Dear all,

I take the liberty of forwarding some information regarding an upcoming
"whiplash" congress.

PLEASE, do not send any replies or requests to my address!

/Mats Svensson


>Dear WAD World Congress Committee Members,
>You will find attached information on the Abstract Programme as well as on
>the conference itself. We would appreciate your assistance in promoting the
>Congress to your colleagues by posting the attached file to any relevant
>discussion group you belong to.
>In response to Call for Papers sent out earlier in the new year, we have
>received some interest from the "healthcare" stream, but few responses from
>the insurance & disability and the traffic safety & auto engineering so
>your help in "putting the word out" would be greatly appreciated.
>Thanking you in advance for your support.
>Anne von Schoenberg
>Physical Medicine Research Foundation
>Suite 510, 207 West Hastings St.
>Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1H7
>In North America 1-800-872-3105
>elsewhere +604 684-4148 Fax +604 684-6247


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Mats Y. Svensson, Ph.D.
Dept. of Injury Prevention
Chalmers University of Technology
S-412 96 Goteborg

Phone: +46 31 772 3644
Secr.: +46 31 772 3637
Fax: +46 31 772 3660
+46 31 772 3690
Home: +46 31 91 95 74
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