Dear Biomch-L readers,
Once-in-a-while, your moderators receive requests from subscribers about
how-to-do-this-or-that; while we are happy to help out (it's part of the
kudoes as my fellow-Europeans across the North Sea like to put it), there
are standard help files available that provide the replies to most FAQ's
(Frequently Asked Questions). Below is the reply from LISTSERV@HEARN on
BITNET / LISTSERV@NIC.SURFNET.NL on the Internet to the one-line query
info ?
in the main body of an e-mail note. The same information is sent back
interactively if the question is issued interactively on BITNET.
Each individual file can be retrieved with the proper term replacing the
question mark above, e.g., "info pr", "info presentation", etc; alterna-
tively, one could use the standard send ( or get) command, e.g.
send listpres memo
get listearn memo
etc. These commands are case-insensitive (unlike filenames in FTP commands
on the Internet).
On behalf of the two other moderators, may I suggest that you keep a copy
of this posting in a safe place, and retrieve some of the files identified
below? I would recommend PR, GEN, REF, FILE, and DATABASE.
With kind regards -- hjw.
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 92 23:53:26 CET
From: ListEARN List Processor
Subject: Output of your job "UGDIST"
> info ?
List of information guides available from LISTSERV@HEARN:
PResent (LISTPRES MEMO ) Presentation of LISTEARN for new users
GENintro (LISTEARN MEMO ) General information about Revised LISTEARN
REFcard (LISTEARN REFCARD) Command reference card
KEYwords (LISTKEYW MEMO ) Description of list header keywords
AFD (LISTAFD MEMO ) Description of Automatic File Distribution
IAF (LISTIAF MEMO ) Description of Interactive Access Facility
FILEs (LISTFILE MEMO ) Description of the file-server functions
LPunch (LISTLPUN MEMO ) Description of the LISTEARN-Punch file format
JOB (LISTJOB MEMO ) Description of the Command Jobs feature
DISTribute (LISTDIST MEMO ) Description of Relayed File Distribution
COORDinat (LISTCOOR MEMO ) Information about ListEARN Coordination
FILEOwner (LISTFOWN MEMO ) Information guide for file owners
DATABASE (LISTDB MEMO ) Description of the database functions
DBCREATE (LISTDBC MEMO ) Description of the database creation
DBDGEN (LISTDGEN MEMO ) Description of the database generator
The following files are restricted to list owners:
SURvival (LISTSURV MEMO ) A survival guide to LISTEARN
LINKing (LISTLINK MEMO ) Guidelines for linking list servers together
OWNers (LISTOWNR MEMO ) Description of list-owners commands
PUT (LSVPUT EXEC ) An exec to facilitate sending PUT commands
You should order the PResentation or GENintro manual
if you are new to LISTEARN.
Once-in-a-while, your moderators receive requests from subscribers about
how-to-do-this-or-that; while we are happy to help out (it's part of the
kudoes as my fellow-Europeans across the North Sea like to put it), there
are standard help files available that provide the replies to most FAQ's
(Frequently Asked Questions). Below is the reply from LISTSERV@HEARN on
BITNET / LISTSERV@NIC.SURFNET.NL on the Internet to the one-line query
info ?
in the main body of an e-mail note. The same information is sent back
interactively if the question is issued interactively on BITNET.
Each individual file can be retrieved with the proper term replacing the
question mark above, e.g., "info pr", "info presentation", etc; alterna-
tively, one could use the standard send ( or get) command, e.g.
send listpres memo
get listearn memo
etc. These commands are case-insensitive (unlike filenames in FTP commands
on the Internet).
On behalf of the two other moderators, may I suggest that you keep a copy
of this posting in a safe place, and retrieve some of the files identified
below? I would recommend PR, GEN, REF, FILE, and DATABASE.
With kind regards -- hjw.
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 92 23:53:26 CET
From: ListEARN List Processor
Subject: Output of your job "UGDIST"
> info ?
List of information guides available from LISTSERV@HEARN:
PResent (LISTPRES MEMO ) Presentation of LISTEARN for new users
GENintro (LISTEARN MEMO ) General information about Revised LISTEARN
REFcard (LISTEARN REFCARD) Command reference card
KEYwords (LISTKEYW MEMO ) Description of list header keywords
AFD (LISTAFD MEMO ) Description of Automatic File Distribution
IAF (LISTIAF MEMO ) Description of Interactive Access Facility
FILEs (LISTFILE MEMO ) Description of the file-server functions
LPunch (LISTLPUN MEMO ) Description of the LISTEARN-Punch file format
JOB (LISTJOB MEMO ) Description of the Command Jobs feature
DISTribute (LISTDIST MEMO ) Description of Relayed File Distribution
COORDinat (LISTCOOR MEMO ) Information about ListEARN Coordination
FILEOwner (LISTFOWN MEMO ) Information guide for file owners
DATABASE (LISTDB MEMO ) Description of the database functions
DBCREATE (LISTDBC MEMO ) Description of the database creation
DBDGEN (LISTDGEN MEMO ) Description of the database generator
The following files are restricted to list owners:
SURvival (LISTSURV MEMO ) A survival guide to LISTEARN
LINKing (LISTLINK MEMO ) Guidelines for linking list servers together
OWNers (LISTOWNR MEMO ) Description of list-owners commands
PUT (LSVPUT EXEC ) An exec to facilitate sending PUT commands
You should order the PResentation or GENintro manual
if you are new to LISTEARN.