by the main text.
Submission of a proposed paper implies a commitment from one of the authors
to present the paper if accepted.
Medicon'98, Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, 75
Kallipoleos Str, P.O. Box 537, CY-1678 Nicosia, CYPRUS.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two referees and all accepted
papers will be published on CD-ROM. A copy of the proceedings will be given
to each participant at the conference. After the conference, the proceedings
will be available from the publisher.
A few selected authors will be invited to publish extended versions of their
papers in a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Information Technology
in Biomedicine (T-ITB). All papers submitted for publication in the
Transactions will be subject to a further peer-review process prior to
publication in the T-ITB.
* Paper submission January 30, 1998
(Receival acknowledgment will follow)
* Notification of acceptance March 30, 1998
(List of all accepted papers will be posted at
the WWW page of the conference)
Full conference registration fee includes admission to all sessions, welcome
reception, and a copy of the proceedings. Early registration is highly
recommended in order to save both time and money.
Early registration (before April 30, 1998) Cyp.Pounds 140
Late registration (after April 30, 1998) Cyp.Pounds 160
Students Cyp.Pounds 70
Note: Cyp.Pound 1 ~= US$2
Make all cheques payable to CYDEM TOURS Ltd or charge your Credit card. Mail
or fax your payment to the address of the official travel agent.
Aristos C Demetriou, CYDEM TOURS Ltd, P.O. Box 4134, Nicosia, CYPRUS.
Tel: +357-2-773865/451300, Fax: +357-2-457297, Email:
Cyprus is an island situated at the north-east corner of the Mediterranean
Sea at the cross-roads of three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa. Its
geographically significant position both for trade and military purposes has
been one of the main reasons for Cyprus' turbulent history. The passing from
the island of different conquerors has helped to blend the character of the
Cypriots. Here the visitor may enjoy magnificent pottery and sculpture,
ancient ruins all over the island, Byzantine monasteries, churches and
medieval monuments of great architectural value. The people of Cyprus are
traditionally warm and welcoming. Their language is Greek but English is
spoken in all shops, restaurants, hotels, banks and government offices. Life
on the island is leisurely and safe. Greek food should be tried. Greek Meze,
consisting of as many as thirty dishes, starting with salads, dips, tasty
local dishes and kebabs is something the visitor should not miss.
Cyprus has what is called a Mediterranean climate, that is hot summers but
moderate winters. July and August are the hottest months. Temperatures during
the day vary from 32 - 38 deg. C, so bring light clothes, sandals and
sunglasses. Temperature falls during the evening but remains warm. Sea water
is warm and inviting so don't forget your swimsuits.
Cyprus is easily accessible by air. Larnaca airport is forty-five minutes
drive from the Hawaii Beach Hotel at Lemesos. A taxi ride from the airport
costs around Cyp.Pounds 20. Pafos airport on the other hand is one hour and
twenty minutes drive from the Hotel at Lemesos and costs around Cyp.Pounds 30
by taxi.
Constantinos S Pattichis
Department of Computer Science
University of Cyprus
75 Kallipoleos Street,
CY-1678 Nicosia
Tel no : +357-2-338705/06
Fax no : +357-2-339062
Email :
Stelios Christofides
Medical Physics Department
Nicosia General Hospital
P.O. Box 4039
CY-1450 Nicosia
Tel no : +357-2-301306
Fax no : +357-2-369170
Email :
Please refer to this WWW page. It contains the latest information for