A reminder that abstracts for poster and platform presentations of
rehabilitation-related research and innovative practice are due on 4/15/98
for the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation
Medicine. We encourage you to share your research and innovative ideas in
this interactive interdisciplinary forum of rehabilitation and basic
science researchers, clinicians, administrators, managers, and payers;
where dissemination of your research and innovations will clearly impact
practice. All rehabilitation-related science, theory, clinical outcomes,
practice issues, teaching, administration, consumer, alternative practice,
and innovative practice topics are encouraged.
Abstract instructions and forms are available via the ACRM website at
http://www.acrm.org/. Click on "Annual Conference" and then on "Call for
Paper and Poster Abstracts". Preliminary conference information is
included below. Final program information and conference registration
information should be available via the website in June. If you have
specific questions re: abstract submissions or the conference, you may
contact me at . We hope to see you in Seattle!
************************************************** *************************
Announcing the 75th Annual Conference of the
November 8-10, 1998
Seattle, Washington
Abstracts due: April 15, 1998
Scientific Abstracts and Innovative Practice
For details, visit http://www.acrm.org/
Conference Theme:
Building Bridges Between Payers, Providers, and Customers
We invite you to share your research and innovative practice ideas with
your colleagues in this dynamic, interactive interdisciplinary forum.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the Archives of Physical Medicine
& Rehabilitation. Leading experts in rehabilitation and related fields
will be presenting on variety of topics, highlighted below. There will be
three program tracks: Research Technology, Clinical Practice Application,
and Management & Administrative Application. International and non-member
abstract submissions are welcome.
* Keynote Address and Plenary Session
Translating Research into Clinical Practice: Assessing the Role
of Rehabilitation Science & Evidence-Based Practice
The Implications of the Institute of Medicine's Report
* Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group Education & Networking Sessions
Linking Research with Clinical Practice: What Evidence Do We Have &
What Evidence Do We Need to Meet Current and Future Needs?
* Rehabilitation Theory & Models: Bridging Science & Clinical Practice
* Electronic Databases for Clinical and Administrative Decision Making
* Selecting Appropriate Outcome Scales Across the Recovery Continuum
* Using Program Evaluation Findings for Effective Decision Making
* Evidence-Based Rehabilitation Workshop: The Four Step Program
* Clinical Decision Making Using Single Case Research Paradigms
* Alternative Practice: Market Research and Program Analysis
* Strategies for Managing Our Futures as Rehabilitationists
* Sheldon Berrol Chautauqua: Family Issues and Family Care
* Dynamic Systems Theory and Strategies for Rehabilitation
* Building the Bridge: Policy, Practice, and Science
in Evidence-Based Rehabilitation
* Mentoring Sessions by Leading Rehabilitation Experts
* Interactive & Learning Exhibits
* Clinical and Research Updates
* 75th Anniversary Celebration
* Enjoy Beautiful Seattle, WA
Submission categories: Scientific Posters and Innovative Practice Posters
A limited number of oral scientific papers also will be considered. All
rehabilitation-related science, theory, clinical outcomes, practice
issues, teaching, administration, consumer, alternative practice, and
innovative practice topics are encouraged. Abstracts must contain 200
words or less, in narrative form, typed as one paragraph. Be sure to
identify the type of submission at the top of the page (e.g. scientific
poster, innovative practice poster). Refer to ACRM web site (www.acrm.org/
and click on "Annual Conference" and then on "Call for Paper and Poster
Abstracts") or contact ACRM office for Call for Abstracts information.
For Call for Abstracts, Membership, and Conference Information:
4700 W. Lake Avenue, Glenview, IL 60025-1485
Phone: (847) 375-4725 Fax: (847) 375-4777
Web Site: http://www.acrm.org/
E Mail: info@acrm.org
The conference promises to be a dynamic, interactive exchange of "cutting
edge" scientific and clinical information with leading experts in
rehabilitation and related disciplines. We encourage you to share your
research findings and clinical innovations in this interdisciplinary
forum, where your research and ideas will clearly impact clinical
practice. We look forward to meeting you at the conference!
With Kind Regards,
__________________________________________________ ______________
Kathleen A. Hinderer, MS, MPT, PT
ACRM Program Committee Member
ACRM Membership Committee Chair
Doctoral Candidate, Center for Human Motor Research
Department of Movement Science, Division of Kinesiology
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA 48109
Senior Physical Therapist, Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan
Homepage: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~hinderer/
"Keep questioning, and always validate your assumptions!"
