Article 369 in
From: (Ned Danieley)
Subject: Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium
Date: 29 Apr 92 21:04:35 GMT
Organization: Basic Arrhythmia Laboratory, Duke Univ. Med. Center, Durham, N.C.
Lines: 62
Originator: ndd@bal1
Announcement and Call for Papers
for the
30th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium
April 2-3, 1993 Holiday Inn Market Square, San Antonio, Texas
The RMBS has been held annually since 1964. Initially at sites in and
around the Rocky Mountain area, the conference has grown to become a
regional symposium with meeting sites throughout the entire midwest.
Although considered to be a regional conference, contributions and
attendees come from all parts of the United States, Canada, and the
world. Accepted papers are published in a nationally distributed
Conference Proceedings through the Instrument Society of America (ISA).
Topic Areas for Contributed Papers
Aerospace Medicine Health Care Delivery Systems
Biomaterials Hemodynamics
Biomechanics Human Factors
Biomedical Engineering Education Imaging Systems
Biomedical Instrumentation & Sensors Instrumentation in Wildlife Management
Biophysics and Biochemistry Modeling of Physiological Systems
Biosignal Acquisition and Processing Neural Networks
Cardiovascular Mechanics Pharmacological Systems
Clinical Engineering Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Computer Applications in Medicine Rehabilitation and Prostheses
Ultrasound Instrumentation
Student Papers are Encouraged
Receipt of Abstract November 30, 1992
Notification of Acceptance December 30, 1992
Receipt of Completed Paper February 1, 1993
Abstracts of papers (including student papers), not to exceed 200
words (double- spaced) typed, should be submitted to the Program
Dr. John D. Enderle
Department of Electrical Engineering
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND 58105
VOICE: (701) 237-7689
FAX: (701) 237-8677
The abstract should describe the problem investigated, methods used
and results obtained. Final papers for publication in the Conference
Proceedings are limited to six (6) pages and will need to be submitted
in Camera Ready format on 81/2 x 11 inch paper.
Ned Danieley (
Basic Arrhythmia Laboratory
Box 3140, Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC 27710 (919) 660-5111 or 660-5100
From: (Ned Danieley)
Subject: Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium
Date: 29 Apr 92 21:04:35 GMT
Organization: Basic Arrhythmia Laboratory, Duke Univ. Med. Center, Durham, N.C.
Lines: 62
Originator: ndd@bal1
Announcement and Call for Papers
for the
30th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium
April 2-3, 1993 Holiday Inn Market Square, San Antonio, Texas
The RMBS has been held annually since 1964. Initially at sites in and
around the Rocky Mountain area, the conference has grown to become a
regional symposium with meeting sites throughout the entire midwest.
Although considered to be a regional conference, contributions and
attendees come from all parts of the United States, Canada, and the
world. Accepted papers are published in a nationally distributed
Conference Proceedings through the Instrument Society of America (ISA).
Topic Areas for Contributed Papers
Aerospace Medicine Health Care Delivery Systems
Biomaterials Hemodynamics
Biomechanics Human Factors
Biomedical Engineering Education Imaging Systems
Biomedical Instrumentation & Sensors Instrumentation in Wildlife Management
Biophysics and Biochemistry Modeling of Physiological Systems
Biosignal Acquisition and Processing Neural Networks
Cardiovascular Mechanics Pharmacological Systems
Clinical Engineering Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Computer Applications in Medicine Rehabilitation and Prostheses
Ultrasound Instrumentation
Student Papers are Encouraged
Receipt of Abstract November 30, 1992
Notification of Acceptance December 30, 1992
Receipt of Completed Paper February 1, 1993
Abstracts of papers (including student papers), not to exceed 200
words (double- spaced) typed, should be submitted to the Program
Dr. John D. Enderle
Department of Electrical Engineering
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND 58105
VOICE: (701) 237-7689
FAX: (701) 237-8677
The abstract should describe the problem investigated, methods used
and results obtained. Final papers for publication in the Conference
Proceedings are limited to six (6) pages and will need to be submitted
in Camera Ready format on 81/2 x 11 inch paper.
Ned Danieley (
Basic Arrhythmia Laboratory
Box 3140, Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC 27710 (919) 660-5111 or 660-5100