Dirk Vollmer wrote:
> Dear BioMech-L subscribers:
> For some FE-calculations we are strongly depending on a FE-Mesh of a mandible?
> Can anybody out there provide us with any kind of information??

Are you asking someone to provide you with a complete mandible FE mesh
or are you looking for help in creating one yourself?

What software (FE, CAD, etc.) do you have available? If you are planning
to create the model, how will you obtain the geometry (CT scan, serial
slices of a mandible, etc.)?

Do you need bone mechanical properties, or loading information? Are you
looking for prior publications on FE models of mandibles?

Danny L. Levine, Ph.D., P.E.
Research Department
Zimmer, Inc. - Warsaw, IN
PHONE: (219)372-4669
FAX: (219)372-4922