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Biomch-L files

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  • Biomch-L files

    Dear Biomch-L readers,

    In reply to Patrick Graham's query, it might be useful for our more recent
    subscribers to summarize the ListServer file retrieval options. Some
    "bootstrapping" information was sent by the ListServer to each new sub-
    scriber ...

    Requests of this kind must be sent to the ListServer, and *not* to Biomch-L.
    BITNET users can act interactively with LISTSERV@HEARN, and everyone can
    act in batch mode via email with LISTSERV@HEARN.BITNET or, for non-BITNET
    users on the Internet, UUCP/EUnet etc., with LISTSERV@NIC.SURFNET.NL. In
    email commands, the Subject: line is not relevant. BITNET users will re-
    ceive most replies as NETDATA files, others as Email notes. In interactive
    mode on BITNET, some replies will be sent back interactively, too.

    General ListServer operation and data:

    info genintro
    info ?
    list detailed
    list global

    Biomch-L information:

    review Biomch-L (countries
    index Biomch-L
    query Biomch-L
    send Biomch-L info
    send Biomch-L log9205
    send Biomch-L log9204
    send Biomch-L log8906

    International Society of Biomechanics information:

    send ISB info
    send TGCS info


    send ATTJOB TEX

    And some additional items. Only ASCII material is accomodated, some of
    which is in UUENCODEd form (a standard protocol for encoding binary data
    into ASCII files with less than 80 characters/line so that they can pass
    between networks; UUEN/DECODE utilities are also available). For complete
    information, see the file BIOMCH-L FILELIST, sent in reply to the "index
    Biomch-L" command.

    Furthermore, if you're interested in BITNET site information, it is useful to
    retrieve the summary list of nodes (more than 3500 lines) and site-specific
    details from NETSERV@HEARN.BITNET, aka NETSERV@NIC.SURFNET.NL, by sending in
    a similar manner

    send BITNET NODELST (N.B.: *not* NODELiST !)
    send NODENTRY bitnet_node (e.g., send NODENTRY HNYKUN53)

    N.B. Capitals have been used for clarity only; these commands are generally
    not case-sensitive. Lack of time (and motivation) prevent me from ex-
    plaining all these commands; fortunately, many of them are selfexplana-
    tory, and experience remains the ultimate teacher !

    With kind regards,

    Herman J. Woltring