The European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC) is pleased to invite you to submit abstracts for consideration for presentation at its 7th Annual meeting in the Waterfront Hall, Belfast from 24-26 September 1998.
The Scientific Program will be clinically orientated and will include the methodology of data acquisition and data processing for gait assessment. Other methods of functional evaluation and their practical importance will also be discussed.
The Conference will be held in English.
R McNeill Alexander, Professor of Zoology, University of Leeds, UK: Comparative gait analysis
Scott Delp: Associate Professor, North Western University, Chicago, USA: Musculoskeletal modelling in Gait Analysis
Dianne Russell: Research Co-ordinator, McMAster University, Hamilton, Canada: Gross Motor Function Measure
Abstracts in English are restricted to two A4 sized sheets (21 x 29.7cm), with 3cm margins on left, right, top and bottom. Page 1 must include:
1 Title of paper (in capital letters without abbreviations)
2 Author(s)
3 Institution(s) where the work is carried out.
4 Text which should be divided into Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, References
One or two tables or figures may be included. Printing should be in 12 point type, preferably with Times Roman font.
Use common abreviations. If unusual abbreviations are used, the full phrase must be included in parenthesis the first time it appears.
Commercial names of medicines or devices should not be used.
One camera ready original and one copy containing only title and text with the authors and institutions omitted for blind refereeing are required.
Abstracts will be published as submitted in Gait and Posture.
Abstracts should be submitted by 1 May 1998.
These should last 8 minutes, 4 minutes will be allowed for discussion. Authors are specifically requested not to spend time outlining, in the introduction to their work, background which most delegates might reasonably be expected to know. This is especially important where several papers are addressing a common theme.
Wed 23 September Welcome Reception
Thur 24 September Civic Reception
Fri 25 September Conference Dinner
This includes registration, coffe breaks, lunches, receptions and conference dinner.
ESMAC Members before 1 July £210, after 1 July £230
Non-members before 1 July £230, after 1 July £250
Cheques/Eurocheques in Sterling payable to Green Park HealthCare Trust,
Bank Transfer to northern bank, Donegal Square, Belfast, Account No. 112 44 027
Three hotels are being used for the Conference. They are all very close and within 1km of the Waterfront Hall. Delegates should arrange their own accommodation directly with the hotels using the booking references below.
EUROPA HOTEL****, Great VIctoria Street. £94 twin, £70 single inc full breakfast
Tel +44 1232 327000, Fax +44 1232 327800, Booking ref. WATER 239
HOLIDAY INN, GARDEN COURT***, 15 Brunswick Street, £75 twin, £65 single inc continental breakfast.
Tel +44 1232 333555, Fax +44 1232 232999, Booking ref. 4729
JURY'S INN, Great VIctoria Street, £52 single, £64 twin inc. full breakfast
Tel +44 1232 533500, Fax +44 1232 533511, Booking ref. 1387
Further details/Application forms are available from:
Clare Murphy
ESMAC Conference Secretariat
McKinney House
Musgrave Park Hospital
Stockman's Lane
Belfast BT9 7JB
Fax +44 1232 382008
Tel +44 1232 669501 ext 2027
Application forms should soon be downloadable from ESMAC web site: