Dear Biomch-L readers,
The following announcement may be of interest to the readership of BIOMCH-L.
International Ergonomics Association World Conference '93
An Interdisciplinary Forum to Review Human and
Technical Aspects of Repetitive Manual and Automated Handling
of Loads and Hand Tool Manipulation
14-18 June 1993
Warsaw, POLAND
Organized by
Industrial Ergonomics Technical Group
of the Science & Technology Committee,
International Ergonomics Association
In cooperation with Polish Ergonomics Society and
Central Institute for Labour Protection, Warsaw, Poland
You are cordially invited to participate in the interdisciplinary IEA
World Conference on Ergonomics of Materials Handling '93.
The main objective of this comprehensive Conference is to provide an
international forum to advance scientific knowledge about the impact
of repetitive manual and automated load handling and tool manipulation on
human health, comfort and safety. The consequences of the above for health
care costs, prevention needs, and quality of working life around the world
will be adressed.
Honorary Co-Chairman Prof. M.M. Ayoub, U.S.A.
Dr. I. Kuorinka, Finland
General Chairman Prof. W. Karwowski, U.S.A.
National Co-Chairman Prof. J.L.Smith, U.S.A.
Prof. L. Pacholski, Poland
Technical Program
Chairman Prof. W.S. Marras, U.S.A.
Local Coordinators
in Poland Prof.D.Koradecka, Warsaw, Poland
Prof. T. Marek, Krakow, Poland
The Conference will aim to stimulate an interdisciplinary review of current
research and applications, and future directions in three main areas of concern
to the world society:
1. Manual Materials Handling & Occupational Injuries
2. Prevention of Cumulative Trauma Disorders at Work
3. Human Factors Aspects of Automated Materials Handling
All proposals submitted for cosideration by the Program Committee should
conform to the following general requirement. The first page should provide
a title, names, mailing addresses, telephone and telefax numbers and electronic
mail information ( if available) for all authors.
Prospective authors should consider the three different modes of presentation,
such as oral presentation, poster or panel discussion, when submitting their
proposals for review.
1. Technical Presentations
An abstract of 300-500 words should include objectives, methods, results and
their significance, and conclusions.
2. Poster Sessions
Poster sessions are aimed to present the latest developments and state-of-art
in Conference topics through direct interaction between the authors and
participants. An abstract of 300-words is required.
3. Panel discussions, workshops and tutorials
An abstract of 500 words should state the objective, educational content,
intended target audience, and include a biosketch of the presenter(s).
Latest receipt of proposals for:
* Technical papers August 15, 1992
* Workshops, tutorials & posters October 1, 1992
Latest notification of review outcome October 1, 1992
Receipt of accepted papers: December 15, 1992
Proposals for Technical Papers should be submitted to:
Prof. W.S. Marras,
Technical Program Chair,
Industrial and Systems Engineering Department,
Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH 43210 , USA
Tel. +1(614) 292-6670
Fax +1(614) 292-7852
All other proposals, including those Special Sessions, Workshops, Tutorials
& Posters should be submitted to Prof. Karwowski at the address given below.
General Conference Chair,
Center for Industrial Ergonomics ,
University of Louisville,
Louisville, KY 40292, USA
Tel. +1(502) 588-7173
Fax +1(502) 588-7397
Email: w0karw03@ulkyvm.bitnet
The Conference organizers welcome inquiries and offers of cooperation and help
in organizing efforts from industry, labour organizations, and safety and
health regulatory agencies worlwide. For further information please contact:
Prof. J.L.Smith,
Conference Co-Chair,
Department of Industrial Engineering,
Mail Stop 3061,
Texas Tech. University,
Lubbock, TX 79409, USA
Tel. +1(806) 742-3543
Fax +1(806) 742-3411
/ Krystyna Gielo-Perczak, Co-moderator Biomch-L, kgp@plwatu21.bitnet /