__________________________________________________ ______________
rehabilitation-related research and innovative practice are due on 4/15/98
for the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation
Medicine. We encourage you to share your research and innovative ideas in
this interactive interdisciplinary forum of rehabilitation and basic
science researchers, clinicians, administrators, managers, and payers;
where dissemination of your research and innovations will clearly impact
practice. All rehabilitation-related science, theory, clinical outcomes,
practice issues, teaching, administration, consumer, alternative practice,
and innovative practice topics are encouraged.
Abstract instructions and forms are available via the ACRM website at
http://www.acrm.org/. Click on "Annual Conference" and then on "Call for
Paper and Poster Abstracts". Preliminary conference information is
included below. Final program information and conference registration
information should be available via the website in June. If you have
specific questions re: abstract submissions or the conference, you may
contact me at . We hope to see you in Seattle!
************************************************** *************************
Announcing the 75th Annual Conference of the
November 8-10, 1998
Seattle, Washington
Abstracts due: April 15, 1998
Scientific Abstracts and Innovative Practice
For details, visit http://www.acrm.org/
Conference Theme:
Building Bridges Between Payers, Providers, and Customers
We invite you to share your research and innovative practice ideas with
your colleagues in this dynamic, interactive interdisciplinary forum.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the Archives of Physical Medicine
& Rehabilitation. Leading experts in rehabilitation and related fields
will be presenting on variety of topics, highlighted below. There will be
three program tracks: Research Technology, Clinical Practice Application,
and Management & Administrative Application. International and non-member
abstract submissions are welcome.
* Keynote Address and Plenary Session
Translating Research into Clinical Practice: Assessing the Role
of Rehabilitation Science & Evidence-Based Practice
The Implications of the Institute of Medicine's Report
* Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group Education & Networking Sessions
Linking Research with Clinical Practice: What Evidence Do We Have &
What Evidence Do We Need to Meet Current and Future Needs?
* Rehabilitation Theory & Models: Bridging Science & Clinical Practice
* Electronic Databases for Clinical and Administrative Decision Making
* Selecting Appropriate Outcome Scales Across the Recovery Continuum
* Using Program Evaluation Findings for Effective Decision Making
* Evidence-Based Rehabilitation Workshop: The Four Step Program
* Clinical Decision Making Using Single Case Research Paradigms
* Alternative Practice: Market Research and Program Analysis
* Strategies for Managing Our Futures as Rehabilitationists
* Sheldon Berrol Chautauqua: Family Issues and Family Care
* Dynamic Systems Theory and Strategies for Rehabilitation
* Building the Bridge: Policy, Practice, and Science
in Evidence-Based Rehabilitation
* Mentoring Sessions by Leading Rehabilitation Experts
* Interactive & Learning Exhibits
* Clinical and Research Updates
* 75th Anniversary Celebration
* Enjoy Beautiful Seattle, WA
Submission categories: Scientific Posters and Innovative Practice Posters
A limited number of oral scientific papers also will be considered. All
rehabilitation-related science, theory, clinical outcomes, practice
issues, teaching, administration, consumer, alternative practice, and
innovative practice topics are encouraged. Abstracts must contain 200
words or less, in narrative form, typed as one paragraph. Be sure to
identify the type of submission at the top of the page (e.g. scientific
poster, innovative practice poster). Refer to ACRM web site (www.acrm.org/
and click on "Annual Conference" and then on "Call for Paper and Poster
Abstracts") or contact ACRM office for Call for Abstracts information.
For Call for Abstracts, Membership, and Conference Information:
4700 W. Lake Avenue, Glenview, IL 60025-1485
Phone: (847) 375-4725 Fax: (847) 375-4777
Web Site: http://www.acrm.org/
E Mail: info@acrm.org
The conference promises to be a dynamic, interactive exchange of "cutting
edge" scientific and clinical information with leading experts in
rehabilitation and related disciplines. We encourage you to share your
research findings and clinical innovations in this interdisciplinary
forum, where your research and ideas will clearly impact clinical
practice. We look forward to meeting you at the conference!
With Kind Regards,
__________________________________________________ ______________
Kathleen A. Hinderer, MS, MPT, PT
ACRM Program Committee Member
ACRM Membership Committee Chair
Doctoral Candidate, Center for Human Motor Research
Department of Movement Science, Division of Kinesiology
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA 48109
Senior Physical Therapist, Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan
Homepage: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~hinderer/
"Keep questioning, and always validate your assumptions!"
__________________________________________________ ______________